Patrica's Apprentice (Various TFs) [TRADE]

His manhood vanished down there leaving him a female bear. "i needed to be a beaver, not a girl!" bill shouted at hikaru. "s-sorry! mix up between customers. one second!"

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Invention of the Week 5: Materiality Bra (Preg TG)

Dave's hips and rear both pushed outward as well as a bushy tail while womanhood found itself replacing his manhood. his, or rather her waist narrowed while her breasts grew outward, more than they normally would as the lactation began.

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The Costume of True Desires (Krystal TF TG)

As he was walking, his manhood shrank back into his, leaving him with womanhood down there. richard's core hardened as it took feminine proportions.

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Unintentional Escape (Astro Kitty TF/TG)

Kevin's manhood shrunk into his body, and felt it move to both sides of his body, becoming the things a female needs, leaving only a feminine slit behind.

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Berries for Two (Gardevoir TF Story)

However before he had anymore to celebrate the growth of his gown with gallade his manhood regressed and was replaced with woman hood including a more feminine voice. "well it looks like we can't call me sven huh?" she said while laughing.

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Patricia's Potion Shop: 8th Customer (Gryhpon TF/TG)

A thin tail formed behind him as his manhood left him. two decently sized breasts formed at his -now her- chest as the changes finished.

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Lookin' Tough! (Anthro Pokemon TF/TGs) [COLLAB]

He felt his manhood vanish being replaced with womanhood. tristan's body shrank down vastly, her pants too large for her falling off completely, but her now very over-sized shirt became almost as big as her body.

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New Employees (Wave the Swallow TG) [COMMISSION]

At his crotch, leroy felt a strange sensation as his manhood slowly retracted into him. on the outside only a slit remained while leroy's insides morphed until they were appropriate for his, or now, her sex.

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Mystic Sword (Fidget and Dust TF/TG)

Underneath the fur, joseph's manhood leaves him, leaving himself as the other gender. white fur begins to grow there and goes up her torso and the front of her neck. orange fur surrounds it as white spots form on her hips.

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He used a single hand to untie the belt and move the robe to the side, his other hand lifting his manhood out of the soft cotton boxers. he let out a soft moan as he relieved himself. it didn't take him long, but it was needed.

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Fireteam 404, Sunday 14th October(Chapter two)

She was also a very good kick box and would easily beat me in a fight not that i would take her on because i value me manhood quite highly. she finished reading the report and dropped it on the table then folded her arms.

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Patricia's Potion Shop: 10th Customer (Dog TF/TG)

He looked down and saw two mounds forming on his chest, forming a set of breasts while his manhood faded away. tate's tail became much shorter, more like a small nub and became the same brown as her fur, now a full doberman anthro.

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