A Slippery Problem In Japan
#17 of The Amazing Race 2
On the last leg of the Amazing Race, the teams traveled to South Korea to travel down a huge river and eat a large cinnamon roll to check in. After the Olympians won for third time in a row, Tammy sabotaged Zax's roll causing him and Milon to be cut from the race. 8 teams remain. Who will go down today? Find out right here on... the Amazing Race.
"Welcome back to Seoul, South Korea." Toner says. "Yesterday's pain in my butt are the first ones up." Tammy growls as she takes the clue.
"Route Info: get a flight to Tokyo." Japan is an island nation known for sushi, Hiroshima, and many movies that eventually turn into a US remake. Players will travel to Tokyo where they'll find their next clue.
"C'mon!" Rachel says. As the run out of Tous Les Jours, the rest of the teams hurry up and grab the clue as well. Teams make it to the airport and on Toner's private plane dead-set on Tokyo.
"Seriously? Why do the other teams even bother to try?" Tammy asks. "We've already came in first 5 times."
"Aaaaaaaand now you just jinxed us." Rachel says.
"I can't believe Milon & Zax are gone." Kit says.
"To be fair, no one even noticed them anyways." DeeDee says. "They always kept to themselves and they've never won a single leg of the race. In fact, they've come in last once in the Mediterranean."
"Yeah, but it must suck coming this far and then having to leave all because of misplaced salt." When Kit says the last word, she glares at Tammy.
"How are we ever going to get rid of those Olympians?" Kitty asks. "They're too good! And as long as Tammy is here, she'll cause havoc and cheat her way to the million."
"I don't know yet." Kit says. "The only way to get rid of them is if they come in last and seriously, we still have a bunch of weak players in the game." She points to Miles & Joey and Barbara & Eddy. "I don't think they'll ever be able to beat Tammy."
"I can't believe we're all the way in the bottom 8." Eddy says. "I thought for sure we were gonna be cut before then."
"Me too." Barbara says. "Remember towards the beginning of the race, all we used to do was argue, which only hindered our game?"
"Yep. Those were some crazy times. But now that we're getting closer to the finale, we need to start stepping up our game a little bit more."
"I agree."
"I wish my partner could be motivated like that." Patricia says.
"Where is Zoe?" Eddy asks.
"She went to use the restroom. And she's still not over the whole Jasper & Mitch thing. I'm starting to worry though, if she doesn't get her head in the game, what if we're next?"
"I doubt that will happen." Barbara says. "Me and Eddy barely focus at all at the beginning and we're still here, right?"
"So I'm sure Zoe will get over it. In the meantime, make sure she keeps her distance from the fraternity brothers. The last thing we need is an actual murder on reality."
Once the plane lands around 8:36 am, teams run outside and get to the clue box. "Route Info: get to the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden." Rachel reads. "A garden, really?"
"No time to question things." Tammy says. The teams get in cabs and start driving to the National Garden.
"Dude, we need to step up our game." Mitch says. "Zoe is going to be dead set on getting us out of here."
"You think I don't know that?" Jasper asks. "I swear if we don't get her outta here, she's gonna murder us at the finale."
"If you ask me, the last thing we want is to panic. As long as they're behind us, we'll be fine." The fraternity brothers are the first ones to make it to the garden. The find the clue box and quickly press the button.
"Detour: Flower or Fish." Jasper reads. Teams can either eat an entire plate of sushi or search the park for a golden flower with the Amazing Race logo on it. Bring a flower or an empty plate to a local (red fox) and he'll give them the next clue.
"Let's do sushi." Mitch says. "I've always wanted to try Japanese fish." As he and Jasper run to a table set up nearby, the Olympians, twins, and Policefurs eventually arrive.
"Flower." DeeDee says. "There's no way I'm eating any food if I don't know who prepared it."
"Tell that to the cinnamon roll in South Korea." Diesel says. The two of them run off and Kitty looks at her sister. Kit just shrugs.
"What choice do we have?" She asks. "They're our alliance." Her and Kitty run after the Policefurs.
"This is crazy to admit, but I think we should eat the sushi." Tammy says. "We could be here for hours if we're searching for a mere flower."
"Whatever. Let's go." Rachel says. As the Olympians catch up to Jasper & Mitch, the rest of the teams arrive and get the clue.
"Flower." Joey says. "That one's a no-brainer."
"I agree." Miles says.
"I say we should eat the sushi." Barbara says. "It sounds easier to do."
"You're only saying that because you like Japanese food." Eddy says, slightly teasing her.
"So what if I do?"
"Hey love birds!" Patricia says. "Are you gonna eat the fish with us or not?"
"We're coming!" Barbara & Eddy and Zoe & Patricia get to the table where the sushi's being served.
"I see we should search for the flower." Becky says.
"Done." KiKi says. The mountain climbers join the other three teams who wanted to look for a gold flower. DeeDee, by instinct, looks up in a tree while her allies look down below.
"See anything from up there?" Diesel asks.
"Not yet." DeeDee says. "How about down below?"
"Not yet!" Kit says.
"I found one!" Kitty says. She shows her sister, but Kit notices the problem.
"No, this doesn't have a logo on it."
"Oops. I'll keep looking." She goes back to where she found it. Miles looks around a couples bushes while Joey scans the area.
"Oh man! Where could these flowers be?" Miles asks.
"I don't know." Joey says. She looks in a hole in the tree. Toner hid a fortune cookie in a tree once, maybe that's where he hid once. Joey looks upwards but she does really see one.
Meanwhile, at the table, the four teams who chose Fish have already started to dig in. "Man, Zoe keeps giving evil glares at us." Jasper mutters to Mitch.
"I know." He says. "I wish she'd just go away." Like usual, Tammy was listening in on the conversation. Her gears start turning as she continues to eat.
"What're you thinking?" Rachel asks.
"Whatever do you mean?" Tammy asks.
"You always get that evil grin when you have a crazy idea. Spill it."
"Jasper & Mitch still have a problem with Zoe and too be honest, I do too. So, I'm gonna get us allies by 'helping' them get Zoe out of the race."
"Oh. What do you plan on doing?"
"Hasn't come to me yet. But it will. Mark my words."
"Zoe, are you gonna focus on eating or not?" Patricia asks. Zoe just stands next to her, glaring at the frat bros. Patricia grabs Zoe's head and pulls it towards her. "Stop doing that and eat! This is a Detour! We both have to eat the fish or else we get penalized... again!"
"Ok! Ok." Zoe says. She starts eating the sushi with her partner.
"Finished!" Jasper says.
"Us too!" Tammy says. Both teams run to the local and exchange their empty plates for the next clue. "Route Info: drive your cab to the Tokyo Tower where you'll find your next clue."
"C'mon!" Mitch says. Him and Jasper and Tammy & Rachel run back to their cabs and drive off. As this happens, teams start to complete the Detour. Zoe eats the last of her sushi and shows her empty plate.
"Great, now run!" Patricia says.
"Boo yah!" DeeDee says, grabbing a golden with a logo on it out of a bird's nest. "Toner's old habits never die." She jumps out of the tree and her and Diesel run to find the local.
"Any luck yet, Kitty?" Kit asks.
"No." Kitty says. She looks over at a hole in the tree and finds one. "Never mind, got one!" The twins catch up to the Policefurs and they get their next clue.
Jasper & Mitch and Tammy & Rachel make it to the tower first and they get to the clue box. "Roadblock: who has the strength to climb?" Jasper reads. Whoever didn't eat a cinnamon roll in South Korea must run up all 16 flights of stairs in the Tokyo Tower, find a flag at the top and bring it back down to the bottom. After that, it's a 50 yard race down the street to the checkpoint. Last team to reach the rug could be cut from the competition.
"I'm running." Tammy says.
"Me too." Mitch says. The two of them run into the tower and start climbing the stairs. The Policefurs and twins arrive next.
"It's a good thing I've got great leg muscles." Kit says. "I was also the fastest runner in my track team."
"Ohhhh, why did I have to get stuck with this challenge?" Diesel asks.
"C'mon Diesel," Kit pulls him inside and towards the stairs, "the Olympians are already ahead of us, if we don't catch up, they'll win for the fourth time in a row."
"The sushi is done!" Barbara says.
"Good, the others might've caught up, we could be in last." Eddy says.
"Well then, we've gotta hurry."
"Where are heck are we supposed to find these things?" Becky asks.
"I'm not sure." KiKi says. She searches around a little more and spots one near a building. "Got one!" She grabs it and her and Becky run away.
"Miles? Any luck?" Joey asks.
"No." Miles says. "I don't even know where to look anymore."
"How about behind you!"
"Huh?" Miles turns around and sees a gold flower under a rose bush. He grabs it and the vegetarians start running to find the local.
Tammy and Mitch continue to have their lead as they climb up flight after flight of stairs. "Good luck," Mitch says, "my worthy opponent."
"Thanks." Tammy says. "But, actually, I have an idea."
"Yeah? What is it?"
"Sabotage." She says as she pulls out a paw-sized bottle of vegetable oil she stole from Tous Les Jours yesterday. The reach the flags first and they grab one. As they go back down, they pass Kit and Diesel. "See you at the checkpoint, losers!" By this point, Zoe & Patricia have arrived and Zoe has started climbing up the stairs. When Tammy sees her coming up, she pulls out the vegetable oil and squirts it all over the stairs and the handrail.
"Woah!" Mitch says.
"Did I say stop moving?" Tammy asks. They pass by Zoe, who gives Mitch and evil glare and she suddenly slips on the steps.
"What the?" Zoe asks. "Is this..." She sniffs it for a second. "Vegetable oil?" Kit and Diesel make it down the stairs.
"Yikes!" Kit says. "I guess Tammy's been here."
"How are we going to get around the oil?" Diesel asks.
"I have an idea." Kit quickly rips Diesel's shirt off (with him quickly covering himself up) and uses it to wipe the handrail. She then hops on it and slides the rest of the way down. By the time Miles & Joey, Barbara & Eddy, and Becky & KiKi make it, Tammy and Mitch make it out with the flag and them and their partners start running for the checkpoint.
"Let them have it." Tammy says.
"What? Why?" Rachel asks. "And do you mind telling me why you smell like kitchen oil?"
"I'll explain later." Tammy purposely slows down a little bit and Jasper & Motch step on the rug.
"Congrats frat boys, you're in first place." Toner says.
"Yeah!" Jasper says as he gives Mitch a hi5. They step off and the Olympians step on. Toner quickly notices the scent in the air.
"Whew!" He covers his nose. "In an oil-scented second is Tammy & Rachel."
"Yes! Victory is so sweet!" Tammy says.
"Do you mind telling me about the oil now?" Rachel asks.
"I may or may not have greased the stairs."
"Oh no." Kit and Diesel make it back outside. Zoe made it to the top and is currently coming down. Joey, Barbara, and KiKi remain in a dead tie for last place. That is, until Joey slips in the oil and falls down.
"Ouch! What the hell?" Joey asks. She takes a whiff. "Smells like canola oil." Barbara grabs onto the rail and clubs up that particular flight of starts. KiKi just jumps off of Joey and makes it to dry land.
"Sorry about that!" KiKi says. Her and Barbara soon pass Zoe.
"Careful! The stairs are slippery." Barbara says.
"I'm aware of what's on the stairs." Zoe says. "And the one who did it."
Kit & Kitty- 3rd place
Diesel & DeeDee- 4th place
Zoe & Patricia- 5th place
"Yes!" Zoe says. "We're still in this thing." Tammy glares at her, her eye twitching. That oil was meant to knock Zoe out of the race, Tammy thinks. When will she ever leave?
Three teams are still left: Miles & Joey, Barbara & Patricia, and Becky & KiKi. Barbara makes it to the top next, followed by KiKi. They grab their flags and they run back down. They pass Joey along the way.
"You're dead meat, KiKi!" Joey says.
"Sorry! I have a race to win!" KiKi says. As Joey makes it to the top, Barbara reunites with Eddy and KiKi meets back up with Becky. The four of them race down the street to the checkpoint, both of them aware neither of them is coming last anyways. One pair of feet make it to the checkpoint before the other.
"Barbara & Eddy come in 6th." Toner announces. "Becky & KiKi place 7th."
"Sweet!" Barbara says.
"That was close." Becky says. Several minutes later, Joey reunites with Miles, flag in paw and they rapidly run over to the checkpoint. However, both of them knew, it was too late.
"Miles & Joey, I'm sorry. You're the last team to arrive." Toner says.
"It was fun while it lasted." Miles says, his tail going limp as he sighs. Joey slowly rubs his back, but it's still a bit sticky from the oil.
"Vegetarians..." Toner starts out. Miles & Joey sadly look at him, wondering what he's about to say. "This was all... a non-elimination round!! You two are safe!"
"What?" Miles asks, his tail perking back up. "We're still in this?!"
"Yes!" Joey says, hugging her partner tightly.
"Yep. You're still in this... for now. Well, that's how we have fun in Japan. Where will this crazy adventure take us next? Find out next time on... the Amazing Race."