Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 14
Zack found himself in a rather sour mood on Monday morning. Such a demeanor was not uncommon for Zack, but this morning he was feeling particularly dreary. He had been up very late finishing up a project he'd forgotten was due, and because of the...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 15
Zack felt giddy as he and his family pulled up next to Charlie's house. It was the night of the dinner party, the one event he had been looking forward to all week. His parents were chatting amicably in the front while he sat with his brothers in the...
Crossroads - Zack: Merry Christmas
_December 24th, 10 years prior to "Crossroads"_ The Briarwood mall was much more crowded than usual. This wasn't strange in the slightest, given the time of year. It was Christmas Eve, and people were milling in and about the aisles pushing heavy...
The dungeons of Cynon were dark and dank as any other, lit only by torches along the hall. Dust blanketed the stone floor, rats scurried about, and various insects clung in dark corners away from harm. A hooded figure glided silently down the entrance...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 17
Zack arrived at gym class expecting Coach Salt's booming voice rallying them all together and was confused when that was not what he found. Instead, a slender puma was waiting for them as the students filed in from the locker rooms. She wore workout...
The Coronation
"Rencor, don't do this." The hyena clad in shiny plate armor glanced backwards at the intruder. Spotting the black cat standing by the door, he sighed. "What are you doing here, Galien?" "You know why I am here." Galien neared the hyena with a...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 5
Crossroads - Zack - Chapter Five Zack stood in the locker room after gym, changing his clothes to get ready for lunch. He still felt that pleasant buzz throughout his body that resulted from a good round of exercise. As he pulled on his shirt, out of...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 7
Zack headed to gym class in exceptionally high spirits. Not that anyone could tell; to passersby he looked like the dark moody jackal that usually prowled the halls. But on the inside he was elated, almost giddy. The weekend had left him with a...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 8
_Hey Zack, it's Charlie. How are you?_ _ Hey Charlie. I'm good. You?_ _ Doing good. Just kind of relaxing right now. What're you up to?_ _ Not much of anything._ _ I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Can't wait!_ _ What? You're still coming over?...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 9.5
Friday night found Zack Bailey tidying up his impromptu painting setup in his bedroom. An easel sat facing outward from one corner of the room with large sheets of wrapping paper haphazardly thrown underneath to catch any stray paint. The jackal...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 12.5
"Good afternoon, sir." "Hi. Pleased to meet you, mister..." "You can call me Anders." Anders shook the raccoon's proffered paw as he was led into an office. "Thank you for letting me come in, by the way. I really appreciate it." "It's no...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 13
A fox crept slowly down a dark corridor, the wooden boards underneath creaking eerily under his weight. He visibly trembled in the darkness, though the flashlight in his paw offered enough light to get around. Every now and then, a sound outside would...