The Voice Within: Coming to Reality

#1 of the voice within being crazy is who i am. nothing can change that. i know who to blame too, but it's not that simple i suppose. _"you know what you want"_ the voice i spoke to constantly said.

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The Voice Within: Vying for Control

#2 of the voice within i could not rid my mind of this voice that lusted for control. it haunted my very being, longing for a so called 'life' that it would do anything to get it, even if it had to kill me to get it. _"you are weak.

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The Power Within - Prologue & Chapter 1

#1 of the power within prologue: the face of death have you ever had that feeling that your life has come to a standstill, that even time itself has come to an end?

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The Story Of Nine (TheDarkness Within Pt1)

As I lay here on the ground bleeding, dying and just waiting for deaths cold embrace, I hear these foot steps. As they get louder I can't help but open my eyes, as they open I am immediately blinded as I can see is this bright light in the sky. I try...

Within another's life (short story)

**Another's life** Awakening from a deep sleep is not a desirable thing at the best of time, I think we can all agree on that. Waking up from a shallow sleepless night can be worse, or waking up to a nightmare. I've had all of those before, as I'm...

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Beauty and the Beast Within (Teaser/Preview)

**the beauty and the beast within** "teaser trailer" by zack c. aka: fenrirxiii \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ note: this is meant to be a 'preview' of a story i'm considering working on.

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The Truth Within - Ch. 1 : Fantasy

No thoughts of escape could come to mind, and even if he had any, his limbs were all but useless now, uncontrollably twitching within their cuffs. "i'm surprised you're still conscious. you're tougher than i expected."

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The Truth Within - Ch. 2 : Recovery

Carefully opening the box with a lone paw, he revealed that within it was a rather large silver chain necklace. "i want ya to take this as a memento to ne'er forget tha' life is precious. it can be taken away at any moment, so live life to the best.

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The Truth Within - Ch. 3 : Rehab

within moments, monte was standing for the first time in weeks. "there you go!" the trainer said. "how you holding up?" "i...i'm not sure," monte answered. "i'm not sure how long i can keep standing." his legs began to quiver.

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Thoughts on religious concepts within WtV

I read a lot of books this month on religions, religious concepts, origis of religions, self-view of religions and some more. Basically, I learned a lot more about humanity in general than I think is neccessary to be somewhat pessimistic in regards to...


The Phoenix Within, A(nother) Personal Nonfiction

But in the moment, all that really mattered was that the phoenix within that was me chose to rose from the ashes to boldly be who i want to be.


Dragon's Reign - prologue: The Beast within

The threatening clicks of razor-sharp claws on stony ground, emphasized by the quiet rustle of leaves and the crackling of branches, introduced the spectacle: with safe steps, the black-scaled beast crept through the vegetation. Showing his fangs and...

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