The Power Within - Chapter 2
Chapter 2: The Adventure Begins
Droplets of water plop into small pools in the damp earth. A gentle breeze shifts the forest canopy, creating a cascade of harmonious plinks as the leaves shake off their dewy burdens. A single drop falls upon a lone creature lying upon the forest floor. It strikes him gently between the eyes, waking him from a dark sleep. He blinks and looks around, sitting up and stretching out the aches from lying on the ground. He stretches his arms, his back, his tail.
This sudden realization causes him to jolt immediately out of the lingering sleep.
"Wha-what...?!" Junsei looks about frantically, locating a nearby pool of water, heart beating so quickly, it seems like he's going to suffer a stroke. He stumbles over awkwardly, taking in the first glimpse of his furry face.
What he sees is a round head with little triangular ears on top. There is also a medium sized muzzle between two very large eyes, currently contorted in a bewildered fashion. The eyes are a deep purple color, stemming from a seemingly deep and vast mind. Soft, light blue fur covers his cute face, tufting a bit at the top of his head, while the rest of his body is also covered in this fur with the exception of his chest, which has a slightly darker tint to it. His round head seems proportionally large to the rest of his body, which in turn is seemingly too big for his arms. He has tiny paws and little pink pads on both his hands and feet, the latter being fairly flat and long. A long tail twitches slightly behind him, the tip tapering off in a bulbous shape.
He takes this in with staggered breath, unable to force a word to come to his mouth. He tries to speak, but all he can emit is a feeble mewling sound. Junsei's vision begins to blur again as his mind swirls. A fuzzy darkness overcomes him as he falls backward onto the ground. The little Pokémon had fainted, his last thoughts repeating over and over again in his mind.
'Where am I? What am I? Why am I here?'
"Hey! Are you okay? Wake up!"
Junsei opens his eyes slowly to see a Charmander standing nearby.
"Oh, phew, you weren't moving, so I thought you might have been in some kind of trouble."
Junsei looked at the Charmander, his words only now beginning to register.
"W-wait! Did you just talk?! Is this...all a dream?"
The Charmander looked at him with a funny expression.
"Of course I talk! You don't see any other Pokémon around here, do you? Though I don't think I've ever seen a Pokémon like you before. By the way, my name's Kaji."
Junsei held his aching head and thought for a moment.
"My name's Junsei...but how do you know English?"
Kaji laughed and said "You're kinda weird, but that's all right! Junsei's a funny name. I think I'll call you June. What's English?"
"It's what humans speak...or at least where I lived...Wait, June? That's a girl's name!" the Pokémon shouted, somewhat flustered.
"There aren't any humans here!" He laughed again and held out a paw to help Junsei up, ignoring his other comment.
Junsei got up a bit unsteadily. "Th-thanks..."
"So do you have a place to go?" Kaji asked him.
"Um...not really..."
"I know we just met, but would you like to form a rescue team with me?" the Charmander asked, tilting his head a bit.
"What's a rescue team?" came the response.
Kaji nearly exploded and said "You don't know?! A rescue team is a group of Pokémon that go around helping others and catching outlaws. I've always dreamed of forming one ever since my big brother became assistant guild master."
Junsei thought about it and realized that he truly had no place to go, and nothing to do. He sighed and said "I guess I could give it a shot."
"That's great! Come on, I'll show you the way to the guild!" came the enthusiastic reply.
The two started off through the forest with Kaji in the lead. He kept up a brisk pace while Junsei followed behind, often tripping over his large feet. After falling flat on his face for what must have been the 100th time, the Charmander turned and called out "What's the hold up?"
"I'm trying my best, but it's hard trying to walk with these feet!"
Kaji went over and asked "Have you tried flying? It seems to me that feet like those would be better suited for landing than for walking."
"But I don't have wings! I can't fly without wings!" Junsei snapped back, getting back up.
"What about levitating? I'm no expert, but I would assume all you'd have to do is think about it, and it'd just happen."
He nodded and calmed down, closing his eyes and trying to concentrate on...he had no idea, but when he opened his eyes and looked about, he realized he was floating in the air. Moving about seemed to come naturally to him after that as he did flips and rolls in the air.
"Hey! Yeah! This is awesome!" he shouted, flying in and out of the braches in the trees.
"Yup! Thought so. Now let's get going!" the Charmander replied, jogging back along the path.
((I'll keep adding to this as I type up more, so please refrain from comments and votes for a little bit.))