Enigma Story Chapter 1

"fire the heavy cannons" he said. lieutenant bob a bobcat is the platoon leader heard the signal to fire "fire" he shouted to his men. the cannons fired a loud bang is all you could hear.

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Meet the Black Stars; Wintro's Story

Its entire backside was covered in wrapped linen bandages and its front was fortified in heavy metal plating.

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Castaways - Chapter 8 (Clean)

.^ shuffling of heavy bedsheets and little foot pads across the room drag jason back from his slow descent into sleep. his ears swivel a little at the sound of the heavy lock on the crew's quarters door being set into place followed by silence.

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Life of the Plate

There was well over a full pound of juicy deep fried battered protein marinated with heavy sweet syrup liberally mixed with pepper flakes. an egroll that in honest appraisal was always heavy and overdone.

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To Tame an Invader

But they ignored him, stepping forward, laden with something heavy and curved.

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Kerr 10: Winter Interlude

"and lose the heavy jacket," he adds a minute later when the rabbit begins to pant with the excertion, "not only do you risk overheating, but if you fall through you might be too waterlogged and heavy to pull out," shuddering at the thought, kerr quickly

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Kaynine: New Mexico

A split second of weightlessness preceded the shock of his deployment chute opening, the chute just large enough to arrest the terminal fall of the heavy trooper before snapping free and leaving him to drop the remaining fifteen feet to the ground with a heavy

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Okamik vol1, Chapter 1-3

He can hear people talking in a language he doesn't understand, and a heavy weight on his arms and legs.

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A Stellar Beginning

Crew, pensacola, falklands, saber and goliath, and four bright lance class heavy destroyers, phoenix, shockwave, thunder and katana, not a bad mix of ships if you ask me; then three more last-second additions arrived, i couldn't believe my eyes!

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Somewhere Out There Act 19 - Ghost Beach

A heavy weight of one of them likely kneeling down on him with a barrel to his ear.

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Getting Peppers

They weighed heavy on her thoughts, heavy and deep like his voice. the one who she just spoke to on the phone. the taste filled her mouth like a ma raj'. the heavy taste, deep and disgusting, just like him.

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