Games list as of 5/20/2014
fu panda l.a.
Battle Bot
Who likes bad kung fu movies with a postfurry twist? i do, i do! if you do you might like this too. first of seven parts, hopefully. the bat had pretty much laughed in his face. "are you sure you're supposed to be here?"
Gahri pt 2- Love
The next chapter in Fung's Choices. With friendship being established, everyone assumed their roles once more and the gang was back in business. A few weeks roll by and Fung starts to view Gahri as more than just a friend. * * * After another...
Po's Last Dive
Po said, punching the air as he stopped in a plateau in the middle of stairs "he is the strongest and smartest of all warriors of kung fu to ever appear!" he stroke some fighting stances. "no one can beat his unbeatable strength!"
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 16
Quite a lot had happened in the past five days or so. Tan Tao had been executed to an excessively blood-thirsty crowd, his criminal empire had been taken down almost overnight, preparations had been made, and the group had gone on the three-day...
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 5-A
Miles: Chapter 5 _It was more vivid this time._ _The blood seemed to spray all over the place._ _His cry of anguish was clearer than it had been in a long time._ _The tears streaming down Amy's face as she held the one she loved the most....
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 4-A
Miles woke up slowly, grabbing his head as he looked down at where Tai Lung lay in the sun that was just beginning to rise. The snow leopard was beginning to stir himself, and then he turned around and looked over to whee the kitsune...
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Epilogue
Epilogue **Two Months Later...** "Land ho!" The day was brightly lit as the call came out. Tai Lung, Miles, and Cream had been strolling around the deck hoping for a whiff of the morning air when the cry had come out. Miles heard this and...
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 15
This would have freed him, but the kung fu master was not to be daunted. she fought back with a well-timed head blow, dazing tan tao for a few seconds.
The Chronicles of the Seven: Overview
Han'kon occupies the eastern peninsula of t'ai ch'ing and foreigners to that country will consider the locals weird because everyone there knows kung fu, making a domestic quarrel look more like a deadly fight.
You can't beat Me
Enjoy disclaimer: i do not own kung fu panda. it was peaceful afternoon in the valley of peace, and everyone was still going about their business. selling, trading, buying, and pricing.
Sight of the heart Part VII
kung fu pokemon now stay put or i kill her here and now." he sneers at lucario motioning with his weapon as he speaks and lucario's eyes flash gold. "you will regret your words you disgusting urchin..."