The value of silence.doc
By white airy, refined emotional stillness like a pond ruffled by a gentle breeze dancing as the seeds-words are carried over from soul to heart to mind to lips where they tremble behind and speak to you without talking behind silence singing tranquility
Night thoughts - 18. - because why not
Together only speaking when it's seeking another chance at forever i know not when it will visit, among the memories still adrift in the sea of imaginational possibility i only know, it will go, again, as a friend, to share & send, more unquestionable tranquility
Invane: Reasoning
As we had found him running about, hitting against the piles of leaves scattered around the forest floor and disrupting the tranquility of the peace that we had held upon the forest.
Poem #22
Peace and tranquility flood my very being, even as i close my eyes and relish even more, darkness creeps in closer, ever the predator.
Warm, like a candle's flame stood your presence; tranquil and serene. young man of no loving memory, please, return to me so i may breathe warmth into thee. porcelain man, outstretch your delicate hand so i may feel you again.
Summer Reprieve
I will have to leave this tranquil sanctum, set in a fortnight's time, but until then i'll just enjoy this drink with a slice of fresh cut lime.
Atando Cabos (Connecting the Dots)
There, she felt alive, i had great peace and tranquility. also frequented so much that she knew the names of the graves and their locations.
Tig on the Run
The other two raised their guns and fired two more of the tranquilizer darts into marcel. he staggered as he took a step towards them then fell to the ground as the tranquilizer worked through his chest this time.
Sydney Alone
"alright alright" jeremy said, mildly hurt, "i got weed, coccaine, meth and horse tranquilizers. any of them is gonna cost ya, and i don't take blowjobs as payment."
Silver Moonlight (Faust's Rebirth)
Only tranquillity. they stared into the dark, lost in a swarm of sensations. but as the moon reached its zenith, one sense dwarfed the rest. the feeling of bathing in its silver light.
Kazufox Interview #2
He left me in a dumpster and when i woke up i was in a blanket next to michael jackson all because he (points to kazufox) shot me with a tranquilizer! \*krystal\*: arent tranquilizers supposed to wear off in an hour?
A Field of Scarlet Red Flowers
It's a poem about someone finding tranquility and fulfillment through the flower field they've always wanted.