A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 14 -A Fiery Interlude-
The dragon just waited there....hovering while he flapped his wings...gazing at the landscape as if looking for something....then with a loud, ferocious roar, he let a jet of crimson red flame burst from his maw, setting the entire, beautiful landscape
Caldo Tomate and the Golden Bouillon - A Silverplate Story
Up away from the desert it spies a landscape brought to life. it sees, unknowing, the creeping figures approaching the camp, readying to ambush the old jerky, and indifferently flies on toward home.
Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 2
The road curved along the hilly landscape allowing the two vulpkin views of shallow valleys and small creeks.
The Scout
The power flowing through the landscape was evident, and she was among the gifted few able to tap into it.
(Question) Why Are There Different Art Styles?
There aren't any animals, people, or even landscapes. this type of art is kind of hard to understand due to its unfamiliarity and can sometimes not even be made to look like anything.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 46: Achieve
It was a landscape of the curtain, a landscape of easy waves and vibrations among the waves. through the doors of my mind, i drifted over the landscape of the curtain. where was i again? wasn't i doing something? someone wasn't with me?
JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 2 - Benji
- Chapter 2: BENJI - A bleak sun was rising in the northeast, heavy fog lied over the surrounding forest, in the distance, a train whistle could he heard and in the forest, a confused black Labrador was hiding behind a bush. _What on earth was...
Brit n’ Blue – Chapter 2: Tales to Tell
Once the tent was fully secured brit invited blu inside and followed in behind him, the interior was relatively homely with drawings of bright skies and a luscious landscape creating a peaceful background in which to gaze upon whilst sat inside the tent.
D.E1 Chapter 12: The Blue Comet Part 2
The minutes flew by as we once again admired this magnificent landscape. before we knew it, we had reached the place that we were given on our maps. our first landing procedure in foreign ground was about to happen.
Kaiju Chaos; Manual.
Amanus: a western region of the asteria, the region looks like japan in its old warring eras, complete with tall tower-like castles and temples all around, not to mention the beautiful landscape.
Memories die slower
How the landscape changed during the turning of seasons. i managed to survive on my own and so i grew a confidence and self-awareness i never knew before.
The water-surface rippled only slightly, the reflection of the rising sun barely distorted, the landscape surrounding the lake, and the trees that bathed in the warm sunlight.