Weary Wolf
A sigh pushed past jack's lips, and he closed the document. no writing once again. he worked, he went out, he did things he enjoyed, but it still felt like life was passing him by.
After the Storm - Part 35 [A Glimmer of Hope]
The scraggy was about to reach for the document but the charizard pulled back before he could. "i will give you this document if i find that the information you have is actually important." the charizard added.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 42: Intoxicated
He just huffed and agreed, and texted richard asking if he could deliver the document instead. the hyena agreed, but he had time at 21, so octo could only wait.
Lost Temple
Most of the documents even look like ordinary books.
3. Matricuation
Lord tarkel looked up from the documents he was signing for count duncaster, the minister of education. they both looked at regila.
Weapon – Transparent
There were a lot of comments praising this, some wondering what kind of documents i will be censoring and if they will be available at a later date.
Realms Of Azura Chp 1 part 2
Messenger: hey lets this bag, these documents are important! bandit: they are as important as a lot of gold . messenger: you know that you will be searching for by the guard? bandit: and also found his corpse! messenger: not waiting!
The Other Side Of Summer
He knows his way around a computer; it'd be mainly showing him our procedures for documentation." "but, you're still nervous,,,?" i left the question hanging. "of course i am, ted!" jim snapped.
Clown Mare 9-2
Aquara darkmore looked at the last document. "what the?" her eyes began to open up.
Tai's Story - Fan-made Tropes List!
(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tumpc-9w_iiavz25knm0ibha4fbb-gzvfhn_njqigsy/) \<\< warning: obviously contains major spoilers!
Prey for me [Ares part 1]
His other hand was occupied with some documents, and as he smelled ares nearby he threw the documents in the fire. "i'm so sorry sir, i passed out and..." the boss turned his attention to the injured youth, piercing him with his pale eyes.
Universe of Conflict Chapter Seven
"why did the clocks want the documents for certain? i only wish i knew whose pages they took, it does not help me any not to know who those pages belonged to...no, i think i got it; a infant human planet?