Better Angels part 1
The boar took a breath and searched jack's face, stopping at jack's heterchromatic blue and gold eyes. "and you have your mother's eyes, lance jack."
Broken Frost
jack adds as a lone tear falls down his cheek. "jack, jack? oh there you are." a man dressed in a red suit says as he walks over to jack.
Life in Yiggow Chapter 2
jack wasn't your normal dairy cow though he looked like a huge muscular bovine. jack looked like he could kick your ass as soon as look at ya. but in reality jack was a softy underneath.
The Biggest Predator Ever!
Aren grabs jack's paw and brings it to his face. he licks between each digit, but jack wiggles free and wipes his paw on aren's belly. "goooooob! wah is the biggest pred!" jack rubs over his paunch belly.
A New Life: Part 2- You're My Hero
jack smiled and replied, "guess so." after a few moments of silence jack asked, "so what is your next class?" amber looked at him and smiled, "whatever yours is." jack gave her a quizzical look and asked, "why's that?"
," the bartender asked as he slid a beer down to jack "i don't know........," jack said, "all i know is that my name is jack western and i woke up in a dry, hot ditch three days ago."
Dusk Ch. 1 Reunion
_" jeager sneered in jack's about a mood killer, but jack ignored the comment. however, he ended up doing what jeager encouraged. slowly, jack and leena shared their first kiss.
Abducted by 'The Dino's': chapter 2 A New Bounty
Obeying jacks command rex let go of jacks feet and jack landed on rex's tongue and as soon as rex felt jack on his tongue he snapped his jaws shut, encasing jack in darkness.
First Time's The Charm
They followed jack into the living room and took a seat on the big sofa. "so, jack, this is kieran." kieran offered his hand and jack shook it. "nice to meet you." jack said, smiling. "you too." kieran smiled wider.
Cavernous Storybook CH9: The Game Of Fame
Mahin asked jack sarcastically. "please tell me you're _not._" "_oh, yes!_" jack grinned. _"_yes, i am!"
Doctor Wot- The Furry Earth part four (conclusion)
jack stared at the needle & the saviour walked towards the bed & noticed jack's stare & smiled "trust me jack, i know what i'm doing" the saviour said before removing the vixen's shirt.
Beware of Cougars!!
Star knows that if jack needed information he could simply use his dark tech that jack keeps in his own bag.