"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-2

Story by AncientWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Daggers of Darkness #4: An Unexpected Discovery

Here's chapter-2 for the fourth book of my sci-fi adventure series, "Daggers of Darkness, Book 4, An Unexpected Discovery". This story is set 500 years into the future with some of the descendants of the characters in my novel, "Family Tails". This book continues the physical journey that will ultimately tie together the story lines of "The Sacrifice for Peace", "Family Tails". "Daggers of Darkness", and "Tangled Vines".

The posting of this story on here may not be a fully polished product -- that will come later when I have the story fully edited and published. However, I will try to keep the typos, etc., to a minimum. The main things I would like from those reading this are comments, questions, and suggestions. I only ask that you please keep criticisms constructive and polite.

Story, characters, and related art © 2013-2019 Ronald J. Lebeck (that's me).


What lay before them in the dark places between the stars filled all who looked upon it with a nameless dread. It was something born of the deep forgotten places, of malevolence incarnate, the stuff of nightmares. It was the twisted perversion of life...and it was filled with hate.

It was a Dark Blood ship.

"Hold your position here, Captain. Absolutely do not approach any closer and do not scan it. Make sure the others understand this," Kei'sa instructed firmly.

James nodded his head once in acknowledgement and prepared to bring the ship to a full stop.

"Syl, get Rha'an and Rissa on for me," James ordered quietly.

"Aye, sir," Sylvia said, forcing herself to look away from the unshuttered bridge windows. A few moments later she announced, "Go ahead, sir."

"Rha'an, Rissa...we hold here. Miss Kei'sa says we're not to get any closer," James said.

/* "Um, not want to be even this_close to Dark Ones' ship!_" */ Rissanivi said with a shudder.

/* "Understood, James. We feel_it already--I thought I could not imagine anything worse than the Wurnak Da'i, but..._" */

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Coming to full stop..." When all four ships had ceased their forward motion, James added, "Rha'an, put me through to your crew--I need to tell everyone at once."

Rha'an glanced over to Shen-Lir'an a moment and then looked back at the video pickup.

/* "You may speak to them, James." */

He nodded his head once and tapped the All Call control pad on his console.

"Attention all hands, this is Captain Daugherty. We've been instructed to hold our position here. Absolutely under no circumstances is anyone to attempt any sort of scan of the vessel ahead of us. I'm assuming that also includes any telepathic scans as well."

'Especially not, Captain," Kei'sa said loud enough to be picked up by the comm system.

"You all heard that. Make sure all automatic scanning equipment are turned off--we don't want to take any chances of waking that ship up. We look just long enough to be able to identify one visually and then we quietly go around it and move on. Everyone come forward and take a quick look so we don't hang around any longer than necessary." James made a gesture to Rha'an to indicate he was through talking to both crews, though he had something more to say to her. Rha'an glanced off towards Shen-Lir'an a moment and then nodded again towards James. "Let me know when everyone over there has had a chance to get a look."

/* "Of course, James. I do not wish to stay near this abomination any longer than you." */

In effort to keep from possibly being sensed, Nightwing activated its stealth field and the other three ships rigged for silent running before they carefully and quietly skirted around the larger Dark Blood ship at what was hoped to be a safe distance.

* * * * *

The wolf ship held back, waiting for the others to get safely past the sinister Dark Blood ship.

"Is that thing still sleeping, dear?" Naoia asked.

/* "Looks like, but still not trust," */ Char'ena replied.

"They've tried to be sneaky before, playing dead when they had an eye open just enough to see what was sniffing nearby. Well, we can't leave it lying around to cause any more mischief than it already has. I'm sure those pesky Dark Bloods left it there on purpose, just waiting to see who might happen by...or else to keep in reserve in some out of the way place, like here. When our young friends are a safe distance away, we'd better pounce on it and kill it quickly," Naoia said.

/* "Other Dark Blood ships might sense it gone and come looking," */ Char'ena suggested.

"That's a possibility, dear. We know there are some lurking about somewhere out here. Maybe I should check with Kri'liana and Trae'lan to see if they've had any luck finding those strays. Keep your eyes on that thing while I visit with them--if it does _anything_other than just lay there like a bump on a log, kill it," Naoia agreed.

/* "Yes, Mistress." */

While Naoia was visiting with her two V'Aertii friends, Kri'liana and Trae'lan, Char'ena kept a close watch on the apparent derelict ship. She knew from experience that Dark Blood ships would feign death if they thought it would be to their advantage. Unfortunately for it, she knew just where to strike to make an instant kill. Ever since the Great Lupin had first merged with the mechanical form, her immortal essence--her_chanitha_, as the Thabbani called it--had flowed into and was absorbed by the materials it had been constructed from, making it as unbreakable as she was. (It was by a similar process that the structure surrounding the manifestation of The Heart on Élendor--and on other worlds--had become permanent.) Char'ena had no fear of the Dark Blood ship for she knew it could not harm her or the mechanical form she was presently merged with.

For all their malice, hate, and destructive capability, Dark Blood ships feared the First Ones' beast ships as much as the First Ones themselves. Their fear drove their hate, which in turn fueled the destruction they waged. Try as they might, they could never destroy their most feared opponents--the great beast ships. Where the ships of the First Ones drew their strength from the realm of Ayoo-t'ahna Nal-Zhidôr, the home of the First Ones, the Dark Blood ships drew theirs from that which has been the source of power for their masters--the huge crystalline structures found in the depths of Mâr An'sanim.

The type of crystal, known as e'nchiekh, is an artifact leftover from the initial formation of matter in the early universe. Normally, the crystals--if found at all--were small and widely scattered, and were normally broken down over time by natural forces. However, merely by random chance, a concentration of e'nchiekh crystals had accumulated in one particular area of the newly formed universe. The pressure waves generated by the short-lived giant proto stars as they went supernova pushed the crystals together, causing them to merge into larger and more organized structures. As their mass increased, more and more of the e'nchiekh crystals and other exotic matter gathered and compressed under the force of gravity. Similar to the piezo-electric effect in quartz, the squeezing of the e'nchiekh crystalline structures produced a highly unusual energy that was moderated by the mix of exotic early matter. The energy wormed its way through the dimensional barriers until it connected with the lowest potential--that which some call the Negative Material Plane. The resulting backflash spread through the e'nchiekh crystals, charging them with a form of negative energy that behaved in a bizarre manner within this universe.

When an otherwise unremarkable early main sequence star formed among the remnants of the original proto stars and primordial clouds of dust and gas, its accretion disk swept up and caught the structures formed of e'nchiekh crystals. Their mass gathered together with a clump of normal matter that eventually became a planet capable of developing life. But the life that evolved on that world was influenced by the bizarre negative energies that infused the e'nchiekh crystals. The forbidding world known as Mâr An'sanim gave birth to the race of beings who would become known as the Dark Bloods due to the fluids that flowed through their veins that were as black as ink--their own name for themselves being too difficult for most sentient beings to pronounce. The Dark Bloods evolved with a heat resistant stone-gray skin, red eyes, hair with the colors of reddish flame, and a strong aversion to natural sunlight. When they discovered the e'nchiekh crystal structures beneath the surface of their world, the Dark Bloods quickly became fascinated by them and sought to discover all that they could about the nature of the crystals and their possible uses. Over time, they learned to harness the energies of the crystals and use them to control and harm for the sake of gaining power, no matter the cost.

Char'ena kept a wary eye on the Dark Blood ship. If it should awaken and lash out at her young friends as they went around, she knew they were not capable of defending themselves from it for long, nor would they be able to outrun it. The small courier ship piloted by the Vey'ani female would have no chance whatsoever against the destructive malice of the ancient Dark Blood ship. Char'ena had always been quick on her feet--being merged with the machine form created for her by the First Ones gave her unparalleled capabilities which she would need in the days ahead.

"Young friends must make it to Chenau-Ri. Cannot let dark things stop them," Char'ena vowed to herself.

* * * * *

Khri'zan Harankhek sat down at what served as a dining table in her tiny apartment. Idly stirring her _l'enja_broth, she looked at the framed image of her uniformed younger sister on the wall near the pull-down table for several long moments before heaving a sigh.

"Where are you, Khel? Why were you the only one to have disappeared when that strange vessel appeared as if from nowhere and disabled the transport bringing you back with others from the border post? The military said they could find no trace of where it came from or where it went, and they claim to not know how it crossed the border into our space. They do know it did not belong to any of those just outside of our borders, but they are not openly saying that. There are those who say you must have gone willingly since there was no sign of a struggle. I do not believe them! The technology exists that can simply pluck one from a place and send to another, and they know it--our large ships have that ability and it is known that other civilizations have it as well. I know_you are not foolish enough to simply abandon your duties and all you hold dear, my sister. Who took you from us and what do they want with you? Was it mere happenstance that it was_ you they took, or was there some reason for it? Oh, by the Mercy of Lan'jaici*[1]*, if only we could know so your name is not burned before us!" Khri'zan hung her head and held both hands to her chest. "We lost our beloved brother to that foolish war...must we lose you as well, dear sister?"

Unbeknown to Khri'zan at that moment--or any other R'Hinsi for that matter--a small, stealthy, one-person ship had slipped undetected across the empire's border and was headed straight to R'Hin itself. The ship's occupant was an unusual individual who looked very different from R'Hinsa. That would soon change, however.

Talera stood in her small cabin and looked into the mirror that hung on the inside of her locker door as she initiated the change. Shape changing energy erupted from her body and transformed it from her normal tall statuesque appearance to a shorter and much darker skinned version. Talera now looked like an average R'Hinsi female in all aspects...except for her eyes. Her clothing was the work uniform worn by the largest and best-known delivery service--no one would think twice about seeing her make a delivery within the drab block-style apartment complex.

Before she left her ship, Talera picked up the data cube and examined it a moment, thinking on what it had taken to get the contents of it this far. The encrypted message that had been recorded by Khel'zet Harankhek onboard Nightwing, had been sent via the Mûr Tua'ansa military communications network to the Élendorian ambassador to the Sol Federation of Worlds on Terra. From there, it had been carried by a series of cargo vessels and private individuals to near the R'Hin border. At a small overlooked trading post along the J'Farka portion of the DMZ, the message traded hands again--this time to a woman who looked like she might be a distant cousin to the R'Hinsa. She was tall, had white hair, upswept pointed ears, and skin that had a lightly tanned color instead a dark chocolate brown. All that was in and of itself not too unusual, though the intense almond-shaped violet eyes were.

Talera materialized in an empty lift car in the large block-style apartment complex. Remembering the floor and room number that had been given to her by the First One, Salen-na'thal, before he and Nar'sena slipped into R'Hin's past, she pushed the appropriate button and waited for the lift car to deposit her on the eleventh floor. Reaching into the satchel slung over her shoulder, Talera removed a handheld data unit disguised as a R'Hin model normally carried by the delivery service. The lift car came to a stop and the doors opened--revealing a young R'Hinsi mother and her little boy who had been waiting for the lift car. Talera quickly scanned the young mother's mind for the appropriate response.

"May your fires burn bright and pure," Talera said cheerfully, speaking the traditional greeting in the main R'Hin language, N'raz, and giving a nod of her head.

"May your own shine bright before the Ancestors," the young woman responded with a subdued voice.

Talera noted the appearance of the mother and her child--the worn clothing draped loosely on their thin bodies and their downcast eyes matched the shame she sensed in them. The young mother flinched when Talera gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Have hope, friend, all is not lost. The First Ones have returned--they work to set things aright even as I speak," Talera said with a kindly smile.

The young mother looked up with a shocked expression and said in hushed tones, "It is forbidden to speak openly of such!"

"That will change very soon. One has already been here; another will be coming--openly, and not alone," Talera said with a knowing smile.

Drawing her child close, the young mother pleaded, "Please, we want no further trouble! We have suffered enough!"

Talera drew out the young mother's name from her mind without her being aware of it.

"Be at peace, Milashen[2], you and your child will know better days," Talera said gently.

"How do you know my name?" the young mother demanded, frightened now of the delivery person.

"You have no need to be afraid," Talera replied. "I am simply here to make a welcomed delivery, or two. And speaking of, I must be on my way." She took a few steps, paused, and turned to look at the two who were staring after her. "Truly, be at peace," Talera said with a smile.

For a moment, Milashen and her boy thought they saw a different person, one unlike any they had seen in their lives. A tall, graceful female, dressed in colors of a forest, who looked similar to a R'Hinsi, only with much lighter skin and odd violet-colored eyes that had an unusual intensity about them. When they blinked their eyes, they saw an average-looking delivery person walking away from them down the long hallway.

Talera arrived a short while later at apartment number 3-11-502[3], the home of Khri'zan Harankhek. Pressing the announcer button, Talera waited patiently with her data unit in one hand and a small package in the other.

/* "Who is it?" */

"Imperial Express--package for Harankhek, Khri'zan," Talera replied.

There was a pause and then the door's locking mechanism withdrew. The door opened slowly and blue eyes peered out.

"A package...from who?" a female voice asked suspiciously.

Talera smiled slightly, scanned the package and read the display.

"This says it is from a Khel'zet Harankhek."

The door opened a bit wider, allowing the face of the person on the other side of it to be seen more clearly.

"I was not expecting any package. Where is it from?"

Looking again at the display, Talera replied, "Looks like a military base address. It requires your thumbprint to accept."

With a skeptical expression, the apartment dweller reluctantly supplied the required thumbprint.

Handing over the package, Talera gave a nod of her head and said mysteriously before walking away, "She will return."

Khri'zan stared after the delivery person for a moment before shutting her door and locking it. She looked at the package in her hand; her thoughts tumbling through her mind.

"What manner of trick is_this? Could it actually_ be from Khel? No one has heard from her for several j'thua[4]--is this recent, or something she had preplanned in case anything happened to her?" Carefully opening the package, Khri'zan removed the data cube it contained and looked at it with a mix of emotions. "I hope this is not some sadistic trick of the government's..."

/* "Khri, it is with hope that you are first to see this. I do not know how this will be brought to you, or if it will even make it to your hands. I still live and am in good health. I was ensnared by an Elder Race known as the Dra'kan and transported to their world. I did not know why at the time, though now, it seems, I am destined for some purpose far more important than any of us could imagine.

_ _

"As you see this, I am far away from our homespace--many thousands of j'mu-vela[5], near the galactic edge. I am among others who have been set upon an important task. There is a far greater threat to all who inhabit this galaxy than we realize. To combat this threat, the First Ones have returned, along with several of the Elder Races; those they call the Younger Races--ourselves among them--must decide which side to be on in the coming Great War of Light and Dark. Despite our own problems, I pray our people will choose to stand in the Light and not fall in the Darkness.

_ _

"Some may deny the existence of the First Ones or the Elder Races, though I have seen and have touched with my own hand those who are of two of the Elder Races and also a being known as a Great Lupin who is a companion to a First One. There is a First One following nearby as I speak, and as I understand, we shall meet face-to-face very soon. I am both excited and terrified for these beings are old and powerful beyond all imagination.

_ _

"I hope you receive this message untampered with. If you have, and you wish to reply, there is a way--the instructions are in a separate file. Safeguard them by the strongest means for I do not know how often I may get a message to you, or how long I will be away. I vow to return as soon as possible for I still call our beloved R'Hin home, whether I am accepted there or not.

_ _

"You will always be my sister, my blood kin, and I yours, Khri'zan. Have hope, even when others say there is none. May our brother's spirit find its way home and be at peace. My respect to our parents and our clan--share this with them and our closest friends, if you think it wise and prudent to do so. Be well, dear Khri...you are missed." */

Khel'zet ended the message by singing two stanzas of a song that was a favorite of theirs.

Khri'zan wiped tears from her eyes for she knew the message had truly come from Khel'zet.

"Oh, my dear sister... by the Mercy of Lan'jaici, you live!"

Talera returned to her ship and thought what to do next. While she was satisfied that the message got to the intended person, she contemplated what to do about the young mother and child she had met.

"I cannot help them all, but I can_help those two at least. Their family has cast them out for some reason--I will find out why, though first I will see that their immediate needs are met. Food is certainly at the top of the list. I'll just take a look around down there and see what they use to obtain goods with..._"

A few hours later, Talera pushed the announcer button by the door of apartment number 3-11-899.

/* "Who is it?" */

"Imperial Express. Special delivery for Shirhakrin, Milashen..."

When the door opened, the young mother looked out at Talera first with a frown and then when she saw the cart loaded with supplies and smelled fresh hot food, her jaw dropped.

A short while later, Milashen and her son, Har'jiat as she called him, had their first substantial hot meal in some time. After they had finished their desserts and had cleaned up from the meal, Milashen slowly sipped her tea with worry starting to creep into her eyes. Nobody did something like this without a price attached.

"My son and I...we thank you for your...gift," Milashen started cautiously.

"I am simply happy to have been in the right place at the right time for the right reason," Talera said with a smile, waving her hand dismissively. "There are no requirements attached--I only wished to help someone in need."

"But...why?" Milashen asked with a skeptical look.

"Because it is what good people do. It matters not who or what you are, where you are from, or what you believe--treat others as you wish to be treated. Perhaps someday you will have an opportunity to help another who is in need, whether it be a family member, a friend, a neighbor, or a stranger from a faraway place. And why should we? Because it is the right thing to do," Talera explained.

"You...speak unlike others..." Milashen started to say warily.

Talera smiled and said, "That's because I'm not from around here..."

Milashen and Har'jiat watched in shock as Talera stood and her body erupted with swirling energy--dissolving, reshaping, and reforming.

When the swirling energy faded away, the person they now saw looked like the brief vision they had earlier, and she spoke to them in their heads, "My name is Talera, my people are the Nomenarans. We are one of the original Elder Races, directly descended from the First Ones. I don't normally appear thusly among the Younger Races--I usually prefer to go about unnoticed when I am among you."

"W-Why..." Milashen stammered.

"Because I do not like to see good people treated badly--and you have been. I came here to R'Hin for another reason, though when I saw you and your child, I could not stand by and do nothing. I am only one and I cannot help many at once, but those who I can, I will. One day, things will get better. When they do, if you should meet someone who is in genuine need, pass the favor along by helping them in turn," Talera explained.

Milashen mutely nodded her head, and then looked as if she was about to faint. Talera sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders.

"A bit much to take in at once, eh?"

"I...I never..." Milashen started to say as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Pulling her into a hug, Talera sent gently, "It will get better, my dear...starting right after I have a little chat with a certain family member of yours."

* * * * *

Meyleh walked into Hydroponics and slipped on the work smock she had left draped over the back of a chair at the workbench. Taking a sip of her juice, she felt ready to start tending the plants she and Elí grew there. Many of the plants were used as the main food source for the two young adult Fansq--others supplemented the diets of the rest of the crew, and the strawberries they had managed to coax into growing were a welcome treat by nearly all. The three exceptions were Lt. Cdr. Murrali H'alwa, CWO2 Sonya Redhill, and YM2 Felix Canberra--being felines, they had little interest in eating fruits. Meyleh generally liked Felix; Sonya, on the other hand, while nice enough, made her nervous at times from the way the puma G.E.L.F. would watch her walk by. Meyleh had mentioned that to Chief Sorrel one day, who replied with, "Yeah, she does that to everyone, except to Cdr. Dvoretsky." Meyleh could understand why after she had gotten curious and did a little personal research in the ship's library on wolves. The three Y'Nahrans they met had frightened both Meyleh and Elí when they saw them change into their anthro wolf forms the one evening they had demonstrated their abilities. But the Dra'kans...Meyleh shivered upon remembering when they met the Dra'ka Nulen in her full form the first time.

Meyleh pushed those thoughts out of her head and went about giving each plant in Hydroponics a little personal attention and encouragement to grow strong and healthy. The last plant she tended to was the strange sprig that they had been given. Passing her hands over it, she sensed its condition...and was amazed.

"You are very strong, little friend! You have grown since last I checked on you!"

Indeed, the woody sprig had grown by at least another centimeter from the day before. Its overall length had increased fifty percent since she and Thavi had potted it. Meyleh wondered how big it would grow once it was certain that they had been able to convince the sprig to sprout roots. She examined the woody plant carefully and made notes on it. Looking up from her PAD in thought, she happened to notice the other plants near the pot the sprig was in--were they growing better than the others? Meyleh was a meticulous note taker, so she looked back at what she had recorded about the other plants.

"Elí, you must come and see this!" Meyleh spoke excitedly into her comm unit a short while later.

* * * * *

The ancient Dark Blood ship had silently drifted in interstellar space for nearly an entire rotation of the galaxy, healing itself, gaining strength, and--most importantly--waiting. To all outside appearances, it seemed derelict, abandoned, and forgotten by those it served. It was not. Every so often it would awaken from its deep slumber and speak to its masters, telling what it had passively sensed of its surroundings and automatically recorded using absolute minimum power, and then it would listen for possible new instructions. All had been quiet in the particular region of the galaxy it was in after the hated Theronesians had left, so it lay silently waiting for when it would be needed again. There had been only one stray vessel to pass anywhere near its location the whole time, though that one vessel had felt much too close to the First Ones, so it played dead, fearing it would be discovered. When it sensed the approach of other vessels, it listened carefully--at first, it began to get excited because one of the ships heading its way was a living ship, though not like itself, but then...there was something else approaching along with those other vessels. It was small, but it felt like the small vessel that had passed by in recent history. This made the Dark Blood ship wary. Then it felt another disturbance, a much stronger one, one that it recognized--one that filled it with fear.

A First One!

Had the First One sensed its presence? The Dark Blood ship thought of possible actions it could take if it had not been sensed. However, it reasoned, if it had sensed the presence of the First One, it was quite likely the First One already knew it was there. That narrowed its list of options considerably. The beast ships of the First Ones were notoriously fast--faster than the Dark Blood ship could run in normal space or even in hyperspace. But in darkspace[6]...maybe it could slip into that realm before being killed. It would have to do so quickly--there could be no miscalculation. If the tactic worked, it could supercharge itself with the odd negative energy which permeated that realm and focus it through the e'nchiekh crystals that gave it strength. It was a longshot--the ship could burn itself out in the process--but the alternative was certain death in the jaws of a First One's beast ship. If it worked, then the Dark Blood ship could sensor blind the other vessels in the area for a short duration, much as a Terran squid would squirt its "ink" to make an escape from a predator. Theoretically.

It waited for the other vessels to get close enough. The First One's beast ship would likely not risk damaging those other vessels if they were traveling together.

A little closer...a little more...

* * * * *

"Have you found those fool Dark Blood ships, yet?" Naoia demanded as soon as she appeared on Kri'liana's ship.

"Oh!" the V'Aertii female said, startled by the First One's sudden appearance. "We...we're getting their location narrowed down. They keep fading in and out--they're there one moment and gone the next, only to reappear again in a different location."

Naoia frowned and crossed her arms.

"They're likely slipping out of this realm and back in again using those fool e'nchiekh crystals, no doubt," Naoia said with a derisive snort. "Those things are annoying debris from the formation of a universe--they're usually gone shortly after re-ionization takes place, but for some idiot reason or another a bunch of them clumped together in this particular area and ended up as part of a planet. The same planet that gave birth to those pesky Dark Bloods. Grr, we should have wiped that planet out as soon as it was discovered."

"Would have saved everyone a lot of grief," Kri'liana remarked, ruffling her neck feathers.

"Don't I know it! Why, it's been a pain in the tail ever since--fouled up all sorts of things around it, and then it had the audacity to let those fool Dark Bloods evolve! Well, they _and_their minions won't be around for much longer, along with everything they've touched. And speaking of, there's an old ship of theirs floating around right in the path of my young friends--Char'ena is keeping her eyes on it. I told her to kill it if it so much as twitches before I get back. Well, as long as I'm here, why don't you show me all of the places those two Dark Blood ships have been popping in and out of so I can figure out where they're likely heading."

Kri'liana brought up a 5D map showing normal space as well as hyper and sub-space. Naoia studied it for several moments, analyzing the exit and entry locations.

"Well, that nails it," Naoia said, straightening up and crossing her arms. "They're heading in a roundabout way to Chenau-Ri."

"What do you want us to do?" Kri'liana asked, referring to herself and Trae'lan, who was flying nearby in his own ship.

Before Naoia could reply, she heard Char'ena howl for her.

"Oh, puckerberries!"

* * * * *

Char'ena sensed the sudden build-up of energy within the Dark Blood ship, which meant one thing--it was about to do something. Remembering Naoia's instructions, Char'ena--who had kept a ready stance since her First One went to pay a visit to her V'Aertii friends--pounced quickly and ferociously on the Dark Blood ship, grabbing it in her jaws and shaking her head violently. Just as she was about to fire a bolt of energy through it, Char'ena felt the dimensional barriers begin to give way--it was going to drag her with it to the Negative Material Plane!

"Not...going...to...happen..." Char'ena snarled, digging her claws into the foundation of the universe.

Blinding hot energy burst from her mouth and through the Dark Blood ship. It shrieked a hideous scream.

* * * * *


Aran-Tal'an clutched her head as she cried out. The Khea Mûr Tua'ansa navigator on Se'nika slumped in her seat, reeling from the horrible mind-blast. She was not alone in her suffering, for her crewmates were also affected by the scream.

"Wha...What was that?! Report--anyone?!" Rhuw-Rha'an demanded, fighting to clear her own head of the chilling mental sound.

Shen-Lir'an heard something in her earpiece and gathered enough strength to reach for the control to open a ship-to-ship channel.

/* "Nightwing to Se'nika_--everyone okay over there?_" */

The sound of Captain Daugherty's concerned voice gave Lir'an something to focus on.

"Ah...Hon-Honored C-Captain, we...mind blast...horrible! Trying...to..."

/* "We experienced it, too. Do you require assistance? I can send someone over to help, if you need it," */ James offered.

"Ah...one...one moment..." Lir'an replied. Turning to look behind her, she asked, "M-Madam Commander..._Nightwing_calls...offers assistance."

Rha'an rubbed her temples a moment, and then nodded her head.

"Yes," Lir'an replied into her headset.

/* "Understood. We'll have someone over there shortly. Nightwing out." */

* * * * *

Khel'zet's strong R'Hinsa constitution enabled her to recover quickly from the ill effects of the death scream of the Dark Blood ship. She went about to check on others, going first to Hydroponics since it was closer, hoping that the two Fansq females were okay. Upon entering the Hydroponics Bay, she found Elí and Meyleh huddled together near the strange sprig. Khel'zet quickly noted that it was taller than when she saw it last.

"Are you both well?"

"Wha-what was that horrible screech?" Meyleh asked nervously.

"I do not know, but I will find out. Are you both well?" Khel'zet asked again.

"I...I think so. Elí?"


Khel'zet gently put her hands on their arms and smiled slightly.

"I do not think we are in immediate danger. If we were, surely an alarm would sound. I will go check on others--will you come?" Khel'zet asked.

"Elí...we should. We must remember what we have been taught," Meyleh prompted her friend.

Elí steeled herself and nodded her head. For the two Fansq females, the simple act overcame countless generations of instinct--instead of running and hiding, they set aside their fear and went with Khel'zet to check on the welfare of their shipmates.

"Where should we go first?" Meyleh asked.

Khel'zet thought a moment and then said, "Perhaps Sickbay--Chief Sorrel would know where help should be directed."

The two Fansq ladies readily agreed with Khel'zet since she was a military person, and, in their thinking, would likely be better at handling strange situations than they would be. They struck off heading forward towards the central part of the ship.

Along the way they saw YM2 Felix Canberra kneeling beside his Élendorian wife, Læree'ahn, who had collapsed onto the deck.

As the three ran towards them, Khel'zet called out, "Petty Officer Canberra...is she hurt?"

Felix looked up upon hearing them, relieved to have some help.

"That bloody scream...she's an empath, ey," Felix said, shaking his head.

"We're on our way to Sickbay to see where we can help," Meyleh said.

"Should we take her there?" Elí asked.

"Probably should. Help me get her up, ey?" Felix said.

Without hesitation, Khel'zet knelt down and put one of Læree'ahn's arms over her shoulders; when Felix put his wife's other arm over his, he looked at Khel'zet and gave a quick nod of his head. They lifted Læree'ahn together. If Khel'zet was surprised by how much the taller Élendorian female weighed, she didn't show it; instead, she concentrated on helping Felix get his wife to Sickbay.

"Chief Sorrel?" Elí called out as soon as the doors opened.

Elí's sensitive ears heard a moan coming from the lab portion of Sickbay. Glancing quickly at Meyleh, Elí cautiously made her way over to the doorway into the lab. She gasped when she saw Mindy sprawled on the deck, holding her head in her hands.

"Chief Sorrel! Meyleh, help me!" Elí cried, prompting her friend to rush in.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Meyleh asked, kneeling beside Mindy.

"M-My h-head..."

"We should put her on a bed," Meyleh said to Elí with a concerned look.

"How do we operate the scanning device?" Elí asked her friend.

"I do not know...but Felix may. Maybe Moira could help us," Meyleh suggested.

"We must be careful moving her," Elí said.

Meyleh agreed and together they sat Mindy up, put her arms over their shoulders and each put one arm behind Mindy's back and the other under her thighs in a chair-like carry position, and then carried her out into the main part of Sickbay.

Felix and Khel'zet had lifted Læree'ahn onto one of the bio-beds and was in the process of laying her down when the two Fansq gals carried Mindy out of the lab.

Felix looked up from his wife and asked, "What's with her, ey?"

"I found Chief Sorrel on the floor...er, 'deck'," Elí replied.

"Jeezers," Felix muttered quietly to himself. "Put her on that bed, ey?" he instructed the two Fansq gals. "Ey, Moira, can you give us a hand in Sickbay, ey?"

/* "One moment, Felix," */ Moira replied.

The holographic emitters came online and Moira's form coalesced a couple seconds later.

"How may I help?" Moira asked.

"Læree'ahn and I were heading back to my office when that scream or whatever hit, ey. It affected her more than me, though I almost passed out from it. We brought her here, but they found the chief on the deck back in the lab, ey," Felix explained. "Anyone else incapacitated?"

Moira paused a moment and then replied, "My android avatar is currently on the bridge assisting with James and Sylvia. If they, along with Læree'ahn and Mindy, were affected more than others, perhaps I should check on Ræha'ahna as well. It seems those who are more psi sensitive may have been affected the most."

"Maybe somebody should check over on the Se'nika, ey?" Felix suggested.

"Given their mental abilities, that is a good suggestion, Felix. Since I have developed a rapport with Se'nika, I will inquire as to the health of her crew," Moira replied.

"What of the Y'Nahrans? Would they be able to help?" Khel'zet asked.

"Ey, didn't, um, Kei'sa--I think--say she has some ability to heal others, ey?" Felix suggested.

Moira searched her memory archives and located the time when the Y'Nahrans had first come aboard and were demonstrating their abilities.

"You are correct, Felix. I will call her directly first," Moira said.

In the MT Room, Moira's android avatar and Sonya stood by as Kei'sa materialized in a swirl of light.

"I am glad you were willing to help," Moira said, greeting the auburn-haired Y'Nahran female.

Kei'sa smiled and said, "I will do what I can." Looking to Sonya, she asked, "Did it affect you much?"

"I've never heard anything so frikkin' scary...made my fur stand on end!" Sonya replied, giving her head a quick rub.

"Dark Blood ships are notorious for that. Give me your hand a moment..." Kei'sa said. Taking Sonya's hand and placing her other hand on the puma's forehead, Kei'sa summoned her healing ability. A few moments later she asked, "There, better now?"

"Whoa, that's weird, but...yeah, that's better. Thanks," Sonya replied.

"Glad I could help. Where next, Moira?" Kei'sa asked.

"It would be best if you would attend to James and then Sylvia next, in case we must exit this area quickly," Moira replied.

"Lead the way," Kei'sa said, gesturing with her hand for Moira to take her to the captain.

A short while later the three entered the bridge.

"Miss Kei'sa is here to help," Moira announced.

"Syl...first," James insisted, lifting his head up from his hands.

"James..." Moira started to say, but he firmly pointed his finger at Sylvia. "As you wish."

James held off until the others were taken care of first, starting with Sylvia, then Tanya, and then Zach, before allowing Kei'sa to help him.

"What the hell happened? What was that...that screech, or whatever it was?" James asked after Kei'sa attended to him.

"It was the death scream of a Dark Blood ship. Those who are more gifted in the mental arts tend to be affected more strongly than others," Kei'sa explained.

"The one we just went by?" James asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. It...had to be killed. Unfortunately, there are at least two others out here somewhere and they will likely come looking. We hope to find them before they find you," Kei'sa replied.

"We?" James inquired.

"There are others searching for them as I speak," Kei'sa said.

"James, perhaps you should contact Rhuw-Rha'an and ask if they require assistance. Mindy and Læree'ahn are on beds in Sickbay, and Ræha'ahna may need help as well," Moira butted in, keeping the rest of her crew in mind.

"Very well, then, go get them taken care of. I suppose we can talk about the other later. Syl, if you would mind getting me ship-to-ship..." James said, setting that conversation aside for later.

Miss Ja'f'darwe's quarters were along the way, so Moira, Kei'sa, and Sonya, stopped in to check on the Élendorian diplomatic attaché. Meanwhile, back in Sickbay, Felix ran a hand scanner over Mindy, checking for any injuries she might have sustained when she collapsed. Other than a couple of bruises, there was nothing serious. With Moira's assistance, he activated the bio-bed's medical diagnostic scanner suite and took measurements on both Mindy and his wife, Læree'ahn. Searching through the knowledge contained in the ship's medical library and their own medical records, Moira was examining the results when her android avatar--carrying Ræha'ahna, Kei'sa, and Sonya, walked into Sickbay. Kei'sa nearly stopped in her tracks as she looked in momentary confusion at the two instances of Moira in the same space at the same time.

"This is a holographic projection of me," Moira said through her projected form, noting Kei'sa's apparent confusion.

"I will put Miss Ja'f'darwe on bio-bed three," Moira's android avatar said.

Felix chuckled a little and told Kei'sa, "You get used to it."

Kei'sa gave her head a slow shake, thinking to herself, "And I thought it bad dealing with an Arnogren![7]" To Mindy she asked, "You are Chief Sorrel, correct?"

"Y-Yes..." Mindy replied, shakily.

Taking her hand, Kei'sa placed her other hand on Mindy's forehead and said, "I will try to ease your discomfort."

Mindy, who had experienced healing energies before when Frer-Sha'an had fully healed the old war wound across her back, recognized what was being done to her by Kei'sa.

Several moments later, Mindy said wistfully, "I wish I had the ability to do that."

Kei'sa cocked her head a little and asked, "Do you truly wish that?"

"Yes! Frer-Sha'an told me about their first healer, Afel-Aur'an, and how she was given the ability by...um, A'aleen something or another."

Kei'sa thought for bit on that and then said, "A'aleen Neha-Fel'ena."

Mindy's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Yeah!" But then she looked down and slumped her shoulders a little and said, "If only..."

Kei'sa sensed Mindy's desire and how strongly she wished to be able to heal others as Frer-Sha'an could.

"I know her," Kei'sa said softly.

"Huh? Who?" Mindy asked, looking up in confusion.

"The First One, A'aleen Neha-Fel'ena," Kei'sa replied.

You...you do? How?" Mindy asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

This revelation got the attention of the others present who were conscious at the moment.

"My Ancient Mother's adoptive sire is her son," Kei'sa replied, secretly hoping Naoia wouldn't mind her giving out that little bit of family information.

What Kei'sa didn't say was that she was also related to Naoia Anensu'ena, the First One who had been following them.

"Wait a minute...you're saying that you're related to a First One?" Sonya asked.

"After a fashion...yes," Kei'sa replied.

"Holy crap!" Sonya exclaimed quietly in awe.

Kei'sa smiled slightly, though she turned her attention towards the two Élendorian females, saying no more on the subject.

Turning away from Mindy, Kei'sa went to Felix's wife, Læree'ahn, who was the next closest to her.

"My, you do have a strong empathic ability," Kei'sa said quietly as she attended to Læree'ahn. "It is no wonder you were affected so strongly." Taking a bit longer than with Mindy, Kei'sa was able to bring Læree'ahn around.

"Ey, right here, babe," Felix said with a purr when his wife came to, taking a deep breath and trying to sit up. Felix took her into his arms and they held each other. Rubbing the side of his face against hers in typical cat fashion, Felix's strong purr quickly put Læree'ahn at ease. "You're alright, babe, it's gone away, ey."

"My Felix..." Læree'ahn said softly, closing her eyes and alternatingly lightening and darkening the colors of her skin so as to cause a rippling effect. A few moments later she looked towards Kei'sa and said, "Thank you, I do."

Kei'sa smiled and said in return, "I am happy to have been of help." She turned her attention next to helping Miss Ja'f'darwe. "Better now?" she asked with a smile, after Ræha'ahna came to.

"Thank you, yes. What caused that...that...?" Ræha'ahna struggled to put into words.

"It was the death scream of a Dark Blood ship, the one you saw when we passed it. It woke up and had to be killed quickly. Unfortunately, there are two more of them wandering around somewhere out here, though they're being hunted. They likely heard the other's scream and will be coming. Remember that sound--you'll hear it again, I'm sure," Kei'sa replied.

"It was the most horrid thing I have ever experienced--the hate it carried..." Ræha'ahna said with a shiver, rustling the feather-like appendages on the end of her tail.

"The ships made by the Dark Bloods fear, and therefore hate, the First Ones' beast ships, for they do not possess the ability to hurt them, nor can they outrun them. Their only defense is to attempt to slip between the barriers that separate the multiverse from a realm that is--for lack of better words--a negative reflection of this one. There is an opposite one to that which is a positive reflection. The realm in which the multiverse exists is considered to be, I suppose you might say, the 'prime'. Outside of those are other realms of existence, though what you might call the foundation of all reality is known as Ayoo-t'ahna nal-Zhidôr--that is the home of the First Ones. I believe you will learn a bit more about it as you complete your journey. That is as much as I can tell you about it," Kei'sa explained.

"The crew of the _Se'nika_will be requiring whatever assistance we may provide. From what you have said, they may have been more severely affected," Moira said when Kei'sa was finished with her explanation.

"We'll go, ey," Felix said, indicating he and his wife.

"I will go as well," Khel'zet volunteered.

"And I."

Everyone looked in astonishment at the last person who spoke up.

"Meyleh...?" Elí asked, totally surprised by her friend's willingness to volunteer.

"I cannot forget what Healer Frer-Sha'an did for me," Meyleh said, touching the left side of her jaw. "These people--our friends--have helped us without asking for anything in return, should we not follow in their example?"

Elí looked down, putting both of her hands to her muzzle for a moment; when she looked up, she said, "We...we should, yes."

* * * * *

This marked another monumental choice made by any Fansq since they left their original homeworld just outside the farthest reach of the Mûr Tua'ansa Star Empire's borders in their distant past. Little did Elí and Meyleh know at that moment the profound effect their simple choices would later have on Fansq society. The movement had already begun, at least in discussions, some years before the two were born, though through the incident with the Pliq and the rescue of the surviving learners by the crews of Nightwing and Se'nika, it had accelerated. With each message home the two females sent, telling of their experiences, the spark of change was fanned into a flame, and it steadily spread first through the younger generations, then slowly into the older generations. The Fansq were on the verge of taking the equivalent of an evolutionary leap in their cultural, intellectual, moral, and philosophical values which would have far reaching effects not only among themselves, but also upon all those around them.

* * * * *

Once everyone was sufficiently recovered from the effects of the Dark Blood ship's death scream, the four ships struck off again towards their next goal with Naoia and Char'ena following more closely than before.

Rissanivi pointed out some likely places of interest for the science team to investigate. During a regularly scheduled stop for maintenance and a crew mixer, Rissanivi told about her travels with Cameron Eriksson, Sy'k'rell Hauvri'ahn, and Arlan Schneider.

"Um, was...twenty? No, not it...um, twenty-two? Yeah, that it, twenty-two your, um, years ago, met Big C on Juyami-III outside main starport. We at same place trading for things when met. Big C and female lady nice to lil' ol' me--Arlan, too. Showed around, got to know, then made deal to take to out of way places. Had fun time going here and there...um, mostly. Went to cold places, too--not like, but friends took care of me, so not mind so much. Found lots of old, old things. Some we traded for other things, some we kept. Told about when at Kheraht with Big C, about other guy who scared Fahrami fight-for-pay guys."

"You mentioned that the day we rescued you," James said.

"And Miss Kei'sa told us who he was, Niall something or another," Lilly added.

"Um, oh...yeah," Rissanivi said thoughtfully, recalling the conversation.

"Where was the last place you remember being with my brother?" Shauna asked Rissanivi.

The Vey'ani pilot thought deeply for several seconds.

"Um...stopped to resupply and get work done at N'Thila Station One-Four in the Falwiq system. It, um, mostly mining--big rock belt. Nearby star had old, old planet, used to have people long time past. Work on ship got delayed, so Big C and others went ahead. Went there as soon as could, but...not find anywhere. Looked long time for them by self, asked people if seen. Nobody saw, or heard about. Looked more, but had to get work to keep ship." Rissanivi put her elbows on her knees and rested her head in her hands. "Miss friends...they lost somewhere...not find yet." The expression on Rissanivi's face was the saddest anyone had seen on her since she had been with them. It did not last long for she strengthened her resolve. Lifting her head and having a determined look on her face, she added, "Have many more friends now, look in more places--we find Big C and female lady, and Arlan, too!"

Pulling Rissanivi into a hug, Shauna said, "Yeah, we'll find 'em, girl...we'll find 'em. Somehow."

* * * * *

The stars in the space between the Perseus Arm and the Outer Arm of the Milky Way galaxy were less plentiful, making the distances between them further apart. The days wore on as they gradually got nearer to their next goal. The crews of Nightwing and _Se'nika_had been on their current mission for almost two years. Birthdays and holidays came and went, though the ship's mail still got through thanks to the Mûr Tua'ansa Military Communications Network which used quantum entangled transceivers.

One day, Sylvia received a special message in the mail packet. When she sought to authenticate the message, she noted that the routing was very strange for it hopped around outside the usual comm relay stations, but then she remembered something. Sylvia copied the message onto a data chip and then secured her station before getting up to go to see the captain. It was his usual office hours which he set aside for getting ship's work done that needed his attention.

"Enter," James said when the door announcer chimed.

Sylvia stepped just inside the door and stopped.

"Sir, may I have a minute?" she asked.

James looked up from the report he was reviewing and leaned back in his chair, thankful for the interruption.

"What's up, Syl?"

Making sure the door was closed, she walked over to his desk and said, "I received the ship's mail today."

Seeing the apprehension in her eyes and noting how she held her ears back, James asked with concern, "Bad news?"

"No sir...well, I don't think so, but..."

Noting her hesitation, James said, "Every time you get that look on your face, I start worrying. Lay it on me..."

"We got a message...in N'raz."

James blinked is eyes once and leaned forward in his chair.

Softly he asked, "She got a reply?"

"Seems to have, sir," Sylvia replied.

"Is from the intended person?" James asked.

"She's the only one who would know for sure."

"Have you played it?" James asked.

"No, sir," Sylvia replied.

James leaned back and drummed his fingers on his leg a moment.

"I'd hate to get her hopes up only to find out it's somebody on their side screwing with her. Go get her and bring her here, but don't say what it's about, other than I wish to visit with her a bit. I'd like for you to stay while she reads it."

Sylvia straightened and said, "Aye, aye, sir," before heading out on her errand.

Khel'zet was at her assigned post in Stellar Cartography, listening for possible intelligent signals. She had recently tested on differentiating the various "sounds" (once the frequencies were shifted down to the normal hearing range) generated by plasma waves, magnetic storms, and other stellar or planetary phenomena, and scored nearly perfect having only misidentified one obscure signal source.

Lilly was working near Khel'zet, checking some readings on the equipment when Sylvia walked in.

"Hey, Donnelson, I need to borrow the newbie for a bit," Sylvia announced, trying to sound lighthearted about it.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. Hey, Khel, Miss Stewert needs ya for something. We can finish this later, okay?" Lilly said.

"Of course, Chief Donnelson," Khel'zet acknowledged, and then she stood up and faced Sylvia and asked, "Yes, Miss Stewert?"

"Come with me, please," Sylvia instructed quietly.

Khel'zet nodded her head once and secured her station as she had been taught.

Once out in the passageway, Sylvia said in a low voice, "Actually, the captain wishes to speak with you about something. Don't worry, you're not in any trouble."

Khel'zet wondered what this could be about, though she kept her thoughts to herself.

Up on Deck-1, Khel'zet grew a bit nervous as they passed by the crew's mess. This was the farthest forward she had been. She knew the bridge was all the way forward on this deck, and off to one side of it was the captain's office. There were only two ways to get to his office--through the back door of his cabin or through the bridge. Either way made her feel uncomfortable. When they entered the bridge, Khel'zet's eyes went straight to Zach for a moment before she looked down.

"Those strange eyes of his...why can I not keep them from my mind?" she thought to herself.

Standing before the door into the captain's office, Khel'zet risked a quick glance towards the Science Officer, who was to her right. Zach looked up from his console in time to see her look at him. He smiled at her and gave a slight nod of his head to acknowledge her presence. Though difficult to tell due to her dark brown skin, Khel'zet blushed when their eyes met.

Upon entering the captain's office, Khel'zet quickly noted its size and layout--small though efficient, with a desk, two side chairs, and a small couch, plus a few other amenities such as a small book case and cabinet, some pictures, and a few mementos.

"Ah, Miss Harankhek, James said, standing up when she and CWO3 Stewert entered. "Have a seat, please."

"Yes, sir," Khel'zet said, trying not to look nervous.

Sylvia made a point of taking the chair furthest away, making it so that Khel'zet had to sit closer to the captain, which didn't help her nerves.

"How are you today?" James asked, trying to make Khel'zet feel more at ease.

"I am well enough, sir," Khel'zet replied.

"Everything going okay, as far as your duties and such?" James asked.

"I believe so, sir," Khel'zet said.

"Good. I understand that Miss Stewert and Chief Donnelson are quite pleased with your performance and how quickly you learn. Keep up the good work."

"Yes, sir," Khel'zet said.

James picked up a data chip from his desk, looked at it a moment, and then said, "A little while ago, Miss Stewert received a message--it's in N'raz, and we're hoping it is legitimate. This is the reason why I wished to see you in private. I didn't want to get your hopes up in front of everyone in case it turns out to be someone else trying to trick you, though you're the only one who would have any chance of determining whether it's actually from a family member or not." James stood up, took a step away from his chair, and handing the data chip to Khel'zet, he added, "You can use my terminal to play the message. No one has seen it yet--you have my word on that."

Khel'zet gave a slow nod of her head and accepted the data chip from James. She stood and took his seat, and then James showed her how to play the message.

Steeling herself for in case the message was a bogus one made by R'Hin government agents, she touched the control pad marked "Play".

/* "Khel, I was surprised to receive your message, though am filled with joy to know you still live! I may not understand why you were taken from the transport and others were not, but I knew you would not simply abandon your duties or your family.

_ _

For whatever purpose those beings you spoke of--First Ones, Dra'kans, and such--have in store for you, I hope you will return to us one day, whole and well. You also spoke of a danger that threatens all people of this galaxy. There have been rumors of such in the faraway places, brought by traders and spoken of in hushed voices. The government dismisses such, but...if you say you have seen it with your own eyes, then I trust your word that it is so. What are we to do, dear Khel?

_ _

I risk much even attempting to send this, not knowing if it will reach you or if others will intercept it and trace it back. I followed the instructions exactly, though almost attracted unwanted attention by obtaining certain items, but our young cousin has your talents with such things and explained that I was merely helping him with a science project. Several of us contributed what we could to obtain the necessary items. We hope it works.

_ _

The person who delivered your message looked as if she could be anyone and everyone--I find it difficult to remember anything about her...except...her eyes. They had an unusual intensity...and color, too! As the delivery person walked away, she said something very odd, but I remember it! "She will return." The package was sealed properly, so how did that one know? I thought it a trick at first, but after what you said of Elder Races and such...I shiver at the thought of it!

_ _

If this finds its way into your hands, my dear Khel, know that I am well at the time I send this. You are missed as well. Mother sets a place for you every meal. Be well, wherever you find yourself. You will always be my beloved sister, my blood kin, whose name will never be forgotten. By the Mercy of Lan'jaici, may we be together again!" */

Khri'zan sang two different stanzas of the same favorite song Khel'zet had used before in her message as a way of authenticating that it was from her.

Khel'zet fought to keep her composure, not wanting to look weak in front of her superiors, though a tear did leak out and run down her cheek. Quickly wiping it away, Khel'zet straightened herself.

"It is my sister, Khri'zan. I am certain of it," she said after a moment.

James gently placed a sympathetic hand on Khel'zet's shoulder and said, "I'm glad that your message got through to her and hers to you. At least someone in your family knows you're still alive and well--that counts for something. Hopefully we can keep getting messages back and forth between you two." Seeing the attempt to hide her emotions growing in futility, James removed the data chip from its port and handed it to Khel'zet. "Go ahead and knock off for the day--it's almost sixteen-hundred, and I'm sure you'd like to replay that in private a time or two before dinner."

Khel'zet stood slowly and then looked up at James who smiled gently at her. No officer in the R'Hin military would have shown such compassion for an underling.

"Thank you, sir," Khel'zet said softly, meaning it quite sincerely.

James glanced over to Sylvia who gave a slight nod of her head. She walked Khel'zet out of his office, though just as the door started to close, Sylvia quickly stuck her arm out giving a "thumbs up" to James. He smiled and returned the gesture in time for Sylvia to see it.

* * * * *

Later that night as James slept between Lilly and Tanya, in the small glass-steel vial under his pillow, crystalline tears began to shimmer with a soft light. James dreamed of a beautiful silver dragoness whose heart was pure and full of love. He looked into her bright blue slit-pupil eyes that seemed to glow with an inner light and felt the warmth radiated by her body.

"I need my warrior from the stars," she said to him in the dream. "Fly with me in the light..."

James felt the air rush past him as the dragoness flew with him upon her back, rising above the clouds. On his body he wore brightly polished silver armor. In his hand was an archaic weapon--a long pole that had a sharp spear head which glowed with light and there was a banner attached, flapping in the wind; looking around and behind them, James saw a great host of dragons of all colors, bright sunlight gleaming upon shiny scales, each with an armored rider. Others flew with them--great birds of prey with twenty-meter wingspans. Huge wolves with strange eyes ran through the air alongside, howling for the hunt. Ahead was a bank of dark ominous clouds following close behind a line of black figures shrouded in writhing purplish light. The dragoness roared and the host rose higher into the sky. When they closed the distance, she roared again, and the dragons and their riders dived down upon the black figures with the sunlight behind them, dragon fire blazing and weapons crackling with magical energy. The birds of prey screamed their battle cries as they dove with terrible sharp talons extended. The huge wolves snarled and ripped apart the black figures with their powerful jaws, their eyes blazing with golden light. Dark lightning crackled unnaturally from the hands of the black figures...

James sat up in bed and blinked his eyes. His cabin was dark, lit only dimly by the nightlight; the ambient sounds of his ship told him they were at normal cruising speed; his mates were asleep on either side of him. One opened her eyes the instant he sat up.

"Are you all right, James?" Moira whispered.

He quietly cleared his throat and replied, "I...had a really weird dream...I think."

"You are not sure?" Moira asked.

"It...it seemed so real..._too_real," James replied.

"What was it about?" Moira asked.

James thought how to describe what he saw in the dream.

"It...was an epic battle, like ones you'd read about in heroic fantasy novels. There were dragons with warriors riding on their backs, giant birds, and huge wolves, attacking black figures that shot some kind of unnatural lightening from their hands. I was _on_one of the dragons--a silver one--and I felt the wind rushing by..." James said with a shiver.

"Were you dreaming of Erlanna?" Moira asked.

"I think it started out that way, but...it became more than that," James replied.

"Perhaps it was story..." Moira suggested.

"Maybe, I don't know. It just seemed way to real," James said, shaking his head.

He laid back down and pulled the covers up. Lilly woke up and sleepily asked, "Ya okay, Jamie?"

"Yeah, Lil, just had a weird dream, that's all."

"Mmm...okay," Lilly mumbled, snuggling closer against James.

He lay awake for a while, thinking about the dream. On a whim, he reached under his pillow and pulled out the vial. The crystalline tears still had a faint shimmer about them. Holding the vial against his chest, he called out in his mind the name of the one whose eyes they had fallen from.


* * * * *

Khri'zan opened the door to her apartment and as she stepped out into the long hallway, she saw a young mother with her small male child come around the corner at the far end. She had seen them before several times, though did not know their names. Another female was walking with them, who she did not recognize--at least not right away. She heard the lift doors open in the opposite direction and out of habit, glanced over to see which of her neighbors had come up. The two individuals she saw step out of the lift care immediately made her fearful.

"The Zavokh[8]! What are they doing here?!" Khri'zan thought to herself.

The two walked side-by-side in the hallway, and as they approached, they looked hard at her but passed by. Khri'zan felt her heart skip a beat when they looked her way, and she worried that they might ask her about the recent electronics parts she had purchased to build the odd transmitter with her young cousin's help.

"Go about your business, citizen," one of the Zavokh said in passing.

Khri'zan locked the door to her apartment and was about to turn towards the lift, but she instead looked the other way. The young mother pulled her son close and she stayed near the wall. Even from the distance she was from them, Khri'zan saw that the young mother was afraid. Interestingly, though, the other female seemed not to care at all about the approaching Zavokh.

"That is...odd," Khri'zan thought of the other female's lack of concern.

She noticed that the other female only casually glanced at the two Zavokh as they passed by, and smiled. What was even more bizarre, in Khri'zan's mind, was that the _Zavokh_seemed to be completely unaware of the three, as if they didn't even exist.

"How can that be? They enjoy_intimidating people for no reason. Why did they act as if they did not notice?_"

Khri'zan walked slowly to the lift, intending to let the others to catch up. She waited for them before touching the direction control.

"Down, please," the other female requested.

Khri'zan gave a nod of her head and touched the appropriate control. While they waited for the lift car to arrive, Khri'zan looked at the young mother and smiled, then she looked at the other female. She looked quite average in appearance, but...then Khri'zan noticed the eyes. The color was...not right, and the intensity...

"Have we...met before?" Khri'zan asked hesitantly.

The female with the odd eyes smiled and said, "Your message was received."

The lift doors opened just as Khri'zan's jaw dropped.

A while later, the three females sat in a small park while the young boy played with some other children.

"So, you can take any form you wish, then?" Khri'zan asked Talera.

"Yes. I could become a tree, a small animal, or even a bench like the one we are sitting on," Talera replied.

"And no one would know?" Khri'zan asked.

"If anyone were to attempt to use scanning equipment, I would simply trick their minds into seeing whatever I appeared as and not what the machine saw, and then they would erase the data without being aware that they had done so," Talera explained.

"And the Zavokh...?" Khri'zan asked.

"Their eyes saw us, but we did not register in their minds," Talera replied.

"Then, why did I see you?" Khri'zan asked, growing confused.

"Because I wanted you to see us. If you had not witnessed what you did, would you have waited for us at the lift? I suspect not," Talera said with a slight grin.

Khri'zan thought on what Talera had told her for a moment and then asked, "So, who were they coming for, if you were able to get into their minds so easily?"

"Does it matter?" Talera asked in return.

"I...suppose not," Khri'zan replied.

"For the record, those two suddenly became hungry and went for a bite to eat, and then they went somewhere to take a nap," Talera said. Seeing the confused looks on the faces of her two companions, she added with a devious grin, "I planted the thought in their minds as they passed by--oh, and they won't likely be back again, either."

"You have such ability to control the minds of others?" Khri'zan asked, suddenly feeling a wave of paranoia wash over her.

"I can, though I prefer to just simply observe unnoticed, or--as in your case--to discretely pass messages back and forth. Sometimes I help those I can who are genuinely in need," Talera replied, casting a glance over at Milashen. "Not to worry, my dear, only bad people need to worry about what I can do; you do not."

Khri'zan heaved a sigh of relief.

"So, what little my sister was able to say about the Elder Races and the First Ones returning..."

"We already have."

"And the danger...?"

"Oh, it's quite real."

"And what of my sister?"

Talera smiled softly and said, "She is now on the journey of the heart to The Heart with other good people. When she returns--and not alone, I might add--your people _will_hear her words."

* * * * *

NGC-2359, the bright nebula also known as Thor's Helmet, was drawing nearer. It was now close enough to be the largest object in sight, second only to the Milky Way itself. They still had a way to go yet, and they still had to find the long dead world of Chenau-Ri. It was waiting for them among the gas and dust clouds of the nebula. What was to be found there was also waiting patiently for them.

But so were darker things.

[1] Lan'jaici - (pron.: Lan -ja? i?see) the R'Hin god of benevolent justice.

[2] Milashen - _pronounced_ME-lah-shen.

[3] 3-11-502 denotes Wing #3, 11th floor, apt. number 502

[4] j'thua - the R'Hin equivalent of a month; equal to six j'kua, a 12-day week; a total of 72 R'Hin days in length.

[5] j'mu-vela - the R'Hin equivalent of a lightyear.

[6] Darkspace - what the Dark Bloods and their minions call the Negative Material Plane.

[7] Arnogren - a symbiotic being, whose individual body parts are composed of colonies of different life forms.

[8] Zavokh - R'Hin equivalent of secret police.

On to chapter 3