The Story Of Nine (TheDarkness Within Pt1)
As I lay here on the ground bleeding, dying and just waiting for deaths cold embrace, I hear these foot steps. As they get louder I can't help but open my eyes, as they open I am immediately blinded as I can see is this bright light in the sky. I try to speak, wanting to know who, or what it is, but I pass out from the lost of blood. As I sleep in the darkness of what I believe to be deaths embrace, all I can hear is a voice.
"You Shall Fucking Bleed for me, Your life is worthless, no one will ever care about you, no one will love you, all you can do is DIE." That's when I hear it, the ominous sound of a bullet being loaded and locked into the barrel, BOOM! At the moment I heard that bang of a gun being fired; I jump up and look around, only to see that I am in someone's home. As I try to stand I feel this terrible feeling come over me, like someone has marked me with a curse and it weighs heavy on my heart. I place a hand on my arm, feeling something that shouldn't be there, like someone has carved something on my arms. When I slowly turn my gaze to my arms, I am horrified to see that my feelings were right. Someone has carved something on my arms. On the soft flesh are four words that seemed to burn with a white hot intensity as I read them. Death, Pain, Lifeless, Loveless, That's when I look up and sees you standing there in front of me. "Where am I?" I ask softly, my voice sounding alien to me. That's when you speak, in the softest possible voice, "well you're in my house. I found you in the woods passed out, you were bleeding heavily." When I tried to get up she spoke with urgency, "please don't leave." "I need to go, you don't even know me." "Please but I do know you, I think you might have lost your memory baby." In that moment, when she said baby, all I could see was a flash back. I fell back down and hit my head hard on the floor. Yet as I fell all I could hear was her, screaming out my name.
"Hahahahah, keep running no one cares about you. No one loves you there is and always only be US, hahahahaha." I lay there screaming, she is sat there by my side helping me, trying to wake me up. "Hey are you ok, are you there, please answers me!" As I slowly wake up, I speak softly "who... who are you?" When I open my eyes I she her smile, she starts to cry. "Thank god you're ok" then she hugs me tight and all I could do is just hold her back. As I feel a little strength return to my body I get up and I ask her, "what is my name?" "Well you had a name but you lost it, you do have a name, but I don't think you will like it." She turns away; I reach out and lightly turn her face back towards me and say lightly, "please tell me my name. Please I need to know." As she starts to say my name, my arms start to tremble with pain but I ignore it, "your name is Demon White Walls." I look her in the eyes, seeing if what she says is truth, "are you sure?" She nodded slowly. I sit down, my head beginning to hurt as I just stare at my hands and thinks. That is when she speaks again, "when I found you out in the woods, when I went to pick you up on your back it said Demon White Walls." I nodded slowly, "Ok, thank you." I grab my arms, shaking the pain away. Luckily she has not seen my arms; I doubt that she would be able to understand it. Then after all that I heard a knock at the door, she gets up, turning to face me as she says "there is someone you must meet. I think this might bring back some memories, are you ready?" I look up at her confused but I still nod, "yes." She walks over to the door and then looks back at me, "here is our son, Dante." She opens the door and I see a tall figure walk in and towards me, his voice is deep as he says to me, "hi ya dad." When he said Dad I have another flash back and pass out.
"Your body is mine, I gave you life and you and I are ONE." I hop up in a cold sweat, looking around again only to see her sitting down next to me. She smiles at me, "we really need to stop meeting like this." She giggles lightly and puts her hand on my head and kisses me lightly. I look up at her, "you.... you are my wife and he is our son?" She smiles again at me, "yes we are your family." I smile, like I had never smiled before in my life. That's when I heard this voice in my head say in a cold and malice voice,
" Family, you have no family, there is only you and I there is no need for a family."
I shake my head and say "shut the fuck up!" Looking down at my arms I give a soft sigh and say to myself, "who would do this to me and why did they do this?" I hear her footsteps walking over to me, I quickly hide my arms. She looks down at me, a look of worry on her face, "who are you talking to?" I shake my head, "nobody. I'm ok, just very very lost right now, but I kind of understand a little bit." "Well that's good; at least you know who I am and who your son is." I smile a little at her words, but only briefly. "I can't believe I have a family, I have a son and a wife. I am a father. I can't believe it, yet I don't know how I should feel." Sighing I rub my head with a hand, that is when she notice my arms. I hear her gasp out, "what the hell? What is this love? Who did this to you?" I hide my arms again, the worry in her voice like a knife through my chest. "I don't know, I have been asking my self that the whole time, I did not want to show u because I did not want to scare you." She looks at me for the briefest of moments. Then she kisses me, "it's ok baby, I understand that you didn't want to worry me. I'll be fine; after all I don't scare easily." She laughs and smiles, all I could do was smile back. I feel so happy just to see her smile, as though that smile gives me strength I try to stand up but my legs are wobbly.
After a few attempts I get up and walk around, trying to get my legs to work right. As I stretch my legs I trip over my own feet. Before I crash to the floor I feel my son catch me in his arms. "Dad you ok?" I smiled to reassure him and gave him a gentle nod of my head. Once again I stand back up, with him standing there in front of me. That's when I see the resemblance, they are small similarities, yet he dose look like me. I smiled again and that's when Dante asked me, "What is so funny dad?" "Nothing son, nothing, I am just glade to see that I have a son." I wrapped my arms around my son and hugged him, and he hugged me back. I hear Dante laugh as he whispers softly to me, "I am glad that I have a father." We both smile as we just held each other. Yet at the back of my mind there are a million questions burning at the back of my mind that I wanted answered.
Who would take my memories away? Who would burn those words in my arm? Who was the voice in my head? How could I forget about my family?
These were just a few of the many questions streaming through my mind as I held onto Dante. Yet the embrace that I held with my son gave me some kind of renewed strength that filled every muscle in my body. I was going to get to the bottom of this, the quicker I did this would mean the quicker I could join my family. Without anything hanging over me, and just maybe I'll get my memories of them back Letting go of my son I placed my hands on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes with a smile, "So what do we have to do around here?" Dante laughed and took my hand. "Don't worry dad I'll show you." With that he begins to lead me away, even though I am just an echo of the person my son and wife remember, I swear that I'll make things right again.