A City Boy and A Country Girl (2)

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#2 of A City Boy and A Country Girl

Second Chapter of the story! Comments, Favorites, and Votes are ALWAYS ALWAYS appreciated. I like to know that what i'm writing is interesting to you all. If it's bad, i would like to know so i can change some things. So, if you have a second, leave something please! I would be grateful!


Sarah had moved back into the lab portion of the classroom where there were tables lined up in rows with built in sinks and drawers for supplies. They were very old, and if someone was to actually lean on them too hard, they could possibly break. That's what everyone said anyway. Adam had moved into the back with her, and she could feel the tension between both of them. ~Why is he so mean? You'd think he would want a friend.~

The teacher was passing out the assignment sheets, and Sarah tried to avoid eye contact with the teacher. The teacher just so happened to be a very old owl, and one of her eyes would to slant in a different direction than the other if she stared at someone too long. ~It's a bit disturbing.~ As Adam was about to sit down on the stool, Alec walked behind him and shoved him forward into the table hard enough to make it move. Sarah was stunned. As she tilted her head to see him, she could see Adam holding his crotch. ~He must have hit himself on the table edge.~

"Alec!" The teacher yelled loudly. "Get to the principal's office NOW, and if you don't show up, I will make sure you're expelled for a month and fail the grade. Heaven knows with a brain like yours, you can't afford to miss much."

Sarah could hear a faint whimper, and she slowly let her gaze fall onto his paw. She froze when she saw the red spot starting to form. ~He's bleeding!~ Sarah was about to take him to the nurse, but the teacher beat her to it. The owl put her wing around the boy and gently started helping him to the nurse's office. Had Sarah seen a tear rolling down his cheek? She looked down at his blank lab sheet, and she slid it over to her side of the table. Writing his name on the top, she began their lab experiment on her own.

Adam never came back to the room, but Sarah turned his completed lab in to the teacher, and she slowly walked out as the last bell rang. Everyone was talking about Adam now. He was the new kid of course, and everyone thought he was just a certain part of the female anatomy. ~Just to say it nicely.~ Sarah walked to her locker and began turning the knob to enter her combination, but as she opened the metal door, it was slammed shut again. Slowly, she tilted her head to see who was beside her, and Trixie smiled innocently as if she had done nothing wrong.

"Why did you do that? That was really uncalled for." Sarah said a bit agitated.

"Just wanted to get your attention in an interesting way! Hey, did you hear about the new guy? He wet himself in class."

Sarah had already gotten her books out of her locker, and she slammed the door shut to make a point. Trixie jumped back in response.

"I was there. I know what happened. He didn't wet himself. Alec pushed him so hard against the lab tables that he started bleeding down there. Why is it so interesting to spread rumors about people? If you don't really know what happened keep your damn mouth shut!"

Trixie held up both her paws. "Ok, Ok... Good Lord. What's it to you anyway? You don't know him."

"No, I don't know him, but no one deserves to be treated like that."

"Well, if you care so much about him why don't you just go fuck him then?"

Sarah didn't say a word. She walked down the hallway and left Trixie by her locker. Why had she stood up for Adam when he was so mean to her earlier? ~Doesn't matter.~ She just walked outside the school where the buses had been. Since it was a small town, the school only had a few buses, and those buses would go all over the place for miles to drop off kids of all ages and all grades. Sarah just preferred to walk through the woods. Her father used to walk her to school every day, and over the years, they had worn a path through the woods that lead straight from school to her house. She was about to walk in that direction when she would hear a loud growl and something hit the ground. She tilted her head to the left enough to see Adam. He was hunched over with his hands on his knees, and his books were on the ground. He had missed the bus.

"You know the bus takes forever anyway. You could walk home with me. It takes about a half hour, but it's better than the hour and a half you'd spend on the bus. Just sayin'."

His head shot up when she started to speak, and he slowly grabbed his books. She began to walk down the trail, and she could hear his footsteps following her, but he never made an effort to speak or actually walk with her. ~This is...creepy. Yeah, just a little.~ She felt a little like red riding hood, but she was a mare not a little girl, and he was a Doberman not a big bad wolf. He was big though. Despite everyone calling him a wimp, he had very defined and toned muscles. She thought that he just didn't want to get into trouble. After walking for half an hour with him trailing behind her, she finally managed to get to their houses. He didn't say a word to her. He simply walked to his house.

Sarah was checking her mail box when she would hear another growl. It had come from his house, and she knew he was locked out. Why else would he be so irritated outside and not inside the house where no one could hear him? She set her things down on the front porch and slowly made her way over to his house. Peeking around the corner, she could see him on the back porch staring at the door. It seemed like he was contemplating how to get in. She smiled and walked up beside him on the porch.

"What do you want?" He said a bit angrily.

Without saying a word she took the door handle into her hand and pulled up on it, making the door lift just a bit. As she pulled up on the door, she turned the handle as far as it would go to the right and bumped the door with her wide hips. When she bumped the door, it came open with ease.

"I used to have a friend here. She always got locked out too. See you at school tomorrow."

She avoided eye contact with him as she walked off the porch and made her way back to her house.

The sun was already starting to set in the distance, and Sarah was just putting dinner on the table. She had mixed together a few things to make a simple, but delicious, spaghetti with meatballs. Though, her mother was late as usual. Sarah simply ate her dinner, left her mother a plate in the fridge, and went upstairs to do homework. She felt sorry for her mother, and as she sat down on her bed to take off her shoes, she wondered where her mother was. Juliet had always been a hard worker, and she had been forced to get another job after Sarah's father left. Sarah had offered many times to get a job herself, but her mother insisted that she wanted Sarah to have a good experience in high school and not have to worry about money or a job. It was a sweet gesture really, but Juliet wasn't the most favored woman in town. Yes, she was a beautiful mare, but her ex-husband had gone around and told everyone she was a whore after the divorce. He apologized after, but the damage had been done. Now, when Juliet got a job in the small town, her boss would assume he could sleep with her, and since the town was so small, Juliet needed to keep whatever job she had. Sarah often wondered if she had given in to her boss, but she tried not to think about it too much.

She looked out her window to see the house across the street. There was only one light on in the house, and she assumed that it was Adam's light. Reaching over to her bedside table, she flipped the switch to turn off her lamp and laid down to go to sleep.


"Want to go to the movies this weekend?" Trixie asked.

Sarah looked over at her. "Um, no. I have a lot of things to do this weekend. Lots of homework."

Trixie rolled her eyes and sighed. "Oh, my god! Come on! That's all you ever do is homework. Come party with me, please? You need to get loosened up!"

"Trixie, I know you like to party, but I don't. I don't want to get loosened up. My grades are the only thing getting me out of here. So, I need to study."

"Fine Smart Ass."

Trixie walked away in a huff, but Sarah could really care less. She couldn't deal with Trixie first thing on a Monday morning. Sarah was ready for school to be over already. It was November now, and the leaves were gone off the trees. Gym class was first, and Sarah changed quickly before running out onto the court. She could see Adam beside her, and she gave him a small wave. He waved back, but that was it. He was still being extremely distant. ~ It's a shame.~

The class went by as usual. Run two laps. Do jumping jacks until your heart gives out. Run two more laps. Run two laps while jump roping. Do fifty push ups. Run two more laps. ~No problem!~ After the teacher told them to shower, Sarah started walking towards the girl's locker room. There were two locker rooms on each side of the gym. One was for girls, and of course, the other was for boys. After the class, students were allowed to shower and get the sweat off of them. If they didn't, they would probably stink for the rest of the day.

Sarah was in the gym after her shower, and she was looking around at the other kids. They were mostly texting and waiting for the bell to ring. There was commotion in the boy's locker room, and the door flew open to reveal a soaking wet Doberman. It was Adam. Alec had stolen his clothes and shoved him outside into the gym. He was completely naked and dripping all over the floor. She heard the rest of the kids laughing, and some even took pictures. The teacher saw him and rushed over to help him. The bell rang in the middle of all the chaos, and Sarah knew there was nothing she could do. She waited for a few minutes to see if Adam came out, but he never did. Alec had already been sent to the principal's office, and Sarah walked to her next class.

There was no sign of Adam for the rest of the day, and Sarah figured he went home. She couldn't imagine being embarrassed like that. It would have made her go home too. ~I'll stop by his house when I get home.~ Sarah walked the half hour home after class and walked over to Adam's house. There was not a car in the driveway, but when she walked to the back porch, she could see that the back door was just standing open. Setting her books down on the porch, she slowly made her way in through the door. The house hadn't changed much. There were still boxes in the hallway, and there was not a lot of furniture in any of the rooms, but the smell was different. ~Cinnamon?~

"Adam?" Sarah called out loudly.

She walked up the stairs and into his room. Maybe, she was being a little weird by coming all the way into the house, but she wanted to make sure he was okay. She could see that his bathroom light was on, and as she peeked into the bathroom, she saw the Doberman in a heap on the floor with an empty bottle of pills on the floor. She didn't even look to see what kind of pills they were. What did it matter? She knew what he had done, and she started coming up with a plan. She had to make him throw up, or he was going to die. She picked him up by his armpits and tried to drag him to the toilet, but he was so heavy for her that she almost fell backwards. She managed to get him almost to the toilet, and he fell back on top of her, making her fall into the bathtub. Her head connected with the wall, but she ignored the throbbing.

"Dammit Adam!"

This would have to do. She leaned forward and turned on the shower, and the water cascaded over them. It was freezing cold to begin with, but it slowly warmed up. She opened his muzzle and pushed her finger into his mouth. There was a heave, and he threw up all over the bathtub. Her eyes went wide as she saw how many pills came out. ~He took the whole bottle! Oh God!~ Forcing her finger into his throat once more, she made him throw up again. There were still pills coming out, and she forced him to throw up a third and final time. She let the shower wash him clean before she dragged him out. Dragging him across the floor, she managed to get his wet clothes off and put him into his own bed. She could see his entire body covered in Goosebumps as he began to shiver. It was such a sad sight. He had been completely broken down. Her mother had mentioned that he was an orphan. His mother, father and little sister were all killed in a car accident, and he was thrown into foster care when he was just a young boy. Now he lived with Janet, and she was never around. He was basically living by himself, and Alec was not helping him.

Crawling under the covers with him, she hugged to his back. Her clothes were not as wet as his, and she wrapped her dry jacket around him for extra warmth.


He was whispering to her. He was still delusional from the pills, and Sarah couldn't deprive him of this moment. She held him tighter and whispered in response, "Yes?" Adam's eyes were closed, but she could tell he was struggling to speak. He had come so close to losing his life, and she had saved him.

"I missed you so much..." He whispered.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she nuzzled into his neck, holding him closer to her body. She didn't say another word and neither did he. After a few minutes, he was fast asleep, and she was trying not to cry.