Issue 05: Magic and Rituals
The attraction is undeniably strong and can even take delusional forms if it is not yielded to.
She Was His Pack
I don't want you to think he was stupid or delusional; he wasn't. the two of them were about the same age when we moved here, so they ended up spending a lot of time together. in our neighborhood, we wolves stuck together.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 21
At least i'm not delusional and know where my place is. life is all about the strong dominating the weak, it was always about the more intelligent, more powerful to set the rules for the rest.
5. You're Probably High
You are mildly delusional. look at your face again._ _oh._ his face was fine. a little matting here and there, could probably use a little powder, but he just looked like a guy having a long day.
A City Boy and A Country Girl (2)
He was still delusional from the pills, and sarah couldn't deprive him of this moment. she held him tighter and whispered in response, "yes?" adam's eyes were closed, but she could tell he was struggling to speak.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 8: A City Hidden Under the Moon
"i know when a dragon started to become delusional, and of course that was the moment when i lost interest," said xiciro. "however, avet tried not to succumb to this weakness and continued to give me direction, which lead us to here."
Showdown in our world
"i'm not a little kid anymore mom, me and red we're trying to tell you what was going on but you didn't listen, and now it's time for us to stand up and stop this" tsume said as red stepped in "we're not delusional we know what's going
The Double Life - Chapter 2
You're not just some product of my delusional brain 'cuz o' those jobs i been taking, are you?" he's definitely intimidating enough. more than i ever needed to be, but i suppose i had my moments too.
Happy Birthday
I have been told that i was bipolar, psychotic, delusional, even schizophrenic. in truth, it's just not in my nature to remain angry at someone. i'm too childish for that." "does that include the man who killed your friend?"
Know To Understand. Chapter 16: To no end.
Thinking back to what rebecca just said "ferali's gone missing" i simply closed my eyes and prayed that she was delusional or i was simply dreaming that she said that.
Know To Understand Chapter 14: New Bridge to Build.
"you're so far delusional you can't even tell whose talking to you." i quickly whipped my head around and in udder shock i fell backwards. after my ass plopped on the ground i soon found myself looking upon rebecca.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 90
But in the end, no matter how great his power, no matter how desperate his hunger, he was only a single wolf, alone, all by himself except for the phantoms created by his own delusional mind. a creature to be pitied as well as feared.