The Biggest Predator Ever!
Aren gets a new magazine in the mail that'll determine who the biggest predator is between him and Jack.
A commission for jacktheredpanda over on FA
I can't thank Jack enough for supporting me and giving me this idea ^^ Thank you so much!
Jack © jacktheredpanda
Aren and story © Me
Hey, I got it!
Got what?
The magazine that'll tell us which is the better pred!
Oh, man! Those are legit! I'm on my way!
Aren hangs up his phone and slides it into his pocket. He opens the magazine to the centerfold. He pulls out a large picture of a griffin with a big, squirming belly. "Are you a big, bad predator?!" sprawled across said belly. Aren opens the picture again to reveal a questionnaire with five questions in total.
Not soon after, a loud banging came from his front door. He opens it to find a red panda that is roughly one foot shorter than him. "Jack! That was quick."
"Goob, I've been waiting for this magazine edition for DAYS after I saw that griffin preview picture." Jack nudges his way past his white tiger friend and nabs the magazine. He closes the question portion of the picture and admires the griffin. "Oh, this is better than seeing it in digital form!"
"Hey, come on, let's do the quiz! I bet I'm a bigger pred than you!" Aren snatches the magazine back and opens the picture.
"Goob wishes! What's the first question?"
"Well, the answers are yes and no, so this will be easy for both of us." Aren sticks his tongue out and smiles.
"Bah! What's the first question?"
Aren chuckles. "Okay, do you eat humanoids?" Aren nods in for his answer.
"Gooooob! Is that the first question?" Aren nods again. "You know my answer, yes."
"Okay, next question. Do you find pleasure in eating your prey?"
"Wah does!"
"I do too." Aren rubs the back of his head. "It looks like the rest of my answers for the next questions are all gonna be yes. Would you like to see the rest?"
Jack extends his arm and Aren places the magazine in the red panda's paws. Jack looks over the questions and starts laughing. His laughs get louder once and then a second time. He throws the magazine to the ground and stands on Aren's coffee table. "Wah is the biggest predator ever!"
Aren crosses his arms and taps his forearm. "First, get off my coffee table. Second, I answered yes to all of those questions too."
Jack steps off the coffee table and approaches Aren. "Goob wishes you were the biggest predator ever." The red panda pokes Aren's stomach. Based on height alone, normal people would suspect Aren being a bigger pred than Jack just because the white tiger is two heads taller than the red panda. "Your stomach is too small to contain me."
"Wanna bet?" Aren grabs Jack's paw and brings it to his face. He licks between each digit, but Jack wiggles free and wipes his paw on Aren's belly.
"Goooooob! Wah is the biggest pred!" Jack rubs over his paunch belly. "This is where you belong."
Aren crosses his arms and scoffs. "You wish." Aren turns his head away from the red panda, but that's all Jack needs. Jack runs at Aren and tackles him! The red panda sits on the white tiger's stomach, pinning him. "How are you so heavy?"
"Because I'm the biggest predator." Jack doesn't wait for a response from Aren as he shoves the white tiger's head into his mouth. Jack licks over Aren's head while the tiger beneath him tries to escape. The angle Aren is in makes it difficult to get away from the red panda as Jack swallows down Aren's head and welcomes in his shoulders.
Jack stands up from Aren's body and disrobes the tiger. The red panda knows clothes ruin the flavor of his prey and would prefer to taste the cookies and cream flavored tiger without articles of clothing in the way. Aren wiggles about as Jack pulls in more of the tiger's body into his own, swallowing down his shoulders and welcoming in his chest.
Jack licks over Aren's pecs, teasing the white tiger inside. Aren wiggles more as his pecs are licked. His body, however, reacts positively to the licks and starts purring. Jack smiles around Aren's chest as he swallows it down and licks over the white tiger's stomach.
Aren kicks his legs and laughs as his stomach is being licked. Meanwhile, his head presses into Jack's stomach opening, welcoming the large meal into the red panda. Jack flips over and looks down at his expanding stomach. He reaches forward and rubs it.
Feeling his head being squished in the chamber, Aren pushes his head against Jack's paws. Jack responds by rubbing his stomach more and swallows more of the white tiger down, bulging out his stomach as it accepts Aren's shoulders. Aren's body pushes more into the red panda's stomach, stretching it out to accept more of the white tiger.
Jack sits up as he watches his stomach expand and Aren's legs kick in the air. Aren's feeble attempts to escape are in vain as he soon realizes he can't grip on anything with his feet dangling in the air. Jack swallows down his hips and welcomes in his thighs.
Inside, Jack's swallows push Aren deeper, forcing the tiger to start curling up within. Aren stops kicking the air as Jack slurps up the remaining bits of Aren's body, swallowing the tiger down and joining him in his stomach.
Jack pushes Aren's body down into his stomach fully. Aren presses against the stomach walls containing him. "Let me out, Jack!"
"Aww, what's wrong, food?" Jack rubs the sides of his large stomach. He giggles as he watches Aren struggle against his stomach.
"I am not food! Aren's presses harder against the stomach walls. "I am a pred, like you, so let me out!"
Jack rubs the top of his stomach, pushing Aren down inside. "If you were a big, scary pred like me you wouldn't have gotten eaten so easily."
Aren's protests grow weaker with Jack's words. "Am I food?" Aren clasps his muzzle as soon as those words escape his mouth.
Jack chuckles. "Ah-ha! See? I knew you were just food and not some big, scary pred like wah!" Jack hugs his stomach, feeling slight vibrations coming from inside. "Are you purring?"
"No!" Aren blushes and holds his legs, burying his face into his knees. He didn't want to admit being food feels pretty good, especially being in a stomach as cozy as Jack's.
"It's okay to admit you like being food." Jack pats his belly. The red panda soon stands up and stretches. Aren holds his body closer to himself as his world shifts with Jack standing up. "Well, that was quite a workout for a small meal like you."
"I am taller than you!" Aren presses his head against the stomach walls, imitating a head butt as best as he could.
"You are just a goob. Goob food!" Jack hugs his belly and kisses the top of it. "But you're a friend. Goob food friend!"
Aren nuzzles against the stomach walls in response. "I guess if I had to get eaten, I'm glad it was by a big, scary wah."
"Damn right! Now, it's time to go home." Jack bends down and picks up the magazine on the ground. "I'll be borrowing this while you're in there. No idea how long I'm gonna keep you."
"What does that mean? Jack?"
Jack pats his belly. "Don't worry, you'll see." Jack opens the door and closes it behind him, leaving Aren's house.