Rise of an order: Guardian of humanity

She was trained to be a knight, until the beast kins killed her comrades and human brothers and sisters. grawn's family are full blooded humans, kaz castillo is her mother a cursed human and kizar chave castillo is her father.

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Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 5

"as you may very well know, this world has fallen away from the knowledge of me, and my brothers and sisters in general. but you, you've got potential. but to know who you really are, you've got to get down to business. baxley! come here!"

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GoD-Ep15-Double Trouble-

He came from a working class family with 6 brothers and sisters. he is fairly average and was bullied a bit growing up but got over the bullying once getting into high school.

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Skyler character

and sisters to start a new life, she and : :eventually started a family together and raised their daughter skyler.

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I have lost a lot of brother and sister, all in the name of freedom. when was the last time you cried? i don't have time for tears.

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The adventures of Seberith chapter 2 The castle in the swamp

Three we will break out my brothers and sisters from heaven, and then four i am going to imprison martois in the deeps drakes pit i can find and i will torcher him till he is as crazy as zomorg."

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. \* \* \* night after night, darkfoot stayed home to heal while his friends, his brothers and sisters, went on the hunt. the pain in his flank ebbed, but the crescent scar remained.

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The Law of the Pack, Part III

He climbed up the stones to the large cave that he and his younger brothers and sisters, as well as his mother and father, lived in, and encountered his mother.

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My Quotes. 2.

And kinder to our younger brothers and sisters. 14) grass is weak and small, but no matter how many times we step on top of it, it always manages to grow. so then why cant we grow?

Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 4

Images of his parents and his brothers and sisters clouded his mind like a thick fog. he tried to concentrate to chase them away, but the little wolf could not stop wondering what they would think if they saw him like this.

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brother and sister back to back against the world; it was no way to live, but they did. it didn't matter now that they were nearing the end of their life long quest, and a few foot soldiers weren't going to stand in their way.

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