Gutpunch 5: Naiads show the path to self fulfillment

Story by Mrachko on SoFurry

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#4 of Gutpunch

Another commission by

A wolf dragged himself through the streets. The town of Brin, although relatively small, had quickly increased its populace due to a boom in trade and the town itself made for an excellent middle stop for passing merchants from the East to the West and vice versa. As night was beginning to settle, the streets slowly filled with residents, heading home after a long day's work.

Passing the town square, the wolf turned in one of the alley ways, leading him to a small garden, surrounded by buildings. The wolf looked around, never quite exactly remembering the right entrance. He took a few steps to the left, then to the right and finally he saw the sign.

-Welcome to "Lariope's hidden sanctuary"! How may I be of service to you? - a pelican happily greeted the wolf as he walked through the door.

-Relax, Kri, it's just me.

-Raeder! How have you been? It's been a long time.

Raeder slowly walked through the hall towards the receptionist, observing the interior of the place.

-I see you've made some changes since the last time I was here...-he spoke with a low tone, preoccupied with looking at a marble fountain statue.

-You've noticed. - Kri giggled. - I hope it's to my favorite customer's liking. that an actual fountain?

-Do you like it?

-I don't...really get it...- Raeder scratched the back of his head.

The statue had a muscular goat-man, wielding a trident and stepping onto three horses, which spewed water from their mouth.

  • It's...-Kri turned towards the fountain. - I don't really know what it is either. The boss has been reading some strange books lately and ordered this special.

-Is it like a nightmare piece? - Raeder furrowed his brow and bent his neck to one side, trying to get a grasp on the form. - Seems very nightmarish...

-Listen. I don't get paid to say what things are. You aren't really a man of the arts either. - Kri said with a playful tone. - Let's get to the point. What can I do you for?

-You can do me however you like, I wouldn't really mind. - Raeder turned towards the pelican, letting out a cheeky smile.

-Oh, you tease. - Kri giggled. - Won't that precious little fox boy mind?

-Hey, what he doesn't know, won't hurt him.

Kri let out a slight chuckle, but Raeder still wore his crooked smile, making the pelican feel a bit uneasy.

-Aren't things going well with you two?

-Oh, they are...-Raeder's voice quitted down. - know...

-Raeder, not for nothing, but I wouldn't really want to get on a wizard's bad side.

-I know, I know. It was...just a joke...

-Mhm. - Kri leaned forward. - So what happened?

-Nothing's happened. - Raeder was quick to defend.

-I don't really buy it. Come on can tell me. - Kri nudged the wolf. -It's been a while since we've talked. Give me some details.

Raeder shuffled a bit, scratching his arm and slowly got closer to desk.

-Things are going good. - he said with an uneven tone. - He's just...

-Yeesss... - Kri motioned the wolf.

-He's been a bit distant, I guess. And...Is this a therapy session? What is this?

-Now, Raeder - Kri walked from behind his desk, gently grabbing the wolf by the arm and leading him to one of the chairs. - This is a place of healing...

-I thought it was a bath house.

-Shush. It's a place to heal your body and let your mind cool off.

-Are you sure about that? - Raeder scratched his chin as both of them sat.

-Sure I'm sure. A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body.

-Is that so?

-It's something the boss told us to say. I swear, he has an obsession with old books. - Kri drifted off a bit and quickly turned back to Raeder. - Tell me what's wrong?

Raeder clicked his tongue and stretched out on the chair, intertwining his fingers and letting them fall on his belly.

-He's been a bit distant. - Raeder thought for a moment. - It's like, he doesn't really notice me all that much as of late.


-Like...I know he's got the whole wizard thing and he has to study, but he's living in my house and he doesn't have a job and I pay for everything and... - Raeder puffed, unable to find words

-And you don't feel appreciated enough? - Kri chimed in.

-Yes! Exactly! When I get back home after a long shift, he barely gives me the time of day and he...well ignores me most of the time unless it's about sex.

-And how is the sex?

-Pff...mediocre... - Raeder slumped down in the chair. - Very mechanical. Almost no passion at all. Sometimes...I don't know...sometimes I wish I were a free man. You know? Like when we were younger, we'd go out with the gang and party. Meet new people. A new lover every night.

-You know we can still go out? Me, you, the gang.

-Yeah...-Raeder looked around the room. - I think it might be because he's younger, you know? He doesn't really understand what I put into our lives, you know?

-Were all your previous boyfriends older? - Kri leaned back.

-Yeah...I mean...he's seven years younger than me...and when I was his age I would date guys at least ten years older. At least. But I still respected them. And I would always care for them...

-Could you remind me... - Kri spoke with a gentle voice. long would a standard relationship of yours last?

-I don't really know...

-I don't think they were very long. Two months. Maybe three?

Raeder didn't answer.

-How long has this one been going?

-It's been almost a year now... - Raeder answered with a low and quiet voice.

-And you are his first boyfriend, right?


-So it's something new for the both of you, right?

-Yeah...- Raeder bit his thumb. - But...

-But? - Kri replied trying to make the wolf continue.

-But...well...he always says these weird, cryptic shit. He's a weird guy. It's one of the things that I love about him. But he's like...he can be extremely cold sometimes...

-Would you care to share?

-Well...- Raeder crossed his arms. - The other day we were talking, right? We just had sex and he was just staring at the ceiling. And I was...feeling a know... - Raeder shuffled in his seat. -...romantic I guess. Don't ask me why. I grabbed him by the hand and told him that...I don't know...I said that I wanted to spend an eternity with him. You know what he said?

Kri didn't answer and just looked at Raeder with an understanding gaze.

-He said..."Eternity is a great time to spend devoted to one idea." - Raeder bit upper lip. - What does that even mean?

-I've heard that wizards tend to be...odd. - Kri said. - That doesn't really mean he doesn't love you.

-It's not about that. He loves me. I love him. But...I don't know...I'm slowly starting to feel that maybe...this relationship has run its course.

-I see...

-He would say things like that all the time. One day we were having coffee and out of the blue, he just decided to say that...wizards are lonely birds, who see the two sides of the coin at the same time and that's why most of them can't build lasting relationships. I'm paraphrasing here.


-And I was taken aback. You don't just say things like that. And I decided to lighten up the mood. I said: "you'll be the first one.". He simple coughed a bit, without looking up from his coffee, got up from the table and said that he had to go to his lectures. What do you think of that?

-What do I think? - Kri scratched his chin. - I think...that maybe you should talk with him about it. Tell him how you fell and that maybe he should be more considerate.

-Pff...I once tried talking to him about it...


-He...I don't know what he did...he said weird shit about the state of being and how personal horizons and...I don't know...- Raeder bent down. - It isn't easy...

-Relationships never are. Maybe you are right. Maybe it has run its course. Maybe you should try talking to him again and make him see things your way. I can't really tell you what to do here. All I know is, that I am sure you will figure it out and do what is right.

-Heh...I guess...

-Now. - Kri slowly stood up. - Care to join me back at the desk?

Raeder smiled and followed the pelican back.

-What would you like tonight?

-Just a bath and a dip in the hot tub. I'm planning on going out tonight. Hitting the bars.

-Ah, so you have a date with your fox boy?

-No...not really... - Raeder scratched the back of his head. - I have a few night's off, but he's out of town in the forest somewhere.

Kri looked at him, squinting with one eye.

-Just a night out. Nothing more. - Raeder said, almost stumbling on his words.

-Right...- Kri replied slowly, opening a book in the process. - The baths are all available, but there's only one hot tub working in the moment and it's occupied.

-That's alright, I'm willing to share. - Raeder smiled. can ask the men in it if they are willing...

-There's one that one guy? - Raeder cocked an eyebrow. share the tub... - Kri finished his sentence. - I will charge you only for the bath, regardless if they are keen on you to join them or not. Think of it as paying you for that favor I owed you.

-I would very much appreciated it then. - Raeder smiled. - How much do I owe you?

-Three dreyguns. - Kri said as he wrote a receipt.

Raeder pulled out a satchel and counted the coins, placing them on the desk after singing in the book. Kri handed him a towel and Raeder walked towards the changing room.

-Raeder. - Kri said as the wolf was about to leave. - It's not really my business, even though we just talked about it. But don't do anything stupid, alright?

Raeder took a moment to consider it.

-Alright. - he answered.

-Alright? - Kri repeated himself.


-Alright. Go and wash.

The redecorations caught Raeder off guard as he trotted through the black and white tiled hall, decorated with paintings the likes he hadn't seen before, navigating the corners until he reached the changing room. After a quick change and a shower he headed to the central chamber of the bathhouse.

It was the same as he had remembered it - a relatively large room, with a few small pools located in different parts of the room. Even though only one of the tubs was heated, the room was heavy with hot fog. The wolf stepped through the mist, his breathing becoming heavier from the moisture. He could barely make out the silhouettes of the men bathing, but he could keenly hear two gruff voices discussing something.

-No, I'm not an everything boy. I do some reception work and clean up the place and help out whenever Brona says. I'm an assistant. - one of the figures said.

-It doesn't really sound like you. I know you well. That's not you.

-It's an easy job and it pays well.

-Excuse me. - Raeder spoke up as he stepped closer to the men. - Would you mind if I join you in there? The other tubs aren't working and I...ah fuck me...

-Raeder? - a ram stood turned towards the wolf. - Is that you?

-Hey, Tugg...-Raeder spoke with annoyance. -It's been a while...

-It really has been, hasn't it? - Tugg spoke slowly. - Well...don't just stand there! Jump in!

-I'd...really not want to intrude...

-Nonsense. You were just asking us if you could join.

-I really don't want to...-Raeder was cut off as Tugg grabbed him by the arm and pulled him in the pull.

It took a moment for Raeder to realize what was going on and quickly lifted his head out of the water, violent coughing and spitting.

-The fuck is wrong with you?! I could have drowned!

-One less leech on the world if you ask me! - Tugg laughed followed by his companion, a bear around the same age as Tugg.- You remember Muk, right?

-Heya, Raeder! - Muk waved at him. - It's been a while...

-Less than I would care for... - Raeder answered under his nose.

-Oh lighten up! - Tugg splashed the wolf with some water. - What brings you here at this time of day?

Raeder wiped his eyes and sat down on one of the steps of the pool.

-A quick bath. Some relaxation. I'm thinking of going to a bar later...

-Which bar? - Muk asked, his voice heavy from the air.

-I don't know.

-Come on, you've got to have some idea.

-I haven't decided yet. I'm not sure if I really want to go anywhere...

-You should try "The eagle eye". Great place. - Muk interjected quickly.

-I will consider it...

-Don't consider it. Just go there.

Raeder didn't answer. He leaned back to the wall and inhaled deeply. This was not what he wanted from the night, but it just might get him in the mood for a drink, however bitter it might be.

-So, Raeder. - Tugg began, disrupting Raeder's meditation. - You still working at "The pipe's den"?

-No...I got transferred to another place.

-What's it called? - Tugg asked with enthusiasm.

-"Black mask". You are very talkative tonight, aren't you? - Raeder asked with annoyance.

-You always get me on my bad days. - Tugg answered laughing.

-Which has been everyday to my knowledge.

-Every day is a bad day when you are around! - Tugg and Muk burst out laughing. - But seriously, kid, how have you been?

-Good. - Raeder answered with suspicion.

-How's that tummy of yours? - Tugg gently patted him on the belly, to which Raeder jumped to one side.

-What's wrong with you! -he hissed. - Don't you touch me!

-Heh...and here I thought you liked to be touched. - Tugg answered chuckling.

Raeder flinched away as both men laughed. He knew this was a bad idea, but now he felt committed to it and didn't have it in him to get out.

-What happened to your belly, Raeder? - Muk prodded. - Tell us!

-Leave the kid alone, Muk. - Tugg chimed in. - Your stressing him out.

-Why did you bring it up then? - Muk sulked in his seat. - No reason to bring up things I don't know if you ain't gonna tell me. That's just rude is what it is...

-Forgive, Muk. - Tugg turned to Raeder. - He's a bit...curious.

-Yeah...I remember... - Raeder murmured.

-I any case. Tell me about this black mask gig you've got going on. How's the work there?

-Good. - Raeder answered, still feeling uncomfortable towards Tugg's oddly cheerful demeanor.

-Anything else?

-It's a gay bar, Tugg. - Raeder answered.

-Ah. - Tugg replied. - Figures.

-You still doing the whole gay thing then? - Muk asked. - Doesn't seem right to me. It ain't a right thing.

-I'm sorry, Muk, but who asked you? - Raeder snapped.

-If you can be a queer, then I can say that I don't like you being a queer. - Muk retorted. - It's just fair. It's fair.

Tugg immediately grabbed Raeder's shoulder as he got up and pulled him down.

-Relax, boy. Ain't no insult intended. - Tugg said with a cheerful demeanor.

-Are you sure about that, Tugg? Because it seemed very insulting.

-Don't worry about it, kid. You might be a cock slurping faggot, but we still invited you to come in. - Tugg relaxed back. - Besides, he has a point, you know.

Raeder snarled and sat down, the sense of not being all that welcome rapidly growing on him.

-You still going out with that little fox boy? - Tugg broke the silence, turning to Raeder.

-Yeah. What's it to you?

-Just asking. Wasn't he a bit young for you?

Raeder didn't reply.

-He was a wizard, right?

-Really? A wizard? - Muk's interest peaked. - Never seen a wizard before. Not very common folk. Not very common at all.

-Yeah. He's a wizard. And he's younger. - Raeder murmured. -Don't see what the big deal is.

-Oh, nothing much. - Tugg shifted in his seat. -It's just...I don't know. Don't people look at you funny?

-How funny? - Raeder answered, eyes half closed.

-You know. Funny. - Tugg shrugged. - If I was your age and was going around with a gal so young, you bet your ass people would look at me funny.

-They don't. - Raeder replied coldly.

-You probably run in different circles then.

-Yeah. Most likely.

The statement remained up in the air as the whole group tried to relax once again. And the silence was once again broken by Muk.

-I heard wizards were weird. Is he weird?

Raeder gritted his teeth and straightened up.

-I wouldn't say he's weird, no.

-Huh...-Muk scratched the back of his head. - You said he's young. Maybe he hasn't gotten into the weird part of being a wizard.

-He's not weird, alright?

-I get that why he might be queer. - The bear continued, not really paying attention. - He's a wizard. A wizard might be queer. I get that. But you're a handsome wolf. Why are you queer?

-That's just how I am. - Raeder answered through gritted teeth.

-Doesn't make sense. Not much sense. - Muk shook his head. - You ever think that he might be using you?

-What do you mean "using me"? - Raeder answered, his left eye twitching.

-I don't know. Like using you. Heard wizards were weird. Not like us normal people. - Muk turned towards Raeder. - Well, you aren't normal. But you are more normal than a wizard. Normaler than a wizard.

-As I said. He isn't. Weird.

-Yeah, yeah. But maybe he's just acting not weird. Just doing his wizard things with you. And when he's tired of doing wizard things with you. Pfft! - Muk swooped his hand. - Gone.

-What exactly are you implying? - Raeder bent over.

-He isn't implying anything...-Tugg began.

-No, no, no. - Raeder cut him off. - Let him finish. What are you implying, Muk?

-Come on. You know what I mean.

-No. I'm afraid I don't. Please. Enlighten me. - Raeder waved his hand invitingly.

-Well...wizards are weird...

-He's not weird. - Raeder cut him off.

-Alright. - Muk conceded. - He's not weird. But all you hear is talk about how wizards are weird. They live alone, barely any contact with anyone. Never seen a wizard before. You're the first person I've met who's met a wizard. So, I don't know, maybe he just might be using you for something.

-Explain. - Raeder tried to sound calm, but his annoyance was caught by Tugg.

Tugg decided not to intervene. He too was interested in where Muk was going with this.

-You live together, right? And he's young. Maybe he doesn't have anywhere else to stay. Maybe he can't get a job and can't buy food. So he's acting normal. And when he finds someplace other to stay and get money he just might...pfft! - Again Muk swooped his hand.

-What is this? What is this "pfft"? - Raeder imitated him. - You saying he's gonna leave?

-Hey. Your words. Not mine. - The bear leaned back. - Awful thing to do. Awful thing. Even if you're a faggot.

-For Crom's sake. - Raeder stood up and motioned to get out of the tub.

-Sit your ass down, Raeder. - Tugg said, leaned back, eyes half closed.

-No, I won't sit down, Tugg! - Raeder yelled out. - I came here to take a bath and relax. Not to be insulted by an old geezer who can't take a hint!

-Hey. - Muk spoke.

-Shush you. - Tugg said to Muk and turned back to Raeder. - What seems to be the problem? Is it because we are discussing your fox boy?

-Yes, it's because you are discussing my "fox boy"! You can't just go around calling people weird and insinuating that they are some kind and emotional leech!

-I didn't say that. - Muk spoke.

-Quiet, you. - Tugg turned to Muk and back to Raeder. - He never said that.

-It was heavily implied!

-The financial part. Sure. - Tugg shrugged. - The emotional part. Not so much.

-Well...I...-Raeder trailed off, still angry but now unsure at what exactly.

-Listen. Raeder. I'm here to relax too. And I think I'm doing a good job. So, calm down and sit your ass back here. We'll forget this whole thing ever happened. Alright?

-I...pff..fine. - Raeder conceded and threw himself back in the tub. - Just don' about this, alright? I'm this close!

-Fine. Fine. - Tugg tried to relax once again and leaned back. - But seriously, the guy is weird.

-The fuck did I just say, Tugg?! - the wolf yelled out.

-I'm sorry. - Tugg turned his head towards the wolf. - Did you forget the whole belly fiasco?

-What's the belly fiasco? - Muk's eye lid up.

-A week ago, this guy here came to the Brona looking for a way to lift some charm his boyfriend cast on him.

-He uses you for his weird experiments? - Muk clicked his tongue and disapprovingly shook his head.- That ain't right. Even for a faggot. That ain't right.

-What the actual fuck, Tugg?! - Raeder turned towards the ram. - What happened to the confidentiality?

-Relax, why don't ya. You're alright now, right? - Tugg gently patted him on the belly.

-Don't you fucking dare touch me! - Raeder growled. - Later that day I woke up butt-naked in the middle of an alley!

-I thought that was normal for your kind. - Tugg answered, not completely paying attention.

-What did he do to you, Raeder? - Muk spoke up.

-N-nothing. Nothing that couldn't be fixed.

-He softened up his belly is what he did. - Tugg said nonchalantly.

-What the fuck's your problem?

-That ain't right. - Muk said. - Doing that to a man. That ain't right. He's a weird guy.

-He isn't! Weird! - Raeder yelled out.

-Be honest, Raeder. He's kinda weird.

-No! He isn't! - Raeder growled. - He's a perfectly normal, functioning person, who loves me very much and isn't just using me as a fucking guinea pig!

Tugg looked up and down at the wolf.

-You trying to convince us or yourself there, bucko? - Tugg said calmly.

-Is this a fucking joke to you? - Raeder snapped. - Cuz I ain't laughing.

-The guy is weird and he cursed you for his own amusement. Sit down and take it like a man. Although I think it might mean something else to you.

-Do you wanna get punched? Is that it?

-Boy. - Tugg said with a bit more of severalty in his tone. -You even try to punch me you can kiss your teeth goodbye. You could ask the fox boy to magic you up some new ones, but they'll probably be made of jelly or something.

-Just one more fucking word... - Raeder extended his finger. - ...and I will fucking drown you. Right here. In this tub.

Tugg furrowed his brow and straightened up.

-First off - the moment you touch my head I will rip off your cock and shove it so deep in your ass it will tickled your tonsils. Second. Are you, truthfully and honestly, trying to tell me that you are defending that guy after what he did to you?

-It was a damn fucking mistake! He didn't mean it!

-So you are saying...-Tugg scratched his chin. -...that he mistakenly magiced your gut to be softer than a cloud...

-Yes! For fuck's sake! Why is that so hard to understand?

-And he didn't make you better?

-He didn't know fucking how! - Raeder, at the brink of pouncing at Tugg, yelled out.

-You sure about that? - Tugg asked, cocking his head to one side. - I mean if I make something. And it doesn't work. I can figure out why it doesn't work. Or I can disassemble it if I want to. You get me?

-It's. Fucking. Magic. It's not some goddamn...table! You don't just flip it around, cut a bit here and there and presto! Everything's alright!

-Hm...-Tugg snorted and turned away. - Whatever you say...

-I wanted it! - Raeder continued rambling. - He offered it! I wanted it! Is it that hard to get it through your thick skull?!

-Whatever you say...-Tugg said, not really paying attention anymore.-He fucked your gut up and left you to sort the problem out yourself. Whatever.

-You''re trying to get a rise out of me, aren't you? - Raeder snarled. -That's what you're doing, isn't it?

-Listen. - Tugg sighed.- I'm here to relax. It's not my fault your faggot ass can't see it's been taken advantage of. Soft in the belly. Soft in the head.

Raeder clicked his tongue.

-Right. That's it. Get up.

-What? - Tugg shuffled in his place.

-Get up. We're doing this. - Raeder stood up, fist clenched and on guard. - I'm sick of your shit. I'll knock some sense into you.

Tugg chuckled as he stood up. He crossed his arms and eyed the naked wolf from top to bottom.

-You sure you can take me, boy? With that weak belly of yours?

-Fine! Let's hit each other in the gut! Whatever you choose, old man!

-What you mean "hit each other in the gut"? - Muk finally spoke up. - You want to see who can take more punches?

-Yeah! Sure! Whatever! - Raeder turned around in frustration and got out of the tub. -Let's hit each other in the gut and see who can last longer!

-He's taking this to heart isn't he? - Muk turned to Tugg.

-Seems like it.

-That's not very smart of him. Not very smart.

-Hello? We doing this, Tugg, or what? - Raeder asked as he got to the center of the chamber.

Tugg sighed and got out of the tub.

-Guess I should knock some sense into him. How do you want to do this, fag boy?

-You hit me. I hit you. Whoever falls to the ground first, loses. Sound simple enough?

-Sure. Whatever calms your ass down.

Tugg cracked his knuckles and in a second delivered a punch right into Raeder's abdomen. He pulled his fist back and the wolf immediately clenched his gut as a stream of air went out his mouth.

-Your turn, I guess. - Tugg spoke puffing out his chest.

-You...fucking...-Raeder barely managed to spit out in between wheezes.

It took the wolf about half a minute to regain his composure, all the while huffing and puffing, barely managing to straighten up. When he was ready, he loosened up his wrists and delivered a hit onto his opponent. Tugg let out low roar and flinched forward, but managed to hold his posture.

-That's a mighty fine stance. Mighty fine. - Muk commented as he got closer to the pair.

-Either that or he hits for shit. - Tugg chuckled and turned towards the wolf. - What's the matter Raeder? Didn't bring your A-game? Or you're just not that good at it?

-Fuck off. - Raeder hissed, getting ready for Tugg's attack. - I haven't warmed up yet.

-Sure. Sure. - Tugg said dismissively. - How did you even get a job as a bouncer again?

-Maybe faggots are easier to beat up? - Muk laughed.

-Yeah. That. Or maybe he sucked off the owner. - Tugg took a quick glance at the wolf. - Is that it, boy? You sucked off your boss to get a job?

-Shut up. - Raeder growled behind gritted teeth.

-It's alright. We won't tell your fox boy. Who knows what he might do if he knew!

-The boss is a woman. - Raeder spat out.

-Well. Didn't know you had it in you to eat out a woman! - Tugg laughed again.

-I told ya, Raeder. That fox boy's just messing with ya. You ain't gay. He just makes you believe you're gay. Very sickening. Very deplorable. - Muk shook his head, arms crossed.

-I didn't eat her out! - Raeder yelled out.

-Whatever you say, unicorn. - Tugg said and slammed his fist into Raeder.

The blow pushed the wolf back a bit. Raeder once again clenched his abdomen. He curled up into a ball and his knees bent forward, but he managed to stay on his feet. In one fell swoop his air supply was lost, as he gave out powerful puff at the moment of impact. He blinked furiously, unable to focus on anything as he jaw dropped open. He tried to inhale, but his body didn't let him, the air in the bathhouse still steamy and warm. Each inhale was like gulping down a cup of water.

-That boy won't last long, Tugg. - Muk commented as he watched Raeder struggle to keep on his feet. - Don't be too rough on him now. He's a good boy. Just confused.

-Wizards. - Tugg turned to Muk and shrugged. - Am I right?

-Damn right. - Muk looked at the ram. - Damn right for sure.

-I'm not...fucking...confused...-Raeder barely managed to say in between heavy pants. -Fuck...the both...of you...

-Relax, kiddo. - Tugg said with a happy demeanor as he walked up to the wolf and slapped him on the back. -It's all in good fun!

The wolf, still curled up, eyed Tugg with anger and trying to catch the ram off guard, sunk his fist in his opponent's torso. Tugg curled up, releasing a steady stream of air, his lips puffing out in a perfect "O" shape. Although shaken, the ramen managed to remain in his place. He quickly recovered as he straightened up.

-Good punch. - Tugg said, still taking quick and heavy breathes. - Good punch for a queer. gasped. - You...ain' me...

-Yeah...well...-Tugg scratched his nose, his breathing now almost normal. - Fuck you.

With a powerful thwack, the ram slammed is fist in Raeder's belly. The wolf's eyes grew wide and his body was quickly deprived of all its air, leaving his mouth hanging open. Tugg retracted his fist and Raeder slammed on the ground, the sound of his wet flesh hitting the tiled floor echoing through the chamber. Raeder curled up in a fetal position, a high pitched wheezing emitting from his throat as he tried and failed to breathe. A small pool of saliva formed around his muzzle as his vision slowly got blurry and his arms gave out, flopping to his side.

-Damn, Tugg. - Muk looked over the wolf. - I think you killed him.

-Nah. He's gotten worse. Trust me on that.


-At Brona's place, he went out cold. He's still with us, aren't ya, boy?

An unintelligible, rough growl was heard as Raeder slowly turned his head.

-Good on ya. - with a smile Tugg gently slapped the wolf's cheek. - You're lucky you caught me in a good mood. But then again, this place really does wonders for me.

-How's that? - Muk spoke up, behind the ram.

-It's calming. It's soothing. Honestly, if I could, I would live here.

-Can't you ask for a job here? - Muk said as the pair directed themselves towards the exit.

-Yeah. Might ask if they need a bouncer.

-Or an assistant. - Muk laughed.

-I told you, it's a responsible job.

-I'm sure it is. Sure it is. - Mukk chuckled. - Better than a wizard's guinea pig for sure.

-Oh yeah. Horrible what that boy got himself into. - Tugg shook his head. - Who knew things were like that for him.

-Damn shame. Damn shame.

-Wait. You hear that?

The pair turned around to see a limping Raeder trying to run up towards them. Although barely managing to stand, they were surprised at how fast he managed to close the distance between them. The wolf tried to throw a punch at Tugg, but missed by a long shot.

-Relax, kid. It's over. You lost.

-Don' breathing still uneven and heavy, Raeder barely managed to say as he threw another punch at Tugg.

-Wow there! - Tugg stepped back, the slow punch barely missing him this time. - Simmer down, Raeder. wolf answered, this time managing to hit Tugg's chest, although it was more like a tap than an actual attack.

-That's it. - Tugg said, more out of pride than anything else as he grabbed Raeder by one shoulder.

The ram pushed Raeder to the wall, the wolf not really managing to do anything about it, his body almost completely limp.

-Learn your place, ace. - Tugg said.

He threw a series of punches. Although not as powerful as the ones during their little competition, they were more than enough to completely subjugate the wolf. His already tenderized abdomen completely caved it, each punch doing more damage than the last. With each hit, Raeder puffed out more and more of his air out, until finally he was completely breathless once again, the only thing coming out of his hanging jaw being strands of saliva and a low gurgling noise.

-Muk. Get over here, will ya? - Tugg yelled out, giving Raeder a moment to fall to the floor and curl up. - Help me with this.

Both men each grabbed Raeder by the shoulder and lifted them up. With a speechless nod, the both rammed their fist into the wolf's gut, the little bit of hot air which he managed to inhale on the floor now completely gone as his throat droned a raspy current.

The pair turned their fists and Raeder's low drone turned into a guttural belch. After another nod, Tugg and Muk forced their fists upward, managing to lift up the wolf. His feet started waving back and forth, his nails scratching the tiles. He tried to push himself up, but his hands could barely hold him and he dropped himself again on the fists. After a few seconds, his eyes started slowly crossing, as his entire body fell limp onto the fist-obelisk with a steady fall of drool covering both men's arms.

At the same time, the pair retracted their fists and the wolf smacking on the ground, unmoving. Muk looked over him and gently pushed him with his foot.

-I think he's dead.

-He's not dead. -Tugg retorted. - He does that sometimes.


Tugg shrugged. Muk prodded the wolf once again and there was a violent inhale of air as Raeder opened his eyes and curled up after which he once again collapsed.

-Damn. - Muk said turning around. - We really roughed him, didn't we?

-He's a stupid kid. - Tugg snapped. - He needs to learn this.

-Mm...-Muk murmured. - You think he's sick his fox boy on us?

-Doubt it. If he mentions this whole thing, that queer wizard just might laugh at him.

-Guess you're right. Poor kid. - Muk shook his head as the men exited the chamber. - Damn shame. Damn shame.