Savannah Blues part 14

Carl was amused by the show of dominance he seemed to be lacking these past couple of days. bix was worried he was going to be dog chow and not in the good way.

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Darzarath - To Expose the Shadow

Not in stern disapproval, nor in amusement. she was actually paying attention to every word of his, and he couldn't help but feel a bit squeamish. "second.... uh... ah, yes." he continued.

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My Grand, Frozen Heart part 3

I just shook my grinned face with amusement while she laughed, snorting on the last one. "oh yeah, i need to go get more to drink, so you are watching him. ok?" "sure." "great, thanks!" with that, she left me with a drunk, and amusing, grant.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 15 of 37

amused at his effort, i kissed him. "the thing with these cop shows -" i began. "fuck off and let me enjoy something for once without turning it into a debate," aaron growled. shocked but amused, i laughed aloud.

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Not amused by this, rebexa frowned. "why couldn't you just join me? this city is not worth it. you're fighting for nothing. rane, you could become a god like me!" she tried to get her daughter to switch sides.

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dog detective story...(old..lil long...srry...)

In reality it looked like she stopped in the middle of a sneeze, it was quite amusing.

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Seas Be Ours - Chapter 1

"fine, it's mildly amusing. but as for not being able to sail her, that's what i have you for." the high spirited grin on urch's face started to fade.

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After the Storm - Part 20 [The Interview - Part 1]

The garchomp paused and stifled an amused chuckle as the thought came to mind. "and as you know, none of your 'nations' have really modernized your names. in fact, neither has ours. can you imagine... heh heh...

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Origins of R.C.

As he got older, he scored a summer job at the local amusement park which he loved going to. he spent the vast majority of his summers working and riding there.

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More then just friends... lDriving down memory lanel

This comment didn't amuse sekhai. ''so what do you want?'' sekhai asked. ''where is your friend i'm getting tired waiting'' oklain grumbled. ''he left at 10:00 he should be there soon'' sekhai replied.

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Love Is... Chapter 1

She was smiling more widely than ever though, still amused by these old and corny jokes that martin seemed only to have discovered recently even though she'd heard them ever since she was a cub!

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