5- WaterMount

The clear blue skies filled the air as the two drakes stood on lush green grass, staring at the sea before them. "I can't do it Silvus." The silver drake of the pair placed a paw on the other orange dragon. "You're gonna have to face your fear...

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Chapter 5

Zora awoke, Ugh what happened, Zora tried to get up but stumbled, Oh my head, he thought as he stood up, Lilly!, His mind suddenly clicked. He glanced around, the festival had cleared out and it was about the middle of the night, he frowned, Damnit, He...

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Trailblazer Part 5

A few weeks have passed since the arrival of the massive fleet in the Sol System, since then the forces of order have been in talks with the world governments of Earth and with the globe on high alert the crusade forces have claimed the four inner...

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Birdsong ~ Part 5

For a while it had seemed to Felix as though the storm had cleared, as though the clouds parted overhead so that the sun could shimmer down and warm his skin and fur with its gaze. The ground became soft and pleasant, and the scent in the air shifted...

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Suncrest - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Who am I? A clear bottle dropped on the table. "Feast your eyes, Gi," Tea declared. "This is gonna make us invincible." The pixie hovered in front of the table, smiling from ear to ear as if expecting him to burst into applause at any...

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Presto - Chapter 5

Arden poured himself a sparkling water, and glanced back over his writing. It would have been so much faster if he had a computer, but then, if he had the budget for that, he would probably have been able to afford a larger apartment. His heart was...

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Clown Mare 5

# [Chapter 5](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/17/clown-mare/chapter-5) "Gasp." He then itches both of his eyes with his right hoof. Both of his eyes had been blurry for a moment when he lifted his small glass specs and put them on. "Flurris."...

Contact - Part 5

**[En: Cht White Chrysanthemum]** _by RandomCanis_ **Contact: Part-5** The sky rumbled, the ground trembled, and the air howled. Slithering ivory branches swam through the sky, leaving golden sparks to cascade onto the trees, and the rubbles, and...

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Helen Ch 5

The coming months were fairly peaceful around the island, though they were not spent idly. Tammy worked long and hard at making new N-crystal bracelets so that more people would be able to help fight if needed, while also studying ways of disabling the...

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Christine Ch 5

As time went on after the lockdown was lifted, things returned to something resembling the normal state of affairs from before it was imposed, which was a blessing and a curse all at once. The flow of new residents didn't slow down because of the...

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Different Ch.5

Melias looked at his father with wide eyes. What did he just say? "Guurolk?" Ro's big smile vanished, and he shrunk back into the couch. "Yup, that's my name..." "So, it is you! My goodness, you've grown so much!" Melias rubbed his...

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Journal Entry 5

Well, I can say that Haven is doing much more for me than I expected. We had gone to Scotland to retrieve someone on the strength tier. His name is Magnus, and without Haven to help me collect myself and remember what I could do, that meeting could...

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