Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 5

Story by Fox thief on SoFurry

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Baxley was shocked as to where he was when he looked around and saw torches. . "Patience, all will be revealed", he heard a female voice say and looked around to find it. The fox was in astonishment at the sight before him. A female panther was wearing a long white silk dress, with Egyptian hieroglyphics in gold all over it. Bangles and jewels adorned her wrists and ankles, and her eyes seemed to glow. "As you may very well know, this world has fallen away from the knowledge of me, and my brothers and sisters in general. But you, you've got potential. But to know who you really are, you've got to Get down to business. Baxley! Come here!" called the cat goddess named Bast.

Baxley stepped past Onyx, his clothes changing into Egyptian armor and his dagger appearing at his left hip in a golden sheath. Bast put her paw on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "I want you to go with Onyx. He's going to need your help very soon. And it involves you. I promise you'll find out soon enough. But someone very important to me has asked that you two go through the trouble to find it all. To find yourselves." She whispered, looking as if trying to hold back tears.

The panther goddess stepped back and began to fade. "Onyx, I have not the time to explain it all. Take Baxley and head to Egypt. There you will find a secret temple in which to meet Ra. He will explain everything, and you'll finally be complete..." She said as she disappeared from view, her words echoing. The torches began to glow gold and the fire started to swirl its way to Baxley and Onyx and whirl around them, diminishing their view of the temple. The fire then began to clear and they were standing at the same abandoned house from where they were captured, dressed in their normal clothing. "Looks like we're going on another adventure", said Onyx, eyebrows raised.

Baxley smiled and punched Onyx's arm lightly. "I'm always ready to go with you on any adventure, big bro."