You can't beat Me

Story by Hollow_Fang on SoFurry

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#1 of Try me... I DARE You.

Chapter 1- "Go ahead. Try me..."

A/N: Hi readers I know that I'm doing a story, but I'm going to taking a little break to get new ideas. So don't worry. So yeah, of to the first Chapter. I'll do chapter two, later. But yeah. This Story is short but I hope you like it. Enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not Own Kung Fu Panda.

It was peaceful Afternoon in the Valley of Peace, and everyone was still going about their business. Selling, trading, buying, and pricing. The local children were still playing, running around and having fun, and others were just enjoying their free time, either with loved ones, friends or family. Yes, it truly was wonderful afternoon, until a loud sheirk came from the Jade Palace. *Sigh* so much for peaceful.

In the Training hall Po, Tigress, and the others were busy, training, as usual, and go all out on their selected choice of training equipment. Mantis was at the Gauntlet, Monkey was hopping through the spiked rings, Viper was dodging across the flame spewing floor, and Crane was deflecting object with wings while balancing on the jade tortoise. Po and Tigress however, were going about a different training method. They decided to Spar instead.

Po was evenly matched with Tigress. His movements matched with hers, so did the kicks that were being thrown. The last three months, Po's endurance, stamina, speed and reflexes increase, and in such a short amount of time too. Po was now able to hold his own, and Tigress had to admit, he had gotten better, but she still doesn't accept him as her equal for some reason. Po saw an opening and decided to take it, but just when he was about to go for it, he tripped. And in his fumble he landed on Tigress who let her guard down the moment she saw the Giant Panda fall.

Po; in his haste quickly got up to see that Tigress wasn't crushed. "Tigress, I'm SO sorry! Are you alright?" Po asked, crouching down to help her.

"Of course I'm fine. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?!" Tigress shouted as she was being pulled up.

The Giant Panda seemed a bit taken back by her response. "I'm just making sure that you were alright, that's all." Po said, while stepping back. "Po, you LANDED on me. Do you have any idea how much that hurts? Let alone how much you Actually weigh?" Tigress said, while yank her paw away.

"Sorry, Tigress, I'm still getting used to this new life and training schedule. You've been doing it for years; I only started not so long ago." The panda explained.

"Yeah Tigress ease up. You know Po only started not too long ago." Viper said, jumping in to help Po.

The other nodded in agreement.

Tigress closed her eyes in defeat and grunted. "*Huff* well, I guess I can't COMPLETELY blame you for that." tigress said while folding her arm, and let her tail twitch a bit. "I mean, you can't help the fact that you're big and clumsy. You were born that way after all. Not like you could lose weight right away anyhow" Tigress said while inspecting herself.

Po's left eye twitched Now he felt completely hurt and anger swelled up inside of his, unfortunately, he didn't keep it in. "and what is that supposed to mean to the 'LATE' Master Tigress?" He asked in a cocky, angered tone.

"No he didn't...' Whispered Mantis in shock.

"He did." Replied Crane, tipping his wide brimmed hat, not wanting to see what was about to happen.

"Excuse me?" Tigress asked while turning around.

"I'll repeat it... slowly" Po teased, the anger still visibly in his speech, "What..., you still with me? Is... That... supposed... To mean?" the panda said, stepping closer to the tiger master.

"I mean what I said. It's... Going... to take you... Awhile to lose that weight. Was that to slow for you to understand, or should I go slower" Tigress said while pushing Po back a bit using one paw.

"Oh boy..." said Monkey looking off to the side.

"Don't play with me Tigress...; I thought we were passed this?" Po threatened as he pointed a finger to the Master's nose, lightly tapping it at the end of his sentence.

Tigress swatted away his paw gently, using her Forepaw. "You might be over this, But me; it still is a big deal for me." Tigress said while turning her back to the Panda.

"How?" Po slowly asked. His anger simmered a little at her response.

"None of your damn business, Panda." Tigress said as she began to walk away.

"And so it begins" Said Viper looking at her friend.

Po wouldn't take 'No' for an answer this time, he wanted to find out what it was, so he reached out and grabbed her left arm, gripping it before pulling her back to face him. Her arms locked in their places by his paws. Their faces mere inches from each other, Tigress felt a little uneasy about how close she was to the panda.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Tigress said while trying to get free.

"You WILL tell me, Tigress" his voice was swelling with anger. "Tell me and I'll let go..." He replied, not loosening his grip on arms, but rather tightening them.

"I don't have to tell you ANYTHING!" Tigress said as she threw a kick to his chin causing Po to stubble back, losing his grip on her arms. The panda cupped for his chin, setting it back into its place before standing his ground. "Yes, you do... and don't you walk away from me Tigress. I'm not afraid of you." He finished. This stopped the Master in her tracks, slowly turning round to face the panda.

Everyone gasped and looked at the Panda.

"What did you just say?" Tigress demanded, while unsheathing her claws, slowly advancing the Panda.

Po stood his ground, but because he was tall the panda bearded down on the approaching tiger, his expression not changing. "You heard me.... I'm not afraid of some..." the panda seemed lost for words. "..Kitty!" he finally mustered out.

Tigress had a shocked look on her face, and the others just gasped, and their jaws fell.

Tigress raised her upper lips to growl, showing off her sharp teeth. "You better watch what you say around me, you fat bastard! SO help me if you even try to act tough around me, I'll make sure you never walk up those stairs again! So you better watch your Damn mouth Panda!" Tigress spat.

"I bet not." Po challenged, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't push me Panda, I'm dead serious. I will kick your ass down those steps, no better. I'll throw you off the mountain!" Tigress said while advancing closer.

"Damn. I'm glad I'm not Po right now." Crane said.

"Agreed" Said Monkey, Mantis, Viper said in unison.

Po still didn't seemed moved by the tiger's words; instead he just slowly leaned down to her face and said. "You can't beat Me." Po challenged

"Oh, that IS IT!" Tigress said, than launched towards Po to attack.

But the panda just stepped aside as the tiger pounced, landing to his side, Po slowly slide down into his own unique stance. "I'm trying to be nice damn it! Why can't you just leave it at that?!" Tigress demanded while going into her style.

"Not until you take back what you said." The panda simply replied, not moving from his stance.

"I never take back what I say, EVER!" Tigress shouted as she launched to Po.

"Well then, Bring it on, Bitch." Po taunted.

the others gasped at Po's Language, And Tigress was now fuming mad.

*One match later*

Tigress was finally defeated by Po, her arms pinned to the ground by his right paw, her legs locked to the ground by his own. The tiger master growled lowly at her defeat, turning away from Po's face. But the panda just used his free paw to hold it to face his, the seriousness on his face was still there.

"Take it back Tigress, and I'll get off you." he demanded more than asked.

"I went easy on you. That's the only reason why I let you win." Tigress said while looking away.

The panda force d her face to look into his again, "Right, but still, all I want you to say is that you'll take back what you'd said and that you're sorry" He now asked in a soft manner. Tigress was now stuck between a rock and a hard place. She was trying to decide whether to swallow her pride, or remain head strong about this. "I...I..."

"I'm waiting" Po teased, this only angered her, but she gave in.

"I... I take back what I said... and..." Tigress trailed off.

"And...?" Po teased raising an eyebrow.

"I'm... s-sorry." Tigress admitted while blushing lightly.

"There... now... was that so hard?" Po asked as he released his grip and stood, up but helpingly lend a hand back down to the tiger.

But Tigress swatted it away and got up to leave.

"You Idiot." Tigress said while walking away.

"Oh, c'mon now Tigress" Po still teased as he watched the tiger leave and head to the dormitories.

Soon she stopped to turn and stare at Po. And a tear fell.

Everyone, Even Po gasped.

"Maybe I went a little too far..." Po said

"Ya think?" asked Mantis said.

"Yeah Po. That was uncalled for." stated Crane.

"Wow. Nice move Po." said Money, walking past him.

"I'm ashamed of you Po." Viper said shaking her while slithering by him.

‘Man, I really did overdo it. I gotta make to Tigress.... Somehow' Po thought while tagging behind his commrads.


A/N: Poor Tigress, Po you want to far that Time. I'm sorry Man, but that was not cool. Po, you better think of something and Fast. Well readers. Stay tuned till chapter 2: I'm Sorry Tigress.