Chapter 1: Together Beyond the World

Some of them were betting if aster would succeed this time. voskull simply waited, staring at aster as something sparkled in his eyes. aster eventually finished his preparations and walked onto the platform.

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Daemon - Chapter 13 (The Beast of Banuke)

I may not have succeeded in slaying the beast with that last attack, but i did succeed in stunning it for a moment. a moment which i seized to gather as much nen as i could into my right fist and land a powerful blow to its chest.

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Love Is... Chapter 1

Martin knew he still had time, but knew that now it was all the more imperative that he succeeded in his quest to make emma laugh with one of his jokes!

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Keshet's Adventure: The Power a Name can Hold

Yet i can see you are determined to succeed so i will tell you about chris in hopes that it will make you turn tail and head back home."


Old friendship...

For the patience you showed me far beyond what was needed with your head held high, & encouragement to spare, i proceeded & succeeded wording not enough, i smile about the memories i recall know in good hands, i hold your lessons near as tears begin

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Urokon: History, Culture and Religion

Under the new system, nobility became an almost tangible thing - a title that could be passed to anyone the previous title holder deemed worthy to succeed him.

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The exceptionally long night of Judaus Kellton

"have you succeeded?" the woman blankly asked. judaus glared at her with all the anger he could muster. "will you succeed?" she asked again. judaus turned away, beginning to tremble.

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One chapter left in current Team Valiant Arc! (Announcement!)

User=329809&character=0&clevel=2) korban]( "korban") and i succeeded in completing the resolution i made earlier this year. the completion of pokemon: team valiant!

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Shadows

He succeeded in his goal and made them the most intelligent race in existence and the strongest, and they can only be matched by his brother's angels. when a shadow khan gets their dagger, they have full control of their powers and potential.

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They face hardships and obsticles that seem to be insurmountable but time and time again, they at least somewhat succeed and fight on.

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Truth and Consequences: Chapters 3 and 4

He tried to and succeeded to will himself to shrink in size so that he could examine it without crushing it.

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Races of Mundus-Humans

They may succeed slightly more in well-rounded positions that draw on the majority of stats, such as warrior, mage, and priest. no human should be deterred from any peril they face.

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