The adventures of Seberith chapter 2 The castle in the swamp

Story by SeB the bunny demon on SoFurry

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took longer thin i thought hope you like it :)

The adventures of Seberith

The castle in the swamp

Seb looked around and was awestruck at what he saw, it was like falling through a tunnel made of crystals of every color and then more, jinks eyes were closed shut and seb know his should be two but it was just two beautiful to look away. Looking ahead he saw a bright light and as it got bigger they started to slow down until they were throughout onto a stone platform in the middle of a murky swamp, and then the world went black and seb lost consciousness.

Jinks was the first to wake up, and reaching behind his head with both hands he started to pull his skin off only it was more like taking off a latex glove and soon standing where jinks was something between a snake an man, he had the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a man but covered In scales from head to tail and clawed hands. quickly he slivered over to a chest that had been prepared for this time taking out a small bag that made a chinking sound he slivered back over to seb who was already going through the change a tail and ears was forming and his body was starting to grow fur slowly his face started to expand until soon he had changed comply and started to wake up.

Seb opened his eyes and started to get up he felt a pain at the small of his back. Opening his mouth felt strange and when he was finely standing all the way up he looked around only to see jinks skin next to him and in front of him a giant snake man, screaming he tried to take a step backward only to trip and fall over his feet the snake laughed and curled it tail around him but instead of squeezing he lifted him up and set a bag at seb's feet then slivered away a few feet. Seb looked down at his hand no paws they were coved in a soft black and white fur. Feeling behind him he felt a bushes tail some hair had fallen in front of his eyes brushing it aside he realized that his hair had grown long and now reached just past his shoulders, he felt something twitch on his head an reached up with both paws feeling two long fuzz ears that he could lay down flat or point strait up, he looked up at the snake man he had a impaction look on his face and was moving his hand like he was opening a bag. Seb looked down at the bag and picked it up his hands slowly opened it and looked in all he could see where black chains and something white beneath them. Reaching in he grabbed it and pulled it out. He was holding a human skull with two horns that curved forward and the chains where pouring out of its mouth and eyes, but before seb could drop it the chains came to life clapping themselves around his hand and working their way up, soon he was complete bound and on his knees his paws behind his back and the skull floating in front of his chest. It started to sink into his chest being sucked in then the chains started to loosen and soon they were pulled in to until he just on his hands and knees coughing. The pain is his chest immeasurable and was spreading to the rest of his body, then suddenly he started to coughing up a black inky water, soon more and a more started to come out till he was puking it up and it was seeping from his nose ears and eyes until it had made a small pool. Suddenly he started to sink into it being drawn into the nothingness welcoming it to escape from the pain then he was floating in the inky black waters waiting.

It had been a long time since he had been in his vessel. Looking around he saw the runes of some old building being take over buy the marsh looking behind him he saw the doorway he used to send his vessel to the human world thinking it should be back in his castle of shadow. Looking down at the unfamiliar naga he reached out saying in a voice that seemed to chill the air and send shivers down the spin "rise up servant where is my shadow councils I have much work to do." Jinks looked up and stared looking at his master he looked just as described the vessel cloaked in shadows and chains and eyes that glowed a pale blue. this vessel had been born a rabbit pray not hunter which would only hamper the masters cause, the chains seemed to be moving all on their own like snakes they coiled around his body this way and that. Looking back down he said "I am all that is left of your shadow court my lord seberith."

Seberith growled the chains shacking violent." I do not like jokes now we will go to the land of shadows and we will talk about your hummer. How goes the war." Jinks looked up saying "we are in the land of shadows my lord this is your castle. And master the war is over. It has been over for a 1000 years."

Seberith looked around and he started to see it, walking over to a crumbling wall he touched a large burn mark it looked like a grate battle had been fought here. Turning to the snake man "you name. Your, full name." jinks looked back down saying "jinks silvertongue my grandfather died soon after you hid your vessel and went into hibernation. My father became leader of the shadow court but we were betrayed by one of our own, with your seat of power lost and without your support the war was lost and your brother martois took the throne and he has sat there ever since, he cut a deal with the angles he gets to rule hell and he doesn't try to start another holy war until the father comes back."

Seberith bard his teeth which look more at home on a wolf not a rabbit "and what of my other brothers and sisters the lords of earth, water, wind what did they do sit idly by while all this happened. They knew are father left and was never coming back. Why did they let this happen?"

Jinks looked up saying "as soon as your seat of power was taken by the angles your armies crumbled to dust and with you missing the other lord where soon crushed and imprison in heaven so the lord of fire could rain forever in hell."

Seberith look down at his hands focusing on the chains they moved a little but then went limp looking up at jinks "why is my vessel so week was he not trained in the art of shadows?" jinks shook his head. Seberith looked out toward the swamp that used to be his land and the castle that used to be his but was now in ruble, he consented on his memory's and for a split second he felt like he was back in his fest hall, dinning on the souls of the dammed as beautiful hellish music played for the dancers who danced in the center of his room, but in a insets it was gone and he was left in the swamp sounded in the ruins of his once grate empire. looking at jinks he said "then I think it's time to rebuild? And while where at it I assume you can teach the art of shadows till then." walking over to a tree covered in a black gluey moss he reached into the tree his hand passing through the bark, pulling it out he held a bright red orb scream filled the swamp "I'll live of this." Putting the small orb in his mouth his eyes burst into blue flames and all the shadows of the forest seemed to gather around seberith they started to lack on him until he was comply covered in shadows and then they became to soak into his skin. Suddenly the world when cold as all the light was dimmed in the swamp and power flowed through seberith like a hurricane, speaking with a voice that now seemed to come from everywhere seberith said" There's nothing like a demon tree. Jinks fill that bag that held my soul with the souls from these trees I'll be back. I presume gold still has value?"

Jinks nodded and slivered over to the bag and then to the tree and stared to fill it with the red souls making sour to pick only old trees the held the most suffering as seberith diapered among the ruins for ten minutes then came back holding a small bag bulging and making a chinking noise jinks said "my lord what should we do when you say rebuild?"

Seberith ties the small bag off to one of his chains and soon it disappeared into the coasted moving mass "well we are going to do four things. One you are going to train this vessel he is so week I can barely call on a 1/10 of my power. Two we are going to break into havens vaults and take back my seat of power. Three we will break out my brothers and sisters from heaven, and then four I am going to imprison Martois in the deeps drakes pit I can find and I will torcher him till he is as crazy as zomorg."

Jinks look confused at that last remark "my lord who is zomorg?"

Seberith look at jinks and smiled like a wolf saying "let's hope you never find out. Now I know of a place we can go while you train are young friend who has been waiting patiently." Seberith walked over to the portal they just came out of inspecting it closely it looked just like a stone wall with a sun caved in it that had a tear drop in the center but as soon as seberith put his hand on it the like magic the stone caving changed to that of a new moon looking over at jinks he waved his hand jinks saying " lord I have only seen that symbol one time are we going to your true domain?" seberith gave that wolfish smile aging and waved his hand one more time jinks looked around at the crumbling ruins then reached out with his hand and no sooner had he grabbed it they where they back in the crystal tunnel.

Seb opened his eyes he was laying on a straw bed jolting up he looked around to see he was in a round room there was a small fire going in the center and a black pot boiling over it standing up he walked over and looked into the pot seeing a bubbling black goop he step back and aging fell over his feet. Standing back up he examine himself thoroughly making sure everything was there he was wearing a black vest and trousers that looked like they had been paint on they were so tight but they had been cut off at the knees he stared to sniff with his nose but was sad to find it was much like his old nose but his eyes did seem better. Reaching out with his paw he was glad to see the could still feel the texture of defend thing like wood and dirt and could feel them he thought he wouldn't because of the pads on his paws looking around one last time he spotted an opening with a piece of cloth for a door. Walking out side he found he was in the middle of a desert but the sand was wrong it was white so white that it looked like fresh snow but the sky was black no stars no moon just nothing taking a few steps a knife fly's out and stab the ground at his feet looking around for the knife's owner he saw that snake man, backing up he ran back into the hut looking for anything that could be used as a weapon soon after the snake man came in holding his knife but impaled on it was a snaked still moving it tail he flicked it into the pot of and then looked at seb shelving the knife he pulled a bundle of wood off his back and again the wood was the wrong cooler it was red like fire "so what do you want from me." The snake held out his clawed hand like to be shake slowly seb reached out but then the snake grabbed it with his hand and cut him with his claws seb pulled his hand back taking a step back but not falling over his feet he said "what the hell was that for" the sake man slashed his own hand with his knife and then held it out to shake again seb look at it then said "no im not stupid." The snake man bard his fangs hissing angry seb held out his hand quickly figuring he would get hurt if he didn't, the snake man took his hand and then suddenly seb's hand felt like it was on fire as there blood exchanged then when it became unbearable the snake man let go and said "there now you can understand me holder." Seb looked at his paw and the cut wound was being pulled back together by little tine chains till it looked like nothing happened then looking up he said "my name is Seberith not holder and where the hell am I. I have rights you know. You can't just experiment on people like this then drop then in god know where."

Jinks hissed at the last bit "you do not get to make demands you are the student here and I the master and as the master I say you have no rights. And you are not seberith you are holder."