Weary Wolf
A bit of a vent piece. Short, simple.
Jack was tired.
Not just at that particular moment, not for any one specific cause. It was perpetual. Constant. There was never enough time. Not enough time to do the housecleaning he wanted to do, not enough time to engage in hobbies or projects, and not enough time to recover from his numerous commitments. There were so many things he wanted to do, except... he was tired.
The open document on his computer was just as blank as it had been when he opened it fifteen minutes before, the little line blinking as if mocking him. It had been a while since he had written, and he desperately wanted to try again, but he was tired. Jack shifted the blanket around his shoulders against the chill of his apartment. A wolf should do better in winter, he thought to himself. His gaze wandered listlessly around his apartment, needing a break from the mockery of his computer screen. His guitar leaned against the wall in a corner of the room. He meant to practice it more, but he was tired. There in the kitchen was a slowly growing pile of dishes. He meant to do that today as well, but he was tired. His game console by the TV hadn't been touched in a week. There was a game he'd been meaning to beat for a while, but... he was tired.
A sigh pushed past Jack's lips, and he closed the document. No writing once again. He worked, he went out, he did things he enjoyed, but it still felt like life was passing him by. He wondered if he should cut back, but he enjoyed the things he was doing. Besides work, but he needs to make money somehow. It was just a shame because, well. Jack was tired.
It was getting hard to get together with friends or meet new people. On the few free nights he had, he just wanted to stay home and relax. People would message, and Jack would politely decline, citing other commitments or just a need to recuperate. Though it seemed he never would recuperate.
With another sigh, Jack stood and slowly shuffled off to bed without doing anything he had wanted to do that evening. He had planned to get some things done, but...
Jack was tired.