A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 06 : Stand Off and Stand Down
"that and your hair, as well as that sweet lightning storm scent," sharani sniffed at the air, "but that strong hint of cinnamon mixed in, i noticed that karma also smells of cinnamon.
A Slippery Problem In Japan
#17 of the amazing race 2 on the last leg of the amazing race, the teams traveled to south korea to travel down a huge river and eat a large cinnamon roll to check in.
Were I Home for Christmas...
The oven was also preheated, so i put the cinnamon rolls in and set the timer then i gathered two large mugs and a ladle. the hot cocoa steamed as i ladled it into the mugs.
Texas Split
Vito, being the stronger of the two physically steps up to the home plate first just as felix & toby, sindy & sally, max & lucius, and cinnamon & pepper arrive. "watch and learn, people," vito mocks.
Downstream Portland
(except for josee and cinnamon but he doesn't really like her.) "anyone know how to play canasta?" kaleb asks out of the blue. when no one responds, mac facepalms.
New Horse In Town
"oooh, now look at that-that's a cinnamon roll!" the steaming hot pastry was so huge it spilled over the edges of the plate, dripping with melted butter and sugar creme frosting.
Momma (Undertale)
You should take a nap," she said, so i did - and then woke up to a slice of cinnamon-butterscotch pie, still warm and steaming, set next to my bed. it was wonderful.
They Don't Carrot All (Finale Pt 1)
But thanks to me, cinnamon has a crushed chest and a broken shoulder." "perhaps an alliance with toby & felix might cheer you up?" zack doesn't answer. chris gets more worried.
The Adventures of a Blind Tigress, Chapter 11: Taken
"i smell cinnamon," dannica said as she licked her muzzle, grinning widely at hope. "i think you'd eat the sidewalk if there was enough cinnamon, danni," hope giggled.
Tales of Unova, Elemental Extremities
Eight minutes later martha was drinking 'cinnamon coffee surprise' from a blue, wavy mug. "i have to agree with you, it is pretty good." martha agreed. "take it then." "is that okay? florance might want it..." martha said. "no, take it.
Howling at Nothing
I'll add cinnamon just the way you like it," hank said as he placed a hand on each one of darryl's shoulders and gently steered him towards the dinning table.
Square Costumes
cinnamon huffs, wondering why he went with her. he points at his throat and motions that he cannot speak. "ahh, you can't talk, can you?" he shakes his head. "that would suck.