Gates to misery ch: 8
A big tremor shook the place up. "lady munna!" i gigalith yelled out. "the icicles--they are a-shaking, ma'am!" a pillar of an icicle was coming down behind keldeo, which is where zorua and i were!
L H A { 1 - 3 }
What it was i didn't know but it had caused several tremors in the room i had become unwilling tenant to. when the tremors subsided the scientists left. a while afterwords i had watched as they closed the door and welded it shut.
Food Court Flirtings
Anonymous commission slow, thunderous booms and soft tremors were the heralds of its arrival. each mighty footstep sent deep piles of fat jostling across a round belly and broad hips.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 7
She was shaking so hard that she curled into a ball, the legs of the bed squeaked under the pressure of the tremors, her wings folded so tightly against her back that they practically disappeared, shrinking her frame by one size.
Skylands: Hypoxia and Edema
Most recently, and perhaps most disturbingly, mild tremors have begun to shake the ground.
The Big Sister Part Twelve: Adriana's Wrath!
Herman's bionic leg stabilizers were able to project him half a meter into the air, thus allowing him to evade the tremor below him and allow him to land about two meters away from the shock radius of her stomp.
My Life as a Slave 13
Haku is a woken by the violent tremors. he senses the same thing i do that something is horribly wrong. the plane started going down into a steep descent. he leaned over his seat and kissed me for the last time. silence and darkness...
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Prelude: “Winds of Ice”
The tremors came and went sporadically as the dim, storm-shrouded daylight pushed towards a dark approximation of noon. he shivered constantly and felt weakness gnaw his stomach.
The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 2: Below The Sun
Images fluttered through the haze, sending minuscule tremors under her fur and skin, heart hammering away beneath a battered and bruised rib-cage.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 19
A strong tremor shook flare's entire body. " it's getting in!" sparx exclaimed " do something!"
The Dark Warrior: An Attack
Expression neutral and controlled, i met his eyes, and the burning fire i saw there was almost equal to my own, and that caused me to tremor with the excitement of battle as well as the fear of defeat. "no," i responded simply.
My Mistake
As i did so, however, i felt a slight tremor in the ground, barely noticeable at first, but quickly intensifying.