(Question) Why Are There Different Art Styles?

Story by Lon3Wolf65 on SoFurry

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#1 of Questions

Just something I did on FA, so I thought I should post it here, so you can get the most shduphs! This was really fun to write /and/ it's really quite humbling for me. Let me know what you think in the thingamadoohickie!

This is my character Kerl Eastwood as drawn by Electrocat (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8548718/) and this is the same character as drawn by GlowBro (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11351690/). One can't help but think, "Wow, those are some contrasting art styles!" But why are they different? Why aren't they the same, just different artists drawing them? TO THE INTERNET!!!

To start, the different actual art styles need to be looked at, where ThinkQuest.org helps out with their list of art styles. Abstract art don't really have any familiarity to them. There aren't any animals, people, or even landscapes. This type of art is kind of hard to understand due to its unfamiliarity and can sometimes not even be made to look like anything. "They mainly used color and shape in their paintings to show emotions." Some people may draw this way because of how hard it is to recreate the same art on accident, and that can bring out a sense of uniqueness and originality.

Expressionism is an art style where, instead of trying to make something unique, the artist tries to display their feelings. You see this all the time in vent art, where the artist is trying to show their frustration or sadness to help get rid of it.

Impressionism is a nice, quick art style that was developed during the late 19th and 20thcentury in France. They had strong colors, but didn't have an extreme amount of detail. They generally are landscapes and such, and were meant to seem like they "shimmered". Raccoonwolf (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/racoonwolf/) uses this art style and it looks awesome.

Realism is, well, what it sounds like. It "shows things exactly as they appear in life." A great example is Vantid's Immerse Yourself (). It is simply amazing.

Pointillism is by far the most impressive, and is a metric crap ton dots, all colored so that when viewed from far away, they all came together to create one picture. The most common example is A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte made by Georges Seurat. People have seen this countless times in art classes, and is 81 inches high by 121 inches long. It took over two whole years just to make it. This is where we start to find some answers to our question.

Why would someone spend two years creating this picture when they could make a quick impressionism style that would take only a few days, at the most? Well, it all comes down to it being personal.

When I did the thumbnail for my story For Hire (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7869282/), I first drew out the skyline and hills, and then colored it in with pen. It took almost an entire school year to do it, but why pen? Why not use Sharpies or paint it in during art class? Well, I was curious about how it would look if I did it with pen, and then it started being a project for me to work on. It became one of my few artworks that I'm actually proud of; both because it took a long time to do, and also because I put my time into it. It means something to me. And that's what happened to Georges. His painting meant something to him, so he kept on making it. Now, as to why he started with that art style, it was probably because of how he learned to draw.

Now, I'm not saying that we draw how we started drawing when we were kids. Some of us want to try new things or follow in someone's footsteps. But when it comes to EC (Electrocat), she probably uses her art style because it's fast. And trust me, it's fast. But Nut-Case, on the other hand, takes longer to draw it, which kind of shows a bit more intimacy with her art, or that it means something to her. And here we find that phrase again, "it means something".

Some people draw because it's fun, but others draw because it, once again, means something to them. And this is why there are different art styles. Different things have different meanings to different people. To Electrocat, that quick, impressionist style of art holds meaning to her. What it is, I don't know. Meanwhile, with GlowBro, that wide-eared style means something to him. And the anime style that Nut-Case uses means something to her as well.

This holds true in everything. Whether it's art, stories, music, even video games, people have different styles because they care for certain things. I can't draw characters for the life of me, but I can write, and boy, do I like to write like Vsauce talks. This is Kerl, Lon3, or the Lonely Can signing off. And thank you for reading this.