Future Sanctuary - Chapter 1: Fireball

I want pulse rifles set to non-lethal, but have full charge lethal-packs ready if needed." he looks over at his engineering officer and scowls with worry, "how are the living quarter decks holding up?"

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Darkness and Starlight 1 - A Magical Evening

He knew what they were from the last time he had been here, part of a magical dampening field in order to render any spells harmlessly non-lethal.

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. \*\*\* as they moved through the halls, ami knew shade had noticed kalis taking precisely-aimed non-lethal shots, striking the soldiers' legs or disarming them rather than using pinpoint accuracy to target any of their vital organs as she

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Chapter Eight The First 10,000

In a few moments, every one of you will be training to use non-lethal weapons and how to use them effectively. are there any questions?" no one said a word. "good. that concludes this briefing.

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Zootopia Television Script: ZCOPS act 1

In the non-lethal weapons category we carry three different size dart and taser guns. this one here is for animals from the size of otters to canines. this one here goes from canines to horses...

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The Daughter

.\> euchre gave them enough time to get properly settled into their new hangovers before continuing \non lethal methods.

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Chapter 17: Covert Hunt

"rubber rounds, non-lethal." the haco explained as he fired more rounds at the villagers. the others did the same and the group of villagers was soon all incapacitated.

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Darkness and Starlight 26 - The MasterGamer

But if you wanna try an' make it non-lethal ah could be okay with a li'l nerfing." "ooh, i know!" kammy smiled with an idea as she swiftly chanted a spell before swishing her wand onto the mastergamer's blade.

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Isi’s Story - Entry One

The most insidious thing about the non-lethal rounds the commonwealth used was that they left your emotions and thoughts almost completely intact.

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First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part One -- {A Bad Omen}

They also developed programs for special people with the rare, non-lethal, non-parasitic virus: pokerus. kenko has also provided for numerous hospitals, including the one they own.

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