Have a heart, would you?
Asked diana. "exactly!.. just like me..."
Enter the Nightmare
"diana, protect him... save him from this redemption." * * * giving a little smirk, the tiger stood up high on the lamppost, the sword held in his paws just shining within the dark night.
Elly's lore
Taller then her to stop growing. shes wery kind to the cats she loves (moslty tiger)(will be shown maybe later) but after some unnown stone landed on the feld, mostly all cats of the mounten clan fall asleep. most cats died of the sleep but: elly, tiger and diana
S1 Ep21- Magma's backstory
He has a few siblings kai (22),diana (20), and vesta (16), he and his father are on strained terms as they had a very bad argument some time before the story began.
The Power of the Order
One sickleclaw was facing diana, the rainbow face. he went straight to her with his jaws open. but instead of trying to dodge, diana stood her ground as her body changed.
My name is diana. i promise protect that girl, she was not evil! she was confused. bianca smiles and says welcome to rescuers society
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 15: Recovery
Don't be so mean, diana!" shadow shrugged. apparently he thought it was close enough. i sighed, then imitated diana. she yipped happily and raced jacob to the food table. michelle rubbed the two pups between their ears before she came over.
Game Day
diana" before ester could do anything she was quickly enveloped, being pushed into the tough leather of diana's jacket and looking up as her ears folded down a bit. "now then." diana said as she held on tight to her cute little girlfriend.
A Fox's Family (Intermission 1)
Meanwhile, nester was getting frightening letters from dennis and worried concerns from jamie's mother, diana. it seemed nester was getting at least two emails a day involving family concerns.
A New Family Ending
Ataksak (mother) 41 - negafook (father) 42 - nanook (elder son) 22 - pinga (daughter) 22 - asa (adopted son of pinga) 4 - silla (younger daughter) 8 other cast -nathan (alpha den historian, colonist) 235 - alessandra (alpha den healer, colonist) 215 - diana
The Shadow Scythe.
Cloey the pinky one was about to cry for mommyâ´s attention, and diana the light blue one was sleepling deeply. "congratulations, how old they are?" said kamil "they going to have nine months the next week" bekka answered.
Tales of the Stars Chapter 11: The Village of Strega! The Last Star-User comes!
The black cat got back up and pointed to shiro and diana and then said "then how about your friends over there?" nuko looked at them and then saw two wolfs right behind them with swords near there necks.