AnOtter Story

Grumbling a bit at the cost, but knowing that arguing with a big, strong tigress is a bad move, he pulls out a small bag and counts out the amount. "now, then," she states as she pockets the money, "what is _your_ pleasure?

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From Zero to Hero, Part 5

"chance, i know that you will feel like killing the guy for what he cost you, but that will make you no better than him, and i know for a fact that you are not that kind of dog, so please don't give him the satisfaction" i give the horse a

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The Politics of Predators: A Praetorian Side Story

Raises on that scale would drastically increase operating costs across all industries, requiring an increase in revenue from somewhere, namely product costs.

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The Carnival

Everything has a cost alright, and it costs something more than money," jack snarled. "i played games all night. ate cotton candy and fantastic hot dogs until i was about sick.

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The Costume Poké

All three of them gape at him, "what about the cost?" he looked at them and a strange glint appeared in his eyes, "you needn't worry about the cost, i don't take normal means of payment. the cost will be paid soon enough."

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1:5 Truth Through Pillow Talk

It was a highly lucrative setting, but it came at a cost. the cost that alias had paid tonight. as he slammed the rocks glass down hard on the bar, alias wondered how someone like hets slept at night.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Fifty One

"a cost," it explained in a sarcastic tone, "is when--" "i know what a cost is!" i snapped, my face turning red. "what kind of cost?" a dark chuckle came from behind the waterfall. "that is up to negotiation.

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Kickaha vs the Board of Education

"actually, with the proper arrangements it will barely cost anything at all." kickaha stood up again and drew a circle in the air. "thanks to portals, we can have a transportation cost of zero." "portals? i've not heard of that airline."

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The legend of Tigersight Chapter 2

Will you uphold our traditions and go above and beyond your physical limits to defend this tribe even at the cost of your life." the elder to the right, a woman by the name of pantherdream speaks.

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The Journal of Krystal

He nearly cost me my daughters life before she was even born. we soon recruited fang to join us in our quest to stop shadow but even his power was not enough. in our last battle against shadow i struck the blow that destroyed him.

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Dragon Sword

It was a mistake to give such to a full grown adult and it cost all greatly. yet his task was done and as cost for their choices they became shunned by all mortal and heaven. so the two made the forth heaven for those to follow to come.

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Farumir Works - FAQ

It won't cost you an extra 20p for black/white/grey paint. _ **\* "when would i need to pay?"

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