
They were of value, to be certain, but they're be a mild curiosity, that would help her in her aspirations to understand psychology. she wondered if echo had corrupted her in some way, to be so callous about her people's stories.

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Digital Studies

Growing up, ben has always viewed him as a hero and aspired to do great deeds to the world like him someday. - judging by your longing glance, it seems that you also have a personal reason to tackle this topic. veemon inquired.

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I reflect on the thought like an adult, shrugging off the naivety of their childish aspirations. that is no longer an option or possibility.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 7.2: It's All In The Cards

This kind of behavior is not only reckless, but it sets a very dangerous precedent when it comes to needless aspirations of heroism." the fox nodded. "of course, captain. i apologize."

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Stay the Horse

Hopefully this doesn't turn off all you aspiring writers out there... after all...your souls are quite safe, right?

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He had fought to defend his friends, even against the will of the gods - whom of which he had aspired to be part of - because he believed that their will and plan for the universe was unjust.

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The Good That Won't Come Out (Pundamentals #2)

You are what i aspire to be. but, that doesn't change the fact that i don't like you. you know i'm hurting, but you don't do anything. by inaction, you are just like me. you know how i feel.

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Geocache - For Your Progeny

aspirations soar here since there are no skyscrapers to dictate the line at which they should stop and no light pollution to opaque just how far they can go. perish the thought that they're all met, but bless the lack of hindrance.

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408 The Secret Decalogue

Finally a quick summary of primitive humans aspiring to be more than animal and making tools, clothes, societies and last of all ideas, like writing all of it down." "it's a good start, i suppose. in the beginning there are words." "gotcha.

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New Trainer on the Block (Gardevoir TF/TG) [COM]

Tom and danny were both best friends to each other and aspiring pokemon trainers to be. they were both getting into the "game" rather late, meaning they were well past their childhood years in their twenties.

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New Blacksmith in Town (Haley TF/TG)

Terry was an aspiring businessman. he was always coming up with schemes and ways to try and start up these business to have a little personal handful of businesses to own and make a hefty amount of money for sometime down the line.

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Identity: Chapter Fifty-One

Since the police chief had political aspirations of his own, he couldn't dare be on mayor wong's bad side.

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