"BLEU" - Thingy

It devoured the positive traits and amplified the negative side, causing significant instabilities in my personality. the intensity mounted with my struggling studies, starting spontaneous mental struggles as my personality descended into chaos.

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Canyon Arrow

You know, isn't that a preliminary sign of mental instability or something? i'm sure it is. shut up. so, she did. she stripped away all her thoughts and fantasies. throw it away. don't think. just be. just scurry. no baggage, now.

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In the Negative: Chapter 14

I've been scratching away at you for years," the sinister wolf mused, stepping toward humphrey, "beating against that little wall you built between us, but the only time i could ever seem to get out was when you were in states of great mental or emotional instability

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R/7 The Deep

Mac looks around as all of reality is showing signs of instability. mac is surprised for a few moments, as he tries to piece together where he is and what is going on.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Seven

"insecurity, clinginess, violent instability, trust issues, sexual dysfunction, rage control... the list goes on and on. "everything we have to be taught, from 'don't hit' to the birds and the bees, a _varius_ child learns through their bond.

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The Loraine Files - Washington State #2

A general type of anemia, though their blood count and iron levels are normal; mental instability in patients with no family inheritance of mental disorders." she countered.

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Birdsong ~ Part 5

Almost as if something long ago had struck up from the earth and shattered each building at its base, sending spiderwebs of instability through the structures.

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Mizalin-on-Sky: Reward

Glecion cut herself off as a slight instability in the air made her tense her wings and almost overcorrect as she tried to stay level. "so this is flying!" "yes! congratulations you're now officially, _officially_ a fledgling. you're flying!"

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 55

We're all beat to hell, some of us can barely stand, one of us can't stand at all, we all seem to have mental instabilities of varying intensities, we're probably gonna die, and those of us who don't will still be hated by our own people for the rest of our

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Star Fox: Ascension #08 TERROR

The ship stabilized and fell still once more, his crew all scrambling to assess the cause of the ship's sudden instability. "whatever was happening behind us just stopped, sir, i- i can't explain what it was!

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