Windows to the Soul - chap. 9-10 - by Skyfox

Just as a small electric magnetic field will give it energy, a large burst of magnetic energy may destroy it." sarah thought briefly and said, "the bomb doesn't have to actually hit their ships.

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Walls: Reboot 1 - The Ring

"we _were_ also trying to escape the nanite plague," i said, and lowered my legs to the floor as the magnetic clamps engaged once more.

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Captain T’rch’x H’li’son, first adventure

He asked as they walked the doctor gesturing to the lab, again "electromagnetic department, or in simple terms railgun technology, but a new kind of tech, he was able to effect any element with that magnet, didn't have to be magnetic, can you imagine the implications

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Burning Bridges

Another dance with the enemy inside lock you out and never feel again grinding the gears until they break hold it in and let it consume fake the smile and deny nothing is wrong the bomb ticks away counting down the time of losing my sanity through the magnetic


Master's Favorite Ch. 2

The mongoose stared back, the cobra's gaze like a magnet to his own. he felt transfixed, as if the reptile's stare paralyzed every muscle in his body, only allowing zander to move if the master so wished it.

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Future Vision: Chapter 2

Magneton was an extremely magnetic metal, which when electrically charge became stronger.

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Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate

I mean, it's a series of electromagnets creating a magnetic current around the ship. not a magnetic field, but a current of changing fields, and that slows the ship down. our ship is still fifteenth fastest, and that's a title i'm okay with.


Innovation - 2 + 3, Weapon + Indefinite Motor

It all hooked up to a series of magnets. power one part of the ring, it sends a pulse around and around the circuit.


Mizalin-on-Sky: Hot Spring Soak

Now that she had removed the magnetic collar, jarzyl could feel her internal compass tremble and occasionally deviate from true magnetic north as it was disrupted by the tangled magnetic fields of the floating mountains.

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Here, Fishy Fishy!

** by: dankedonuts []( above... the freezing vacuum of space, relentless solar winds, and brutal magnetic storms.

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To A Human World

They discovered an odd rock called a magnet that links to metals- basically they drill magnets into the bottom of the hoof that just stay there permanently, and then you can link whatever solid shoe you want and the magnet holds it in place- so its sort of

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visitors a little over their welcome

Flipping another a magnetic whirring noise came and went. turning to face my left sat the big dog and his sick looking mate both also looking quite confused, then to my right i saw analla looking around nonchalantly scoping the bridge.

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