Vegetables Are Dangerous People

One would even venture to say that the burger was never real, just some replication of hamburger meat doctored up to make the customer think it is real, and maybe a little extra ingredient to make the customer come back frequently.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 18-Autoshow

We handed him our money and had barely turned our backs when he stuck his head back out "ok",he said in a southern accent,"ultra meaty hamburger,beef ribs and rainforest hamburger." we took our bags from him and walked off.

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Get some burgers!" i find myself a little famished and at this point i'd already been tempted to follow the scent of grilled burgers, but it isn't until now that i actually am drawn towards it.

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Adipose City: Aussie Thunder

Vaguely similar to burger world's blockparty bbq chain, at least as far as the menu went; s&b was a "made to order" eatery specializing in grilled foods. burgers, shrimp skewers, grilled fish and chicken, things like that.

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Major and Minor Changes

The mention of a burger kind of cause his train of thought to fly off the tracks completely. "i want a hamburger," she repeated rolling to lay on her back as she held her hands up.

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The Priest and the Orphan Chapter 3

The owner was a lion named alfred who owned the "best" (never use superlatives you can't quantify) burger place in town. each night, at 9:00 each night, we went over to alfred's place.

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Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 6, Rick 2

"settle down, or i'm not bringing burgers next week!" james bellowed out, only for rick to look at james. "wait a minute... you mean to tell me that this is where that four dozen order of burgers, fries, and shakes goes every other month!"


Closet Love Chapter 1

It happens every night: my parents kicking me out of the house, being outted at school, getting beat up in the burger king parking lot. the exact same nightmare every night. looking at the clock, i realize i had slept in.

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Cloricia vs Erik 2

They said they will name a burger after you?" "eww, a burger named cloricia." the two coyotes looked at eachother for a moment. then they laughed at the very thought of a burger with such a strange name. "are we done here?" asked cloricia.

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His tail was rigid with anxiety as he started to speak to the robot, "i'd like a burger... please."

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