"The Thin Line," Part BB
It had an ant in harness very similar to ours, and indeed the our ant and the farmer's ant clicked and chirruped at each other, briefly bringing things to a halt.
[Detective Thursdays] The Ship
Say 'hi' to ant for me, though." i nodded and hopped out of the car. two steps took me inside, jazz and whiskey washed over me and i had to blink twice before i could take a third.
El Secreto de Tora: La muerte
Se la tendió a bryce, y murmuró: -cuando nos atentaron antes de ayer, la encontré en nuestra habitación. parece ser que no quieren verte muerto.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Ch8
Assures danahlia, cracking open an ant segment.
Transformice Chapter Nº1 -ESP-
¿antes que estar con nosotros mofándote como un tarado? kiku: -owo... esto se pondrá bueno- serk: ...
Outbreak part 3.
Agorita que me acuerdo, no te lo habia dicho por estar preocupado por ti y en todo lo que nos dijo el doc, antes de escaparamos del vehiculo chocado recogi este radio para poder comunicarnos.
Pixel Shift - Chapter 3
"yeah, so and you almost got eaten by ants." he smiled, "i'm not gonna abandon you, and i'm definitely not gonna let some stuck up bastard buy you from some slave trader. i'll protect you."
Springtide: Berry Inconvenient
There was a reason that ants could lift a hundred times their body strength, and it wasn't just them being super creatures. it was because of their size.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 39: Civil War in Fur Dreams City, Blood-Tail Vs. Shadow!
ant said and rolled his eyes then looked over to see whom samiake was facing. ant's eyes widened and his blood boiled. he was now looking at the one who killed his mother.
MoonDust, Chapter 28
The fire ant and the narrow road crawling past its headlamps were the only signs anyone had ever been here. imogene never thought the stark, lonely vista could feel so welcoming.
Sypher Island: God's Blade Chapter 3: Undertown
Its armor plates opened from the middle of its body and two ant bugs walked out, fallowed by officer sid. between the two of them, the ants dragged zano's limp, numb body, still wearing only a hospital gown.
De nuevo guerra... Capulo XIX
Kuma hab abandonado esa noche la cama, pero estaba de la misma forma que antes. -buenos ds hermoso tigre susurrkuma a alex por la espalda, acaricidole su brazo. -buenos ds adorado pandita, co amaneciste hoy amor?