sasuke! let him go!"
henry's eyes went wide. this was the sasuke that naruto had mentioned when he woke up? was this the reason why the blond had gone to the park? why he needed to go no matter what he said?
Digimon, Fox, No-Yiff, Plot Development
In a sense, gigabyte was the perfect lardass next to sasuke, and this wasn't by accident. sasuke had made him this way, but only at the request of gigabyte himself.
Dinosaur, Fat, Obese, T-Rex, tech
sasuke just wanted safety for all, and pand wanted sasuke for petty revenge. it was a mess for him, and as he worked his way towards the kitchen, there was no way he was going to sort it out before he got there.
Chubby, Death, Demon, Leomon, Male, Possession, Submission, Wolf, murder, tricking
Thanks to sasuke's immense girth, range was only able to hug a portion of the front of the wolfdragon's belly, but it was enough for sasuke and that was all that mattered.
Fat, Romance, Short Story
Catching the marble easily, sasuke stared at it, before glaring. "you only said to infect naruto! nothing else!"
"the terms of our agreement have just been changed, sasuke.
Digimon, Plot Development, Series
sasuke was sora's lttle brother and was in trainning with their father
"he's fine allways trainning hard to beat you one day" his mom said
sora chuckled ever sinc sasuke was born he had a competitive spirit (wich is normal for a lucario) but he had
Lucario, Pokemon
All powerful as he was too, sasuke hardly ever flaunted or even used it, instead choosing immobility and laziness over ruling and whatever else he could do to the world.
Fat, Feeding, Obese, Panda, Portly, Sasukewuff, Slob, blob, eating, gluttony, immobile, sloth, vore, wolfdragon
"that's because he took advantage of you," sasuke told stolas. "he isn't your friend."
Anthro, Croagunk, Decidueye, Elementary school, Fight, Florges, Froakie, Litten, Pokemon, Rowlet, Shiny pokemon, bullying, houndoom, lunch, medicham, purugly, scraggy, tyrogue
The father smiled and ran his hand through his son's hair gently, "my son, i, sasuke, have the ability to heal other shadow fox in the shadows." he said smiling.
jubei gently hugged sasuke gently, with tears flowing from his eyes, "father...
Fanfiction, Fantasy, Fighting, Fox