A Perfect Bomb: Chapter 0 (Intro)

Hexus was dismayed when the jab was turned away by the police body armour, nearly breaking the tip of his glass blade.

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a Werewolfs love - chapter 2

It was a long drive but finally we arrived at the police department. the cop helped me out of the car and escorted me inside.

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 22

"you fucking let a cop jump you? and a bitch cop too?! you two are the dumbest motherfuckers i've had the displeasure to ever work with!"

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The Runaway

He wanted to say no, but the police officer just looked so friendly and he was still shaken from the ordeal of the "monster". he nodded and tried to hold back his tears. the police officer reached in and gently pulled andlat out.

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LAPD Lupine Corps notes

If any of these are even close to true the police are not talking.

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Kitty. Ch.1

I have to get this girl to the police soon. i have no idea why she was in that alley." "it's all right. getting her to police is more important," said jessica. they both went to the bedroom so kira could get to the police with the girl.

Chapter 5- Starting All Over Again

Then he gets a call from the police, asking him to come to the station and identify the men. as carlos left to the police station, sara received a call from the police. she was told that they have her husband is in jail for attempted murder.

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One Chance Part 1

Two of them make it into an alley as two police cars turn the corner and spot the last one who stop and head into the near by apartment building. he rushes up the stairs as two police officers rush in a few second behind him.


Lost Little Kitty Chapter 4

The police tower was exactly that, a tower. on the bottom floor was the offices where most of the police remained and talked. above that was the interview rooms, and above that the cells where criminals were housed.

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Chapter 6-This Is Where It Ends (Final Chapter)

"nothing much, oh before i forget, i the police called and they want to see you as soon as possible." "when did they call?" "about five minutes ago." "thanks, i will see you later." i left and i flew straight to the police station.

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The Perfect Murder for the Perfect Murderer

A cop approched him and sat a note book infront of him. "read that, then you'll know everything that psycho knew," said the cop as he walked off. time passed and everyone departed.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 16)

I was about to ask harry how he was, when the promised police car turned the corner from the high street.

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