
**Purge** Story copyright Lobito (2003). Written as part of an art exchange for KamiCheetah. Kami, Gardia, etc. etc. are intellectual property of KamiCheetah. The tranquility of the forest was an intense relief after the day she'd had,...

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Through the Eyes of the Forgotten

Through the eyes of the forgotten By MarterFrostFox Side notes: ~~~~ (no space is a period of time that jumps in the future) ~ ~ ~ ~ (with space is a flashback) italics are for thoughts. Parenthesis are for side notes and little things. ...

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On a normal (if such a word applies to anything) Tuesday in Hell, the Devil was doing paperwork as usual. And bitching about it, as usual. However, his attention was soon diverted by the sudden apparation of someone in the room. "What in the...?"...

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Solar Winds

Solaris carried Mimi through the crowded streets. Anyone unfortunate enough to so much as graze her footpaw got knocked through a wall. He was REALLY not in the mood for anything right now. He managed to find her home by scent, and walked up to the...

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OutFoxxed!! - Part 2

== OUTFOXXED: By that demon over there (PART 1)================== DISCLAIMER: Do you really want me to go thought all that legal stuff. Nah I didn't think so. So the following is yours to enjoy and comment on, and mine for everything else. ...

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A Dragon needs...

A Dragon needs... by Archie Pelago A dragon needs a human princess in its lair. Not even the armor-clad, horse-mounted knight who approached the ancient castle ruins knew why. The ruins were mossy and crumbled, ravaged by time...

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Conquering the Black Seas

The storm that racked the Black Water Seas sent waves rushing up the white cliffs that ringed the churning waters. There were caves that dotted these white cliffs, where the amphibious creatures of the waters could go without going into more...

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a poem for sass

one fine but dark evening i saw her across the way she was sitting with another man but she glanced my way such a sight breath taking and indescribable he had his arm around her waist and her hand on his leg they where happy and they where in love for...

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August 3: A Junior and His Senior

"okay, so that's one beef curry mild, one tonkatsu curry spicy, and one seafood curry mild. would there be any more?" the three of us looked at each other and agreed that that was all we were getting.


A Burning Tale Begins

 Well this is a new story of mine, I'm putting it up mainly on my FA page here: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bluewolf587/ please watch me there for more of it as it comes along. Please read and enjoy it and hopefully I'll have...

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RJ's Adventure - Chapter 3: A New Rival

Legal Stuff: I do not own Pokémon or anything from, never have, never will, all characters in this story are my original characters, any similarities to anything is strictly coincidental. (Pokémon speak) _Character thought_ xXx = scene transition ...

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Set Me Free ch 6

Set Me Free! by Winter 6 The next day was beyond routine; it was downright boring. There's never been much crime in our district, but that day it was raining heavily, a cold rain predicting the full onset of autumn. Whoever had foul play in...

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