Yugioh NG Ep.1

_ _one duelist in particular stood outside the entrance leaning against the railings staring blankly ahead while he replayed what had been his final tournament match in his head.

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Respect Your Elders

Sirblood just smiled and walked to the cave entrance and took off flying. he soars up and did some aerial stunts then flew back down to the cave entrance reverting to the human form as he landed.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 3: The Story of Forest Hall

Many had entrances in the woods near forest hall and the granite hills. some had entrances on the shoreline. a few even had openings in the open water. one dungeon in particular was especially dangerous: the dragon's maze.

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Escape Fortress Valley

All the traps had to be activated by groups of sharpteeth who took turns moditering the entrance so no intruders could come in. nychus placed his hand on the entrance of the cave. he looked down and syna, who was slowly approaching cautiously.

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Believe – Chapter 12: Red

Imya winced and jumped back into the entrance of the den. just when she exited the den someone, who had been lying above the entrance, spoke to her in a low voice. shivering she looked at the entrance but nothing followed her.

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The Grand Adventures of Knight Plum and Her Daring Squire Peaches

Plum was across the cavern in a second and squeezing back through the entrance. she could feel some kind of great, fuzzy mass pressing at her back until... \*pop\*!

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Naira's Search, pt 1 (MHO)

And fortunately, she at least knew how to start a fire, so she quickly set up a small firepit near the cave entrance and got to work.

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The Beginning: Part 3

"well whatever, s'long as you're happy with it" carin walked into the tent, took off her trekking boots, and closed the entrance.

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Equivalence: Chapter 3

There were three entrances to the showers, two being in either main hall that ran the length on the building, and a backdoor entrance that lead into the locker room that lead into the showers.

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Furever Faire Online CH 1

They bind your body, soul, and the entrance stone of the dungeon together." the shrew closed the menu, and passed the stones to the party.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 10 (Moving On)

"the rest of you i want to guard the entrances. don't let anything get past you!" "yes sir!" the two drakes next to us said before splitting off to join the others already standing near the entrances. "i guess that means we're going hunting."

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