Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 15

Story by Lupine Catastrophe on SoFurry

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#19 of Crossroads (Zack)

Hey, everyone! It's been a while. But now it's time to meet the family! I'd say there are some interesting times ahead...

This story is a companion of ragewolver's Crossroads. Don't forget to check out his chapter for Charlie's side of the story!

Zack felt giddy as he and his family pulled up next to Charlie's house. It was the night of the dinner party, the one event he had been looking forward to all week. His parents were chatting amicably in the front while he sat with his brothers in the back. Seth sat in the middle, having been forced to sit there since he had shorter legs and Tristan wasn't allowed to sit in the middle. This only proved to worsen the teen's already sour mood as he glowered with his eyes glued to his phone.

"We're here," Geoff announced, shutting off the car.

"Yay," came the sarcastic remark from Seth. "Can we go home now?"

"Seth, enough," Karen snapped. "You've been nothing but unpleasant all evening."

"But I told Raymond I'd come to his house today," protested Seth. "He was gonna order pizza -"

"You'll see him again on Monday. Stop complaining," said Karen. "I expect you to be polite and respectful to our hosts. Understand?"

"Yes," sighed Seth, grumbling under his breath.

"Is there gonna be dessert?" Tristan blurted out, unable to contain his excitement. He had apparently been looking forward to this, too.

"I don't know," Geoff chuckled. "But let's not keep them waiting." He got out of the car and the rest followed, Seth lagging behind a little as he remained fixated on his phone.

Zack came up next to his brother. "Put the phone away," he hissed, to which Seth scowled and moved away, but put the device in his pocket for now. Geoff knocked on the door and waited. Zack's heart was beating frantically in his chest, both for the excitement of seeing Charlie again and slight anticipation of properly meeting the parents.

The door soon opened revealing a white wolf dressed smartly for the occasion. "Hello," he said pleasantly. "You must be the Baileys. Please come in."

"Why thank you. Thanks for having us over," said Geoff as he led his family inside. "My apologies, but I can't recall you name. I think we've only met once before."

"That's alright. I'm David," said the wolf, offering a firm handshake. He seemed friendly, but still had a stern undertone about him.

"Geoff," the jackal replied. He gestured toward the rest of the family. "This is my wife Karen. And here's Zack, whom I believe you've met. And this is Seth, and Tristan."

"Hi!" Tristan chirped happily.

Zack shook David's paw and tried not to be intimidated by the wolf's laser-like gaze. It was like he was trying to see into him, the way David's eyes were narrowed at him.. Once the wolf's attention was shifted to someone else, Zack spotted Charlie standing off to the side. The jackal grinned and moved towards him.

"Charlie! Good to see you," welcomed Zack, pulling him into a hug.

He heard the wolf gasp as he was squeezed. "Good to see you, too. But I can't...breathe!"

Zack chuckled and released the wolf, remembering that he tended to forget his own strength sometimes. He leaned down and kissed Charlie's cheek, causing him to blush and grin dopily. He listened in half-interest as the adults continued to talk.

"So, does this mean I'm forgiven?" Zack asked hopefully.

"For now," Charlie replied back, but Zack was only half-listening. He had spotted an interesting photo hanging on the wall. Framed in the picture was an awkwardly-smiling Charlie with his father standing resolutely next to him.

"Oh God, please ignore that," said Charlie in embarrassment. He had noticed the jackal staring at the photo.

"Why? It's a nice little picture -"

"Hey, hey! Can I see your room?" Tristan had approached them, practically bouncing in excitement. Zack was about to tell him off when Charlie responded.

"I suppose," the wolf said uncertainly, glancing back at his father. David shrugged, and Charlie apparently took that as a 'yes,' leading them away down the hall. "This way."

Zack followed them, but not before he saw David glance at him inquisitively for just a moment. A second later, he was right back to talking with the jackal's parents. Suppressing his nervousness, Zack went with Charlie through the house. They soon arrived at a door which Charlie opened timidly, revealing a slightly cluttered bedroom with various artworks hanging on the walls.

"You did these?" Tristan said in awe as he entered the room. He gawked at the numerous sketches and paintings on the walls.

"Y-yeah," Charlie stammered in embarrassment, though Zack couldn't imagine what he could be embarrassed about. "Can't tell you how old these are."

"Did you do that one?" Tristan was pointing an eccentric painting of Charlie and Zack at a beach.

Zack recognized the Hawaiian theme and smiled. "Nope, I did that one." He couldn't help but lean down again to kiss Charlie's cheek. "Thanks for keeping it."

Charlie blushed again. So cute. "Hehe, why wouldn't I?"

"Ugh, get a room." Everyone looked back to see Seth entering the room, the expression of utter boredom having never left his face. Without more than a glance around the room, he made his way to the bed and sat, pulling out his phone again.

Beginning to get annoyed, Zack snapped, "Seth, could you at least try to be friendly? And put the phone away!"

Seth scowled, but didn't get to respond before Tristan spoke up again. "So Charlie, do you have a gym like Zack?"

"No, I don't," Charlie replied with a chuckle.

"Do you do anything but draw?" Seth asked irritably, annoying even Zack further. "Got any games?"

The wolf twitched an ear in confusion. "Like board games?"

Seth was silent for a moment, though Zack could already hear the 'seriously?' on the tip of his tongue. "No, _video_games."

Charlie shrank visibly on the spot. "No, not really. I'm not really a gamer."

"So, no games at all?" Seth looked as if he had just found a dirty spot on the carpet. "That's weird."

Zack wouldn't stand for this. "Seth, it's fine. Just play some games on your phone. Stop being so unpleasant."

"He's fine," Charlie insisted, but Zack could tell he was a little hurt.

"So," Tristan said, noticeably louder than before. "Are these your drawings?" He was holding what looked like a sketchbook.

Charlie grinned. "Yeah, those are mine. Did them just recently."

Tristan flipped through the sketchbook in excitement. He arrived on a page and smiled widely. "Oh, I know this guy!" Flipping the book around to show them, the page displayed a sketch of a familiar jackal.

Charlie's eyes went wide as he tried to grab the book, but Zack beat him to it. He snatched it and examined the drawing. It was quite good, the carefully drawn lines following the contours of his face perfectly. Then he read the caption and chuckled.

"You think I'm 'such a handsome hunk?'"

Seth burst out in laughter while Charlie blushed for the third time that night. "I...I wrote it don't know why I wrote it...and I mean..."

Zack laughed as well while a knock sounded from the door. When Charlie opened it, David stood on the other side, the grin immediately melting off Zack's muzzle. "Dinner's ready. Wash your paws and meet us at the table." That was all he said before he vanished from sight.

Seth quickly rose from the bed and left without a word. Tristan quickly followed. Charlie stood at the doorway in embarrassment and Zack came over to hug him from behind.

"It's okay," he muttered. "It's flattering you think so highly of me. But let's keep this away from Tristan, okay?" He added, pushing the sketchbook back into Charlie's paws. The wolf nodded.

"Good," said Zack, giving him one last kiss on the cheek. "Now, let's go eat dinner."

Dinner turned out to be quite spectacular. It was a delicious lasagna with a salad and garlic bread, easily the best Italian-themed dish he'd had as far as he could remember. Zack made a note never to tell that to his mother as he finished his bread, resisting the urge to grab another. There had been word of dessert, and he wanted to be able to appreciate whatever wonders Michelle whipped up for the occasion.

After the initial high, however, Zack began to feel uncomfortable. The dining room was noticeably quiet as they ate. Even Tristan was silent, though that could very well have been the good food doing its job. Seth was texting again, but Zack didn't trust him to say anything helpful. He opened his mouth to try and start a conversation, but Charlie beat him to it.

"So..." Charlie said nervously. "This is really good food!"

"It really is, Miss Argent!" Tristan piped up. "It's really yummy!"

"Thank you," Michelle said with a smile. "It's an old recipe my mother taught me." Now addressing Zack, she said, "So Zack, you're a painter, right?"

Relieved that the tension was defused, Zack responded politely, "Yes ma'am."

"Do you have any hobbies outside of arts?" Michelle inquired. "You were training Chance, right? Are you an athlete?"

"Only in PE," Zack replied, laughing softly. He continued to explain. "I'm not really into sports much. Actually, I'm more into my art classes than PE, to be honest."

"Charlie, are you in any art classes?" Asked Geoff.

Charlie still looked nervous, his eyes still fixed on his plate. "Not this semester. I'll be taking 3D art next semester."

Zack nodded to no one in particular hearing that piece of news. He had taken that class last year and enjoyed it thoroughly.

"But you're in the art club, right?" Karen now joined the conversation. "Are you going to be in the art show? Zack's actually started working on a painting for the show."

"Yeah, me too," Charlie replied happily, visibly perking up. "Actually, I have a few ideas for it. They're in my sketchbook; I'd be happy to show you!"

He began to rise from his chair, but David promptly stopped him. "Later, Charles. Sit down, please."

Charlie obeyed, and Zack laid a comforting paw on his thigh underneath the table, giving him a warm smile. Charlie grinned back and Karen 'aww'ed quietly.

Speaking to Michelle, she said, "You know, the two of them really do look like a nice couple, don't they?"

Michelle agreed. "They're adorable."

"It was a big surprise when we found out Zack was dating another guy," Geoff added. "But we're happy he's found somebody like Charlie."

Charlie suddenly coughed into his drink, splashing liquid down his front. Zack patted him on the back as Seth started laughing, but became silent again with a stern look from Geoff.

"Charles, control yourself!" David snapped.

"Sorry," Charlie gasped. "It was an accident. I'll go change."

David allowed it this time. "Make it quick."

Zack watched him leave and quickly returned his attention to the food before him. He had taken two more bites of lasagna and one more from his bread before David spoke again in a practiced, measured monotone voice.

"So Zackery, tell us about yourself."

Zack couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at the inquiry. Few people actually called him Zackery and the question itself was rather vague. "What would you like to know?"

"Well, I noticed that you've got a nice car you're driving," David observed. "Must have a good job to pay for it."

Oh dear, here we go... "Actually, it was fully paid off when I got it," Zack replied nervously. "It used to be my dad's. When I got my license, he gave it to me and got a new car." When David didn't respond right away, he added awkwardly, "I don't have a job right now. I'll get one in the summer, though."

"I see." The wolf spoke as if conversing with a colleague rather than a family friend. "You know, I was about your age when I got my first job. Used it to save up for my college fund."

"That's what I'm going to do too," said Zack. "I'm hoping to still get a scholarship on my grades."

David nodded in approval. "Interesting. What are you going to study?"

"I don't know yet," Zack answered, his heart sinking. Then throwing caution to the wind, he elaborated, "I'm hoping to do something with my art."

"Which college?" David asked without missing a beat.

"I'm not sure yet," Zack confessed, shifting worriedly in his chair. He relaxed a little as Chance returned, sinking back into his seat beside the jackal. "I think I might do two years at the community college first. Might give me an idea of what I want to get my degree in."

"Very sensible," David commented. He took a drink and waited a moment before speaking once again. "Charles, I think you could learn something from Zackery. He has a plan for after high school."

"I kind of do," Charlie stammered shyly. It seemed even he wasn't immune to his father's straightforwardness. "And you don't have to call him 'Zackery.' Just Zack."

David gave a noncommittal shrug and went back to eating his dinner.

"So Charlie, is Zack your first boyfriend?" Karen asked. Everyone, including Zack himself, seemed interested to hear the answer.

"He is," Charlie admitted. Zack felt the wolf's paw grasp his underneath the table, making him smile. "Actually, our date was my first real date. Never really found anyone I clicked with until I found him."

"Well Zack, is Charles your first boyfriend?" David questioned.

_Damnit._He heard Charlie gasp lightly while the jackal remained frozen in his chair. He felt the eyes of the entire room baring into him as he forced out an answer. "Well, no. My last boyfriend and I had a...falling out." He realized the implications of what he had just said and quickly tried to follow up. "But that's okay. I'm not bothered by it. Charlie's a better boyfriend than he was anyway."

David stared at him with a look of contemplation. Oh God, please don't ask what I think you're going to ask. Please, please, please... The wolf opened his mouth and -

"So Dad, how's work going?" Charlie interrupted. "Did you get that contract?"

At first, Zack thought David was going to scold Charlie for cutting him off, but he just looked surprised. "Yes. I think we've got it all set."

"Contract?" Geoff echoed with genuine interest. "Do you mind if I ask what you do?"

"Not at all," David replied.

As the adults began to discuss their respective jobs, Charlie leaned over to speak to Zack. "Hey, I'm sorry about my dad. He's been really eager to give you the third degree."

"I noticed," Zack said in relief, though he was still unnerved by the encounter. "He's kind of intimidating."

That brought out a chuckle from Charlie. "That means a lot coming from the big dog on campus." Zack couldn't help but chuckle as well.

The rest of dinner went relatively smoothly, with the adults discussing their work lives and the younger guests keeping mostly to themselves. Zack and Charlie continued to talk and enjoy themselves, but soon the meal ended and everyone dispersed. While the women prepared dessert - with Tristan tagging along - the men and boys went to the living room to relax. Before Zack followed, however, he sensed an opportunity and excused himself. He pulled Seth off to the side - almost literally - to talk in the hall.

"What the fuck do you want?" Seth complained with another scowl.

"Language," Zack admonished. "You need to apologize to Charlie for what you said that day in the car."

"What, why?" Seth grimaced. "That was weeks ago. It's not even a big deal."

"It is a big deal and you hurt his feelings," Zack reasoned, giving his brother a stern glare. "So go do it. Now."

"You can't fucking tell me what to do. You're not my mom."

"Really? Again with the 'you're not my mom' line?" It still amazed Zack how quickly Seth made him fed up with him. This was supposed to be a happy occasion; he didn't need this right now. "Just go do it."

"No, leave me alone," Seth protested.

"Fine," said Zack before he grabbed Seth's arm and lead him into the living room.

"Hey, what the -" Seth was dragged with him and once Zack spotted Charlie standing off to the side, he headed towards him. The younger jackal struggled as Zack pushed him forward. "Get off!"

"Apologize," Zack ordered, crossing his arms.

Charlie looked confused. "What's going on? What does he need to apologize for?"

Seth gave his brother a pointed look, but Zack ignored it. "For what he said in the car. Remember?"

It took a moment, but a look of realization crossed the wolf's face. "Oh, that! It's not a big deal, Zack. He doesn't have to -"

"Yes, he does," Zack stated, more to Seth. He jabbed his brother roughly. "Apologize."

_ _ "Fine!" Seth relented. "I'm sorry. Happy?"

Zack began to get genuinely angry. "Seth -"

"It's fine, Zack," Charlie cut in. To Seth he said, "I accept your apology."

With a roll of his eyes, Seth went off by himself to play on his phone.

"Whatever," Zack sighed. "Sorry about him. He's just being petty because he can't give up one afternoon. Anyway," Deciding on a less volatile subject, he pointed at the two fathers talking on the couch. "How do you think it's going? Think they'll be friends and all? I mean, your dad's kind of..." He lowered his voice. "...intense."

"I know," Charlie agreed. "But I think I think it's going okay."

"Just okay? Is that good?"

"Well, Dad's still a bit...difficult, but I think it'll be okay." Charlie took Zack's paw, emphasizing, "We'll be okay."

Zack grinned, leaning down to kiss Charlie before he caught another white form moving toward them. He straightened as David approached, clearing his throat.

"Mind if I have a quick word with you in private? Just a small chat." It wasn't a question.

"Oh...okay," Zack stammered, once again feeling very nervous in the older wolf's presence.

David nodded and led him out the back door and onto the porch. The night air was cool and refreshing, but Zack only felt chilled as David closed the door behind them and faced him.

"I'll get straight to the point," David began. "I'm not okay with your...relationship...with Charles."

There it was. He had been expecting something like that, but hearing it still made his heart plummet to his stomach. "I...yeah, he's told me that."

"Has he?" David quirked an eyebrow. "Did he tell you why?"

Zack gulped. "Because you don't people."

"Not just that. I don't want him wasting his potential." David corrected. "I want him to marry a woman he loves, raise a family, have children, be the best wolf he can be. I thought he'd be able to get a new start after the move. So you can imagine how I felt when I found out he was dating you."


"However," David continued. "You also make him happy. I haven't seen him so happy since before his mother and I divorced. And no matter how much I try to convince him otherwise, he keeps coming back to you, so you must mean a lot to him. Which means I need you to promise me something."

"What's that? Mr. Argent," Zack added for politeness.

"Can you promise to watch over Charles?" David asked, his stoic expression not budging an inch. "Clearly something happened with your last boyfriend, but I won't ask about it. I noticed how you two avoided the questions at dinner." The wolf paused to let that sink in and then continued. "If Charles is choosing to overlook that detail, then I'll trust his judgement. But I need to hear it from you. If you're going to be part of his family, I want to know that I can trust you. So Zackery, do you promise to take good care of my son?" The words seemed forced coming out of his muzzle, but Zack was too intimidated to ponder it too long.

Zack gave the only answer he knew. "Yes, of course. Always."

David nodded, eyes narrowed. "Good. I have your word. Don't go back on it. He may be your boyfriend, but he's still_my_ son. If you break his heart, you'll have to answer for it."

"I would never," Zack stammered.

"Good to hear. I'm glad we could come to an agreement." David patted the jackal's shoulder firmly. "I think we'll get along just fine."

"I hope so," said Zack timidly. It was an odd feeling. He didn't know many people who could made him feel so small.

"I expect dessert's almost ready. Let's go back inside," David suggested. As they began to return into the house, he added. "And try to calm down. You're shaking."

The advice didn't help.

Zack found himself still fretting over the encounter during dessert. The coffee cake they were having - caffeine free for Tristan's benefit - helped to ease his nerves, but it still bothered him throughout the meal. Only once the Baileys were getting ready to leave was he able to calm down a little by talking alone with Charlie.

"So do you think it went well?" Charlie asked as they watched the adults say goodbye.

"As well as could be expected," Zack replied. All things considered, the night _had_gone well. "I think my parents like your parents. We might be doing this again soon," he added hopefully.

Charlie laughed. "Not too soon, hopefully. I almost had a heart attack tonight. I was so nervous and then Dad started interrogating you and then he took you out onto the porch and -"

Zack didn't want to think about that. "You're rambling again," he said, leaning in for another kiss. Charlie moved closer and they shared their final kiss for the night. Once they pulled apart, a familiar voice intervened.

"Excuse me, are we interrupting?"

Glancing over, they saw everyone staring at them, and Seth gagging in the background. David was standing there looking intimidating as always. The stern expression on his muzzle perfectly showed his distaste for the scene.

What, am I not allowed to kiss him now? Zack indignantly put an arm around the wolf, pulling him closer. "Just saying goodnight," he said with a bit of a huff.

Geoff cut in before it could escalate any further. "Well, let's get going, Zack," he suggested. Steering Zack outside, he said, "Thanks again, David, Michelle. Dinner was fantastic. It was nice getting to know you."

"Yes, it was," Michelle agreed. "We'll have to do it again sometime."

After saying one last goodbye, the Baileys went out the door and back to the car. Once they were all inside and driving out of the neighborhood, Geoff glanced into the mirror at his eldest son.


"I know, I know," Zack groaned, averting his gaze. "I'm sorry."

"You can't act like that in front of Charlie's father," Geoff continued. "I know you like Charlie, but -"

"I know, Pa," Zack insisted.

Geoff didn't push it, understanding that his son was aware of his mistake. Instead, he mused, "Well, I think that went well, don't you?"

"Oh, it was wonderful. Michelle and I got along like pieces to a puzzle," Karen noted. "I'm not sure about David, though. He seemed a little tense the whole night."

"I don't blame him," Geoff reasoned. "He just wants what's best for his kid."

"I suppose," replied Karen. "I just worry about Charlie is all."

"He's a good kid. He'll be fine," said Geoff. "Tristan, did you have a good time."

"I did!" Tristan responded happily. "The food was yummy!"

Geoff chuckled. "Indeed it was. How about you, Seth? Seth?"

The jackal in question was busy texting on his phone again.


While his brother and his parents began to argue about social etiquette involving phones, Zack once again thought back to his conversation with David. The wolf's words had struck a chord within him, one that resonated throughout his psyche and filled his mind with determination. If David thought he was a bad influence, then Zack was going to prove him wrong. He'd show him, by caring for his boyfriend and being the best jackal he could be.