D.E1 Chapter 77: Warm Sands

She whispered tenderly. "i know... it's been a long and very difficult trail you have gone through." she tenderly petted his head. as she said this, those horrible memories came back to him. but they mattered so little.

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Messages from the Heart

Freddie stepped closer to his fiance, and leaned forward to kiss her tenderly on the side of her muzzle once again. "it was the weirdest thing. there was this little grocery store on my walk home.

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Life or something like it

Those same strong, tender hands that inflated him, that gave him life, meaning and purpose, now stroke out every last bit of air with care and concern.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 5

Such a tender heart was made to feel love not anger nor sorrow." harvy gasped audibly as she met gar's eyes. tears welled again as she hugged him tenderly. she dried her eyes and forced a smile.

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Saku whimpered tenderly. "i love you." steph mewled in the same urgent breath.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 15

He tenderly stroked her head fur once more. "my exact thoughts 'dire wolf.' " she beamed at him before backing away from his embrace and wiping away some tears of happiness which had escaped.

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He stroked her cheek tenderly, remembering the past, cherishing the future. "he doesn't have anyone who really loves him, not like this. not since his mate died.

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Country House

So long as the fox could rest his head under the chin of the one he loved, that was fine with him, and as his love's tender hands moved to stroke the fox's back or squeeze him tight in a warming tenderness, he felt more than safe away from the cold and the

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(poem) Let’s Hear It for the Fox

tender not yourself to tender? say 'no' to love's eager sender? look past the eyes of the foxy and ignore the tail so waggy?

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But after everything you still took my paw, and i held your own, a tender smile comforting you and showing you there are those who are different, who have also been hurt, that know the unbearable pain, those that have taken a lesson from it and


A Fox's Family (Part 7)

His step-father, the older boys at school and even a random stranger or to, seems everyone wanted to keep him in there and if not there in the tender arms of those in the profession of health and healing, then in the gloved hands of those who prepared the

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The Starry Night

The dragon nuzzled the fox tenderly before laying back on the edge of the pool, one arm around the fox, holding him close, and the other gently rubbing the fox's belly, his paw gliding smoothly over the fur under the surface of the water.

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