Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 2
Black claw lester and his crew were now under the control of the constable guard, who were sure to lock away lester and crew somewhere where he won't cause trouble anymore. "ho!
Battleship Battle Part 3
He needed to guide the vessel away from crew in case of another explosion. the ships fires were starting to spread to the bridge.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 7 - Stalwart Simians
The crew were surprised, but tried not to show it or else lose the element of surprise. as k.
Loyalties -Prologue
A strategic pause making the bridge crew feel that flush of cold their captain had earlier. "...captain kragma. of the royal guard. i give you one day to prepare yourself and your crew for death. and run crying to your damned queen.
Rude Awakening
It wasn't a terribly large room lined with the crew stations. standing above the crew were the watch officers looking over to make sure the crew did their work and to be there as a reference.
Song of the Space Finch part 1 of 4
Little kate hopped up, "he went to watch the crew after they arrived." my green-tipped wing feathers twitched slightly in annoyance. i had told them to stay until i was sure we had a friendly crew. oh well, the impetuous habits of youth.
Inquiry into the sinking of the H.M.S. Thunder Child
Were any systems inoperable due to crew shortages? and were the crew assigned different or irregular duties?
Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (6)
Your mother is surely waiting for you with dinner. " martin moved the seat back and the boy quickly jumped down from his legs but before he ran out of the cockpit, the boy stopped and turned around to the crew and said to the crew.
Jupiter Chapter One : Rude Awakening
It wasn't a terribly large room but every available wall space lined with the crew stations. standing above the crew were the watch officers looking over to make sure the crew did their work and to be there just in case.
Winterfall - PROLOGUE
We all bundled up as best we could, with the crew trying to stay warm while we searched for a way to escape the mysterious effect.
The Darwin Chronicles: Introduction
It was a few moments before tracy rose, looking at sue as several more crew members filed onto the bridge. "assemble the crew," she said firmly, "we're finally getting some action again."
Last Flight of the Kithrasain
This ship, with a strong, motivated crew rife with amazing skill, was far stronger, faster, and cleaner than she had been in almost a century. a pride to her crew, her crew a pride to their uncommon commander.