First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Three -- {Threats}

Drawing sentient life from the other realm, the gems were meant to augment the abilities of weapons and give them supernatural feats.


The Exile 5 - The End

The moon disappeared with the last of its thoughts, fading back to the other realm where the castle still burned upon its snowy peak.

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Remember Me 1 - With Eyes Reflecting Sunsets

._ _one day i hope i get to go to other realms like james does. he always has amazing stories and all the friends he talks about meeting makes me really jealous.

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Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-1

Around those three are other realms of existence. where_this_ place is, though, is outside of all_that_," naoia continued. "the great foundation..." thavi said in awe.

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Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-2

Many people on countless worlds throughout the multiverse and other realms had tried to conceptualize and give a name to what they wanted to believe was responsible for their existence, though being mere mortals, they could perceive but only an infinitesimal

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-2

Outside of those are other realms of existence, though what you might call the foundation of all reality is known as ayoo-t'ahna nal-zhidôr--_that_ is the home of the first ones. i believe you will learn a bit more about it as you complete your journey.

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Urban Mystic

Now, ley lines are part of a geographical network that seals earth and our local realm from other realms like the tartarus.

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Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 9 - Of Dragons and Elders

He had thought of spyro's time in the other realms as one long string of exciting adventures, like the ones spyro had always dreamed about. but spyro's actual adventure sounded equal parts depressing and terrifying.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 7

They desired to reach into other galaxies, and even into other realms of existence. the first ones had enough.

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Platinum Light

The peoples of those other realms might not have spoken the common tongue, they might not have shared cultures and might even have feared this new influence at first.

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Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-4

He continued on about his encounters with the "cosmic momma" and how she helped him deal with his time travel experience, how she showed him the structure of the multiverse and the relationship of other realms to it, and when she took him to see alicia, poppy

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Remember Me 8 - Within Lavender Paradise

The grand casino still remained like a castle above all, luxurious despite its visage in the shadowed glint of this other realm giving it a more sinister look. what they saw inside only confirmed jack's suspicions.

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