The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 19
#37 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions
Here it is, chapter 19
i can now with whole certainty say that the book will end with the next chapter or the one after that. Now i just need to see if i will have to split it into two or not, we will see how it will turn out.
But that's a problem for another time:P
Chapter 19
How much time has passed nobody of them knew, it was hard to tell if it was days, hours or mere minutes. In this dark maze time flowed differently, it seemed to slow down to an unnatural pace that only creatures natural to this somber environment could appreciate.
Foe them it was exactly on the contrary, they were all terrified to a certain point. The constant clicking and hissing sounds, the impenetrable darkness, the shrieking roars, even the rotting smell, all those things intensified the gnawing dismay. All of them were accustomed to fear in their own way, being scared while venturing into an unknown dark mine, ready to repel any unexpected attack was one thing but carrying an unconscious friend who effectively prevented every defensive reaction was completely something else.
The gnawing fear at the back of their minds was almost impossible to ignore, especially Flare had troubles remaining focused with his pulsing phobia. Yet both foster brothers never even tried to ignore the red dragon's warnings of danger, partly thanks to his previous display of crude but successful medial expertise and partly because they were both scared themselves and the fiery dragon sensed danger before any of them did. Paranoia has its benefits it seems.
However it turned out that it also has its downsides, sometimes when Flare yelped, warning their companions of lingering danger somewhere in the darkness ahead Sparx occasionally decided to check it out with his breath tightly held inside his chest. Most of the times it turned out to be nothing and every time that happened he didn't hold back his thoughts and made it clear that this time the red dragon is imagining things.
No matter how hard the dragonfly tried he just couldn't convince the fiery drake, Flare every single time urged the group to move forward and avoid the places where the anxiousness seemed to be stronger. He always used only one argument to force his point across, that they have to learn from their past mistakes and abide by the enforced rules, since nobody of them wanted the same thing happening to them which happened to Cynder.
The brothers didn't need any more convincing than that, yet Sparx just couldn't shake off the feeling that if they would just ignore Flare's protests and somehow forced him to press forward despite his gnawing fear they would find a perfect hiding spot by now. However for the sake of the somehow renewed teamwork the dragonfly remained silent, they need themselves now more than ever, like it or not, they just have to work together.
More and more uncountable time passed as they wandered the mine in search for their Promised Land, or Promised Tunnel for that matter, and Sparx was, despite his will, raised to the position of a prophet, with his natural light as some sort of a beacon of a higher power which always pointed the right way. It goes without saying how the dragonfly was unhappy with his role, but he also knew that there was just no other choice so he played his part, even if with great difficulty.
Whenever the glowing shape disappeared into the black thick veil both dragons held their breaths, anxiously awaiting the return of their guide. Most of the times when Sparx popped out from the darkness he kept flailing his arms chaotically, urging his two draconic companions to run. With the almost paralyzing fear the dragons didn't need any more encouragement than that to hightail quickly from the danger.
All of them lost count how many times they had to run for their lives, and with each such situation they allowed the dragonfly to scan the surroundings farther and farther away from them for safety precautions. The motionless feminine body on their backs effectively prevented any fast maneuvering, yet that wasn't the only reason behind their wariness. Whenever they had to run Cynder's body bounced and twitched uncontrollably and they really had to struggle to avoid dropping her down. Even through her unconscious bobbing head they could hear her groans of pain, and just for the sake of her well-being they couldn't run all the time.
In those moments they thought that they shouldn't have leave the wide big caves behind, with their wings at full disposal it would be much easier to carry her. However rationality won the battle against impulsiveness, they rather struggle their whole way than go the easier route and risk encountering another of those big bugs.
More time has passed, with it came another forced stop during which Sparx scanned the surrounding area. Both dragons impulsively stretched their legs, preparing their paws for another retreat. This time however it was different, when Sparx emerged from the darkness he wasn't flailing his arms, he just flew towards them with a surprised look on his face and his hands at his sides.
" I think we found it" the dragonfly announced unceremoniously, almost not believing his own words
Both dragons looked at each other just to focus their surprised eyes on the dragonfly
" You sure?" they both said in unison
Sparx sluggishly turned towards the darkness and raised his forefinger " Sec" he cocked his head as if trying to look past the darkness " I'll check again" with that he disappeared into the black veil again
Moments later the dragonfly returned still somewhat shocked " We are home guys"
Spyro smiled, it was a smile of great relief " Then let's go, I'm really tired"
" Yeah, let's go and fast" Flare wriggled his shoulder with a wince " She's really heavy" after that announcement the dragon's eyes shot wide open and he bit his lip nervously " But don't tell her that, I don't want to get smacked again"
Both brothers let out a chuckle, with that slight display of joy came a great relief, they felt as if great load was lifted from their shoulders. Spyro however wasn't really surprised by Flare's words, she did feel heavy even despite he knew exactly that she is quite light, yet when your legs are about to give up after carrying something on your back for who knows how long it seems that even a bag of feathers would feel like tones of rocks after so much time eventually.
As they have been approaching their newly safe haven through the thick darkness Sparx explained the situation to them. From his words it seemed that the tunnel they have just found was perfect for a temporary hideout, a single entrance, quite deep, without any risk of incoming surprises, however for safety precautions Spyro decided to check it out nevertheless. Better safe than sorry.
Both dragons gingerly placed their unconscious entrance, Sparx and Flare stayed behind to watch over Cynder while Spyro ventured into their hopefully freshly discovered hideout. The two companions that were left for guard duty didn't laze about, the dragonfly instantly darted into the darkness to scan the surrounding area while Flare kept turning around directing his white beam of light into every corner of the mine, just like some sort of a lighthouse warning all the approaching ships that just behind this fog are jagged cliffs.
Spyro had to agree with his brother, at first glance the tunnel looked perfect, the moment he looked inside his candle illuminated the whole length of the tunnel, a barely noticeable wall could be seen in the distance. He made his way towards it while turning his head, he only had to move his head slightly to the side since almost instantly he was greeted by a thick wall. It wasn't that bad, the tunnel was wide enough to be able to house all of them while maybe even making Flare comfortable enough.
He reached the opposite end of the tunnel, the purple dragon carefully examined the wall, scanning for every opening or loose rocks, he spotted nothing like that. Spyro turned around, yes, the tunnel would do nicely, they can easily hide in the deeper parts of it without the risk of being spotted by the bugs while they would accidently move past this tunnel.
Their hiding place had only one entrance, which had its good and bad sides. One entrance meant that they won't be surprised by a sudden attack from behind, this caves aren't big so there was no chance that one of the bigger bugs would find them. One entrance also meant that they are voluntarily walking into a trap, if a swarm of bugs will find them they won't be able to escape. However Spyro found such a scenario unlikely to happen, while they crossed the tunnels the bugs seemed not to be bothered by the light as if their eyes couldn't discern any colors or brightness. The creatures only located them when they got close enough for the bugs to feel their scent or perhaps it was the unhearable vibrations on the ground their draconic paws created. Whatever the case may be Spyro was quite certain that if they will remain quiet nothing would happen to them.
The purple dragon began to retrace his steps, this time however he ignored the side walls, he instead concentrated solely on the ceiling. Luckily for them, it was just as thick and solid like the wall behind him, just like previously no holes or loose stones could be spotted. Good, that meant no bug was holed up in there somewhere. He eventually reached the exit, his two companions looked at him anxiously, however Spyro didn't say a word, he only raised his claw signaling them to wait while he scanned the tunnel once more time, just to be sure. When another examination proved that the tunnel is sufficiently safe he invited his companions inside with a nod of his head.
Spyro and Flare gingerly picked their still slowly breathing friend and carried her to the end of the tunnel where they have placed the dragoness delicately on the ground. All three companions observed the laying dragoness carefully, this time however she looked much better and if they didn't knew better they would say that something has put her into a deep sleep, they would never suspect that she fainted due to blood loss. She just looked so peaceful.
When a barely noticeable noise escaped her that almost sounded like a delicate snore all three of them laughed unwittingly. With that laugh came the long craved relief, they felt like all that gathered tension they accumulated during their search evaporated somewhere, and they couldn't care less where.
Suddenly all three of them felt like their legs and wings started to become numb, just like their minds would be switching off each of their limbs by pressing button after button. They didn't care, all of them arched backwards and fell on their backs while panting heavily. They all stared at the ceiling above them, it felt so damn good to know that she is safe and nothing threatens them for the time being, for the first time in a long while they felt that long craved serenity and security which one feels usually in his own home. It felt so good that they didn't even realize that broad smiles were now plastered on their faces.
The next days or hours looked almost identical for the group, at first they all spent their time inside their new hideout, carefully monitoring Cynder's health while also constantly fixing their eyes on the exit of the tunnel. As the uncountable time passed they noticed the dragoness breathing returning slowly to normal, yet with good news also came the bad ones. The three companions could see the delicate barely visible forms of the bugs passing by their tunnel in the distance.
Firstly they ignored it, thinking that it might have been just an unfortunate turn of events that the critters actually walked past by their hiding place. Yet no matter how long they waited there were always bugs appearing in the distance, to make things worse the sightings of the small creatures seemed to intensify the longer they waited.
Coming to a mutual decision that it is too risky just to ignore this sightings the group came to an decision to send patrols of their own, ignoring this threat probably meant that they would have been discovered sooner or later. Since Sparx couldn't really defend himself, it was up to two male young dragons to get rid of this threat, knowing it would be just too dangerous to leave the dragonfly here alone with the sleeping dragoness they decided that only one of the dragons will make a round close to the tunnel. When he returns they will just switch roles with the other dragon in their group, that way their hiding place won't be left undefended, there will always be a pair of draconic eyes watching over Cynder's safety.
It was decided that first patrol route will fall on Spyro. The purple dragon waited till he spotted another group of bugs, when they passed by their tunnel the purple dragon slowly made their way towards the exit and stalked the little critters. He only attacked them when they were a safe distance away from the tunnel. In his first patrol route Spyro also managed to finish of another group of bugs before he returned to the tunnel.
The moment he returned he gave a detailed report of his findings and the overall situation in the mine, telling his fiery partner what he can expect in that thick darkness. Flare took off the moment Spyro laid by Cynder's side. The first fiery dragon's patrol route was mostly boring, the surrounding area near the tunnel was mostly wiped clean, only a couple of bugs tried to ambush him, but he easily took care of them. With nothing else to do the red dragon returned to the tunnel.
That was how they occupied themselves while waiting for Cynder to finally wake up. At first their patrol routes were only focused on the nearby area around the tunnel, on sole purpose to dispatch the wandering groups of bugs. As time passed the patrols routes slowly started top become longer and wider, Spyro explored the west side of the mine while Flare took the east one, they came to a conclusion that they will always stick to those sides, that way they will get familiar with the tunnels and they will know where they have been and what to expect.
The decision to widen their patrol routes was somewhat enforced on them, with each passing hour they were becoming more and more thirsty. Even if they were deep inside a volcano Spyro believed that there has to be water somewhere, he came across such sources in his adventures, most of the times they were found where nobody expected them to be. Thanks to that experience the purple dragon just knew that a water source has to be somewhere in this tunnels, he didn't expect to find a fountain since they were inside a hot volcano but he believed that a weak source of water has to be here somewhere, in their situation single droplets will do.
Seeing that the two dragons were working Sparx decided to also make himself useful, every now and then he went on his own patrol. However he didn't search for the bugs or water, his main point of focus were spiders and more precisely their sticky work of art. Seeing that the spider-webs that were used to cover Cynder's wounds started to become more and more dirty he decided it was about time to change her bandage. Finding spider-webs in such a dusty and dark cavern wasn't a big problem, not that he complained, a quicker success meant a faster return to the safety of their hiding place, a safety that the dragonfly accepted with a great relief.
At first both dragons explorations were fruitless, no matter how hard they looked they just couldn't find any source of water. When Spyro laid in the hiding place clicking his tongue thinking that they will have to satisfy themselves with the bitter taste of their own scarce saliva Flare barged into the tunnel grinning and beaming with happiness and excitement. The fiery dragon to both brothers surprise announced that he has located water. He found a more humid almost completely caved-in cavern where single droplets of water splattered on the ground, he also warned that it will take some time to collect enough water to quench someone's thirst completely.
None of them decided to be fussy about it, they take what they can get. Spyro immediately grabbed some stones and made cavities in the middle using his earth element, careful not to pierce the stones. When there were enough stones with holes laying on the ground Spyro found some more wider and thinner stones, he then placed such a stone in the middle of the two with the holes and by using his ice element connected it with the two stones. He kept going until the connected stones formed some sort of a large necklace.
Spyro smiled and examined his work, he couldn't shake off the feeling that this necklace resembled that basket Cynder invented during their races all that time ago when everything was so much simpler. He impulsively looked at the sleeping dragoness.
" You are a genius" he mused with pride
He then hung the necklace around the fiery dragon's neck and ordered him to make haste, the higher temperature of his body and the overall warm climate in the mines will make short work of the ice. Spyro told the red drake that he made the connections very thick but sooner or later they will melt away and when that happens they will have to start from scratch.
Flare didn't need any more encouragement than that, he instantly made his way towards the humid cavern. Just before he left their hiding place he received an apology from Spyro, the purple dragon was sorry that he will be doing all of the hard work while he will be laying here in the tunnel resting. Flare replied that there is nothing to be sorry about since the humid cavern he found has only one entrance and it will take some time to fill the stones using only a single droplet of water so he will have more than enough time to rest. Such answer made the purple dragon a bit more happier.
As time passed and there was no sign of the fiery drake both foster brothers began to get more anxious by the minute. With each passing minute the thirst that gnawed at them seemed to intensify that both of them didn't even notice when their tongues rolled out of their mouths and their paws and hands began to rub at them pleadingly, looking even for a tiny bit of something moist. It had to be a disappointment for their limbs however, since the tongues felt almost like sand paper.
Just like when you try to do something fast you tire more quickly, it seems that the same pattern also works with thirst. When you know that there is water close enough you become more and more thirsty the longer you wait for it, in that moment both brothers came to a conclusion that people are right when they say that ignorance is bliss.
They wanted to drink so badly that both of them didn't even realize when their eyes became blurry and they began to fantasize they are staring at a huge fountain with streams of cold water flowing directly into their needy mouths. They were so lost in their imagined world that when Flare appeared in the entrance carrying stones of water they both thought they were traveling through a hot desert and the sight before them is nothing more than mirage.
They awakened the moment when the water splashed on their noses, with an audible slurps their tongues rolled back inside their mouths and they instantly where on their legs. When Flare placed the stones on the ground all three of them pounced at the stones just like some sort of predators jumping on their prey. Yet when Spyro sunk his tongue into the water, he curled his nose, it was way too warm for his taste, he then instantly jerked his head back when an idea crossed his mind.
" Wait!" he exclaimed delicately gaining the attention of his companions, he could see in their eyes the irritation after he so suddenly stopped probably the most pleasurable moment in their lives for a long while
Without waiting for their response Spyro bent on his paws and began breathing a chilly icy mist at the stones. When his two other companions realized what is happening they stepped back and observed the scene with hungry eyes. They could see as the water started to ripple in seconds and the feeling of an icy mist on their faces emitting from the water almost knocked the breath out of them moments later.
Momentarily they all plunged their mouths into the freezing water, they filled their mouths with quite considerable amounts of water before swallowing it down. The chilly sensation the cold water left in their throats and stomachs almost knocked them out cold. The quick gulping of the chilly water sent surges of delicately painful stinging directly to their heads, they felt like their brains were freezing. They didn't care, quenching the gnawing thirst was far more important than worrying about such little discomfort.
Before they knew it the stones were emptied, all of them ran their tongues along the stones inner surfaces in search of some water, making sure that even the tiniest droplet didn't escape their notice. When they were quite sure that no more water can be found inside the stones they all let out some blissful breaths and moans, they were certain that this was the most pleasurable sensation they have ever felt.
When the exhilarating sensation subsided they all looked longingly and with still pulsing craving at the empty stones. Impulsively both foster brother's looked at the fiery dragon, when they raised their gaze the red drake was already staring at them. Flare and Spyro instantly approached the necklace of stones without saying a word as if communicating through some telepathic means. The purple dragon reinforced the already melting connections and hung the newly prepared necklace around Flare's neck. With the rocks set in place, the red dragon spun around and without saying a single word dashed out into the darkness, with only one destination in mind.
The first couple of rounds when Flare returned with the water the three companions made sure they emptied all the stones completely. When they couldn't look at the water any longer, after effectively killing the annoying gnawing thirst they decided to stock up the water, so when Flare went for another round Spyro made sure to prepare some more necklaces for the fiery drake.
As time passed, more stones with the refreshing liquid began to fill their hideout, Spyro made sure that the water is well protected by covering their crude buckets with a lid which was nothing more than a flat stone connected with the water filled ones by using his ice element.
At first their plan was to gather enough water to surprise Cynder when she wakes up since she will be undoubtedly thirsty like they were. However when more and more water kept appearing in the tunnel they decided to use it on cleaning purposes. When both dragons were busy cleaning the dried mix of red and greenish gore from their bodies after disposing of so many groups of bugs Sparx carefully worked on Cynder's wound. With his nimble hands he made sure to properly clean the healing wounds and the dried dirt and blood from her body.
As time passed Cynder started to look more and more healthy, it was a great relief to see her wounds healing, in that moment they were all glad for the draconic natural regeneration. The wounds on her back were the worst so they were still there but at least they no longer looked as bad as earlier. It seemed that her body focused on sealing up the wounds that were easier to heal, to the three companions the magenta membranes filling her black wings were now completely intact. They all had to admit that her wings looked like new, nobody would ever believe that once there were some holes in them.
While Flare kept bringing more and more water Spyro just laid there in the tunnel keeping an eye on their hideout, occasionally he left it to deal with the bugs when sightings of these creatures intensified. He had no doubt that the task that was enforced on him was important but he just couldn't shake off the feeling that he isn't sacrificing himself enough for the good of the group, he felt useless.
Then he remembered why they were sent into this mine in the first place- to stop the bugs. He had no idea how much time has passed, days, months, who knows, one thing was for certain, they haven't done anything to stop this plague and this delay made the situation probably even worse than it was before. Determination pulsed through his veins, enough, it was time to turn the tables.
When Flare returned with another rocks full of water Spyro came to a conclusion that no more water is needed, it was time to focus on the main task finally. At first Sparx protested that it was too dangerous to go looking for trouble without their full numbers but Spyro eventually convinced him that nobody from the group can sense the portals, only he is suitable for the job and that they have wasted enough time as it is. More delay meant more danger, they have to strike the bugs when they are weak, they have to know where to go when Cynder wakes up. After a while of exchanging arguments Sparx finally sighed in defeat, he still believed that it was a bad idea but he also knew that they have no other choice. With painful heart he agreed and Spyro's plan was set in motion.
To be safe Spyro disposed of the first groups of bugs, not knowing really from which direction they are actually coming from he decided that for the good of the group it is safer just to prevent the annoying critters from wandering around their hiding place. When he kept thinning their numbers over and over again, he finally located the tunnel from which they were coming from, his constant attacks bore fruit since the group of bugs looked smaller than before.
The tingle running through his body was still there, sending through his veins once stronger and once weaker pulses, strictly following some kind of sinusoidal pattern which reached once higher and once lower amplitudes. Learning from his mistakes, he ignored the shivering sensation even when it felt like the portal will come into view just around that corner... he never fell for that trick again.
Spyro had to admit painfully that the task he set on himself was harder than it looked, ambushing the bugs surrounded by thick darkness was no small feat. Not to mention that he also sometimes got ambushed by some of the yellowish critters hiding in the rocks. Yet no matter what happened he pressed forward, and whenever he entered a new tunnel he made sure to make a visible scratch with his claw on the wall so he won't get lost when he is going to return to his companions.
Even if the tingle tried to trick him he just knew that he is heading in the right direction, the intensifying putrid stench was a clear sign of that. He has already learnt during his adventures that whenever he is closing on his goal the road ahead becomes more dangerous and more bumpy, it was exactly the same in this case.
Suddenly after he left one more tunnel behind him the cavern stretched to enormous sizes, when his white light didn't meet with a wall on the other end of its beam but stopped only on open space, the purple dragon swallowed hard, he knew what this meant. Spyro balked and for a moment blood froze in his veins when he heard that familiar shrieking roar in the darkness, yet it was different than the one he heard earlier, this sounded like a cry, a very agonizing cry that escapes probably every creature when they just know that their life is about to end in this very moment.
Spyro jumped when a rumbling sound shook the entire cavern and impulsively retreated a few steps back into the safety of his own tunnel. Then moments later was that terrible triumphant shrieking roar that sent shivers through his entire body, after that the most disgusting sound of suckling and chomping reached him. Momentarily the repulsive fresh stench of insides being ripped apart hung in the air, a stench he was unfortunately very familiar with. Then in a moment's notice his sharp connected the dots, Flare was right, rotten bodies were behind the putrid stench they all smelled and now he is near its source, Spyro just knew that the caverns ahead are the bugs feeding grounds.
What was the bugs main dish he had no idea since he doubted that they are always eating each other, yet there was no doubt that this was a common occurrence. Somehow his curiosity wasn't piqued, most likely his natural reaction was bottled somewhere deep behind all this stress and fear.
" Why things can't be simple at least once?" Spyro muttered indignantly
He swallowed another bitter pill of stress and craned his neck forward, he turned his head quickly sending the white light in every direction possible. Besides the one big bug in the corner who was busy devouring his buddy he couldn't see any more of these huge monsters nearby, yet he knew they are out there somewhere, he could hear them. Many of the smaller bugs were running back and forth through the cavern, some were heading his way, another patrol most likely, however they didn't bother him, in such a huge cave he can easily make use of his draconic wings.
Spyro leapt into the air and instantly pressed his fins to the ceiling above, between the quick pounding of his heart he felt his mind focusing on that single sensation which led them here in the first place. He shivered, it was close, so damn close, struck by another dose of determination he looked around, the way behind him was occupied by the feasting bug, and just when he wanted to fly in the other direction his light revealed a barely noticeable form of another one of the big bugs in the distance which with each passing second was becoming more solid.
Spyro dashed forward, scanning the area ahead of him quickly, besides some occasional stalagtite and a glimmering vein of some kind of metal on the ceiling no wall could be seen, only open space greeted him. When he kept flying ahead knowing that of he won't find a place to hide he will be discovered he felt his every muscle flexing, in that moment he wondered if he will ever get used to the feeling of fear.
Later his light revealed an archway and just beside it some wall with holes in it just exactly his size, with renewed determination he pressed forward, in maybe a minute or two he will reach those opening and will finally hide from the hulking monsters shrouded by darkness, their constant shrieking was driving him insane.
Just when he was about to reach the wall Spyro's eyes shot wide open in horror, in the archway one of the huge beats has appeared. Time seemed to slow down, the creature wasn't looking at him yet, but he saw as it was slowly turning towards him. In panic the dragon began to look around chaotically, the desired wall wasn't far but unfortunately it was far enough, he won't be able to reach it, the bug will certainly spot him if he is going to try that move. Behind him and on his right flank there was nothing but open space, there was just no place to hide. Driven by sheer survival instinct he looked at the c/peiling and instantly he knew what he has to do.
Spyro darted towards the ceiling, preparing his sharp claws like a bird prepares its talons to catch its prey. He sunk his claws into the jagged surface, small rocks were sent down flying crushed by the dragon's natural deadly weapons. He clung to the wall like a scared hatchling clings to its mother, he pushed his body forward, the sharp jagged rocks stung his belly like hell but he didn't care. Spyro greeted his teeth, only creature's like him will know how hard it is to keep his rear end in a still posture. The dragon fought valiantly to keep his tail in straight line and prevent it from dangling like some sort of a yellowish light bulb attached to a purple string, he felt his spine stretching and his back muscles stringing, before he knew it he began to shiver uncontrollably, what an annoying feeling that is.
The a very close rumble step shook the cave, then another one, and another, before he pressed his head to the wall he noticed the bug's yellowish huge head passing below the archway. With his nose pressed to the rocks Spyro closed his eyes and whimpered, praying in all his strength that it won't see him, begging the Ancestors to grant him invisibility.
Another rumbling noise, in that moment another soft whimper escaped his throat, he knew that the creature was just below him, he could feel it in every part of his body. He held his breath, the moment of truth, the final scene, this was the moment when everything will become clear. Either he will fly away as a happy dragon or end in the creature's belly as a delicacy.
" The first option, the first option, the first option..." Spyro kept pleadingly repeating the same words inside his head
The creature roared, a paralyzing pulse ran through his whole body, this was it, he is going to die. When he accepted his fate and was prepared to at least strike the creature in his final moments, quick rumbling steps shook the cavern. Spyro turned his head, another shrieking roar joined the cacophony when the bug which just passed through the archway crashed with the other one which was happily devouring its prey.
Spyro pressed his forehead to the ceiling and exhaled a wavering breath of extreme relief, a strong tremor ran through his body, relaxing every muscle. His tail limply dangled in the air while he kept his forehead pressed to the ceiling and his eyes closed while breathing shallowly as if having a heart attack. When another painful shrieking roar echoed throughout the cavern Spyro's eyes snapped open, for a moment he wondered if the bug didn't smell him because of the hanging stench in the air or the Ancestors listened to his plea and granted him invisibility.
He let go off the ceiling, just when he removed his claws bits of rocks fell from the freshly created holes, he was surprised just how deep they were, he had no idea he put so much strength into that cling. A dull pain ran through his paws, his claws stung like hell, but even despite the pain he was glad to be a dragon, more precisely he was glad that his claws are so strong. Good genes for the win.
Impulsively he shook his paws to get rid of the numbing pain and concentrated on the holes in the wall he spotted early. He will only take a quick peek and get the hell out of here, when he will return here with his companions they will have to fight their way through, like it or not, and it's not going to be easy. He sighed, his life is full of crap.
Despite the ongoing fighting behind him Spyro dashed forward towards the early spotted wall, just to be safe he threw a quick glance behind his shoulder, the constant roaring was somewhat stressful. As his light the area behind him a familiar rumbling shook the cavern, in the darkness he noticed one of the big shadowy forms collapsing on the ground, with the other one towering above it. It was horrible to see members of the same species wiping each other out, but it also meant that the winning bug will be distracted which meant an easier return for the purple dragon.
First things first however, Spyro dived into one of the openings in the wall, he purposely took one of the upper holes in the wall, since he knew the bugs could climb and since there are similar holes below the one he took through which the critters will easily pass they have no need to climb so high.
The dragon placed his paws on the jagged ground, he found himself in a tunnel, it wasn't wide, just an opening connecting both ends of the wall. It was just a perfect observation point. Cautiously, as to make no sound, with his light directed slightly on the ground for safety measures Spyro made his way forward. Just when he was about to reach the other end of the tunnel he was suddenly struck in his right flank by some kind of shockwave. The force threw him at the wall, the sharp rocks had no trouble tearing through his scales on his left side.
His paws bent at the impact but he kept standing, groaning Spyro tried to push forward but then another pulse pressed him to the wall. His whole body started to shake violently, despite the confusion the dragon knew what the familiar tremor meant, the portal they have been looking for is nearby and on the contrary to his previous encounters with the Veils this one was opened, pulsing with raw cracking energy.
Pulse after pulse invaded his bones, the force of the strikes was so fierce that his body needed a while to get accustomed with them. Taking some deep breaths, groaning Spyro began to slowly raise on his paws, the constant tremors running through his body made this usually trivial task the most difficult one in his life. With a grunt of struggle he finally managed to stand still, when that happened the pulses started to become weaker, the violent convulsion tearing his body slowed to the pace of a numbing shiver. It was uncomfortable but he can get used to it, not like he has any other choice.
" Whoa" Spyro blurt out and shook his head as if winning against the effects of a very powerful drug
With some difficulty he made his way cautiously towards the end of the tunnel, he dropped to the ground and waited. Nothing happened. He sniffed and only coughed, he could only smell the horrid stench of decaying bodies. However he could hear somewhere in that darkness ahead lots and lots of bugs, big and small.
With gnawing curiosity he decided to take a peek, the dragon craned his neck and looked around the cavern. It was vast, wide and high, that's good, open space meant more room for maneuvering which undoubtedly will be useful soon since a fight is unavoidable. Down below he could spot the forms of many little bugs scuttling back and forth through the cave, his amethyst eyes also noticed some of the big bugs walking and eating in the cavern. Yet there is a limit how far his light can reach, there was plenty more of them hiding in the darkness, he could feel in in his guts.
However the critters didn't draw his concentration as they wanted, the dragon's focus was entirely concentrated on the intense tingling sensation. Somewhere there, perhaps In another vast tunnel or two is their goal, somewhere there past this thick darkness is the reason behind all this mess, somewhere out there is their final destination, the end of their quest. Finally.
How to stop the bugs from crossing that portal, or how did they opened it in the first place he had no idea, but he didn't worry about that now, they will figure it out when the times comes. For now it was time to return to his companions, warn them of the danger and prepare themselves mentally for the battle to come. He felt a needle stinging his heart when an image of sleeping Cynder crossed his mind, his heart urged him to make haste, for unknown reason he wanted to be by her side when she wakes up, everything else became suddenly unimportant. Spyro got up and retraced his steps, as quickly as he could.
" Dude!" Sparx exclaimed in a muffled tone when the silhouette of his brother appeared in the cave entrance to their hideout " What took you so long? Flare was going crazy, he was worried about you!"
The fiery drake jerked back his head surprised as he laid on the ground with the sleeping dragoness behind his tail " What? That's not true!"
The dragonfly waved his hand dismissively " Yeah, yeah don't act tough now, you can't fool me ,I've seen your girly side"
" What are you talking about? It was you who couldn't stay in one place! It was you who kept flying constantly back and forth through the whole tunnel with your arms crossed! You were worried sick, not me!"
Sparx slapped his forehead a couple of times with his opened palm " Stupid! I wasn't worried! I was lost in focus, planning our future actions!"
" Oh, pfff!" Flare snorted
The dragonfly balked " Pfff?" he mimicked the snort " What meant, pfff?"
The red dragon grinned " You are lying"
Sparx crossed his arms " Oh? Suddenly you are so clever?"
The grin on the red dragon's snout only widened " Yeah, I'm learning!"
" Is that so? There is a worm behind you" the dragonfly replied casually
The smile from the dragon's snout vanished instantly, his eyes narrowed on the dragonfly, after a short staring Flare cackled " Oh no! You are not going to trick me again!"
Sparx shrugged " I'm just warning you, that's all"
" You won't fool me!"
" This one is huge"
" I'm not listening!"
" Man if you could see its slimy body" Sparx shivered " Disgusting"
Flare shook his head confidently and pressed his paws to the sides of his head " Not listening!"
" Its slithering up your tail"
" Nu-uh!'
Sparx made his way behind the red dragon " Dude! If you could only see its mouth" the dragonfly fainted a gag " I think I'm going to throw up"
Flare's body shifted nervously " Not listening!"
" It's on your back now"
The red drake gritted his teeth as suddenly an itch ran through his back, he whimpered and his whole body shivered.
" I think it's looking for something" " Dude!" Sparx exclaimed making the dragon shake violently " You are wounded, there is a small hole in your scales, it's slithering towards it!"
An audible whimper escaped Flare's throat through his clenched teeth.
" It's about to get In there! I can't grab it it's too slippery!"
A strong tremor shook Flare's entire body.
" it's getting in!" Sparx exclaimed " Do something!"
The red dragon screamed and started to thrash, he kept spinning around and flapping with his wings chaotically, occasionally he rolled on the ground while throwing quick terrified glances on his back.
" i-i-i-is it g-g-g-gone?" Flare stammered horrified
Both foster brother's burst out laughing.
The red dragon growled while narrowing his eyes on the dragonfly " I-I've told you not to d-do this a-again!"
Sparx grinned while eyeing the red drake with his arms crossed and an arrogant expression plastered on his face " Works every single time, you would think that after like tenth time he would finally get a hold of himself, but nope"
" it's not funny!"
Still grinning Sparx turned towards his brother " Hi bro"
Spyro threw Flare a quick glance and chuckled before he focused on the sleeping dragoness " How is she feeling?"
Sparx shrugged " Still snoring. So what did you find?"
" I think we-"
Spyro was cut off by a sudden feminine mumble. All three companions threw quick surprised glances between each other.
Her whole body shifted for a while before her eyes opened sluggishly.
Darkness, white light, and in that light that huge bug towering above her, ready to kill her. She began to thrash and mumble something terrified.
Spyro touched her back gently and dropped in front of her snout with his two companions following him " Hey, hey, calm down you are safe"
Cynder slightly relaxed under his touch but her blurry green eyes were still seeing something that wasn't here
" it's me Spyro, Cynder relax, you are safe"
He had no idea if it was his touch, or if his words that forced focus to return to her green eyes, but he was happy to notice that she was looking at them.
A painful smile appeared on the dragoness' snout " My favorite boys..." she muttered in a very hoarse tone.
All three of them smiled.
"...and Sparx"
Sparx rolled his eyes " Oh good, she is awake" he sounded resigned but the smile never disappeared from his face
She tried to giggle but she only emitted a painful groan " W-what happened? The last thing I remember was that bug ready to eat me"
Spyro opened his mouth but was interrupted by Flare's excited shout
" Spyro kicked its ass while me and Sparx took care of your wounds. Then me and Spyro carried you here to this tunnel so you can rest while we keep an eye on you!"
Cynder threw shocked glances between her red and purple friend " Wait, you were working together?"
" Yeah!" Flare exclaimed happily, while Spyro just shrugged
She frowned " How long I've been out?"
Spyro laughed
" We don't know" the red dragon stated sadly " It's impossible to say how much time has passed"
Sparx shook his head " Dude that was a rhetorical question"
" A what?"
Spyro grinned ' As you can see, it wasn't that long"
Cynder tried to laugh but the stinging pain on her back only turned her shout of joy into a hiss of pain " My back hurts like hell, what did you guys do to me?"
Flare winced while he impulsively looked at his claws " You don't want to know"
The dragoness noticed his painful expression and just smiled " Whatever you did Flare, thanks, I owe you"
" No you don't"
" How are you feeling?" Spyro asked concerned " Besides the obvious pain"
Cynder licked her mouth, depressed that it was dry like sand, yet she decided not to say anything, they did enough for her already and she won't act like some kind of fussy damsel
" I'm fine"
Spyro has seen through her deceitful attempt and smiled " Close your eyes"
She looked at him surprised " What?"
" Just do it"
She eyed him curiously for a while, before reluctantly closing her eyes.
Spyro sent a chilly mist at one of the stones filled with water before grabbing it soon after, he removed the lid " Stick your tongue out"
One of her eyes snapped open, the emerald orb observed him intently.
" Trust me, you won't regret it"
She had no reason not to, he was her best friend after all. With gnawing curiosity her tongue rolled out from her mouth.
Spyro's smile only broadened when he began to raise the stone, the moment he dipped her tongue in the freezing water Cynder's eyes snapped open
" Wathser?
All three of them chuckled
Her tongue rolled back inside her mouth with an audible slurp " Where did you find water?'
" Doesn't matter" Spyro replied " Enjoy" he placed the stone on the ground
Cynder's tongue instantly began to lap at the chilly liquid, not quick so she could enjoy its thirst killing effect for longer.
" Just drink it, we have plenty of it" Spyro urged her seeing her cautiousness
" I love you" she blurt out and dipped her mouth into the stone. When the cold liquid caressed her snout she realized what she just said. She began drinking the water slowly, glad that her snout was hidden inside the stone, that way he won't notice her fierce blush.
" You damn idiot" she mused while swallowing another amount of water, surprisingly it wasn't as pleasurably chilly as she expected it to be
Spyro only stared at her with a wavering smile on his snout, suddenly he felt that odd feeling once again, not only that but he also heard her last words ringing inside his head. It was driving him crazy, he wanted to do something, to say something but he couldn't utter a word, he just kept staring at her with shimmering eyes.
Only when he spotted his two other companions staring at him reality struck him like a powerful thunder. He then in panic grabbed a couple of more stones in his shaking paws, removed the lids and froze them before darting towards the exit of their hideout.
" What was that all about?" Flare whispered curiously
" This mine not very bright friend is the reason behind their arguments" Sparx replied
" I don't understand"
" I'm shocked"
When all the emotions finally vanished, Cynder's wounds healed entirely and Spyro explained the situation to his companions the group stared at the thick darkness that shrouded the caverns ahead of them.
" So you say we have to fight our way through?" Cynder asked with an anxious wriggle of her shoulders
" Yep" Spyro replied
" And it's not going to be easy?"
" Nope"
Her emerald eyes flickered with sheer vengeance.
" Good"