
Story by sasukewuff on SoFurry

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#3 of Characters

Another Character Bio! This one is for Gigabyte, Sasuke's cybersecurity expert. He's a modded T-Rex, a heavily modded one at that... And has a unique way of storing data.

The murky air of the basement, befouled by the lone occupant of the expansive room, hardly was even worth note for said occupant. The utter blob of excess, his heft spreading out rather haphazardly around his towering form for yards on end, was too enraptured by the screen directly before his eyes for something as trivial as stench to bother him. The creaking and whirring of various motors around him did occasionally eke out a marginal percentage of his attention, but still, his working screens were far too important to be ignored. Clawed hands simply waved rather lethargically before the monument to excess, seemingly typing in the air even though code was flying onto the screens before the rancid mound of adipose at a far greater pace than their movements; muscle memory of typing from a bygone era clearly had taken hold for the beast of buffets. Underused muscles in his arms strained, the beast using his chest as a cushion to hold those overblown appendages up so that he could type into the air; his girth was simply that far overblown. Enormous in every respect, it was a surprise that he could even move those arms, or even how he had grown as large as he was without the side effects of such rampant obesity claiming his body, his mind, or even his life.

Of course, the mechanical add-ons that covered his body may have had something to do with that.

"Gigabyte," came a call over the blob's headset, the large helmet of sorts his only means of contacting the outside world. "How's my favorite blob of dino meat today?"

"Oh, Sasuke," Gigabyte replied flatly, the Tyrannosaurus Rex just groaning inwardly from having the interruption in his work. "System security is optimal, the press bla-"

"I didn't ask for status, tons-o-fun, I asked how _you_were," Sasuke emphasized his inquiry about the reptile, drawing an annoyed sigh out of Gigabyte.

"I'm fine, sir." The dinosaur practically spat out his reply, drawing a light whistle from the hybrid on the other end.

"Someone's cranky today... Did I interrupt some work?"

"I'm rebuilding the firewall right now, actually, so yes." Gigabyte shot back, his annoyance growing with every second that he had to speak with the draolf. Was Sasuke perfectly aware of the dinosaur's abilities and job? Of course, but often the wolfdragon didn't seem to care about those tasks and instead just wanted to talk. It was infuriating, but... He did owe the draolf a great deal, so there was nothing that could be done but to at least respond; there was no rule that his responses needed to be polite, of course.

"Okay then, well, I just want you to know that there will be a large data transfer later today."

"Yes, yes, the year-end financial download. I have it noted." Gigabyte paused, quietly lingering on his words for a moment before he continued. "Thank you for the reminder."

"Of course. It will be a little larger than expected, that was why I was asking about you; I don't know if you will be able to move after this year again... And after the surprise of last year, I wanted to make sure that you were ready for that possibility."

"Well... I've gotten used to it." Gigabyte groaned inwardly again, as, despite his original misgivings about being a living hard drive for Sasuke's most personal data, the dinosaur had grown to love the size that such a role commanded for him. It was something of an addiction now to just download all that data in terms of size, the truest form of something absolutely unhackable. There was no way to hack fat after all, and with every cell having encoded bits of data through some form of DNA manipulation that the 'rex hadn't fully grasped, it was a foolproof system. It had cost him his independence, his freedom, his mobility in many respects... But the reptile couldn't really think of a recent time that he had indeed enjoyed such luxuries. That was part of what he had to thank Sasuke for, as the hybrid had given the lone hacker something to actually do with his talents. There was nothing before the mutt, well nothing worth remembering, and thusly Gigabyte did have to give both the credit, and ire, of his current situation to the draolf.

"Good, good. Alright, well, we will start right on time, so make sure that you are ready."

"Roger, sir," the dinosaur responded, though his tone was far less annoyed by that point; Sasuke's concern and interruption had been a mere courtesy, and not the usual interruption the draolf often perpetrated. The 'rex was far too proud to apologize or admit fault for his actions, but he was certainly less hostile as their conversation ended, something that the wolfdragon seemed to take as a sign that there was a vague hint of regret in the large mound of dino in his basement.

"I'll be down to check progress in a few hours, dino." With that, Sasuke signed off, a little blink giving away that the draolf was done talking for the time being. Gigabyte sighed with relief that the interaction was finally done and that he could get back to coding for the time being. That time would be short-lived, though, as he did have to lug himself over to the data entry port that Sasuke had rigged up for him. It was merely a plug for his tail, the sofa-sized appendage jutting out from his rear being his encoded port of entry. The large plug on the center of his stomach, an outlet of sorts but several times larger and with cable that measured over a foot thick sticking out of it, was his casual use port; it was the only way Gigabyte could connect to the outside world most days. His tail port, the small link at the end of the mostly-mechanical appendage, had its own place to go... And Gigabyte had to get it there. With the grinding and whirring of metal against metal, the gravid mass of the T-Rex slowly rose from the ground... Only somewhat. His stomach and tail stayed firmly anchored to the ground, their weight and girth far too much to defy gravity by any means.

The mechanical legs Sasuke had installed on Gigabyte at the beast's own behest were rated for around 7 metric tons, but they were reaching their limits with the influx of both data, and food, that the dino seemed to constantly be stuffing into himself. It was an endless torrent calories and bits for the reptile, but he didn't mind... The warmth of all that fat kept him comfortable, as there was no sun down in the basement for him to bask in. The internal fans in his vest and arm vents kept him cooled when he needed it, so the temperature issues of such size were handled... Internal organs replaced with cybernetic ones, for the most part, kept his heart pumping and his lungs from being crushed... In a sense, Gigabyte was the perfect lardass next to Sasuke, and this wasn't by accident. Sasuke had made him this way, but only at the request of Gigabyte himself. The dino had grown bored of his existence before, one he didn't bother remembering, and instead had come to the wolfdragon to be made something more... After, of course, the hybrid had come to him for cybersecurity after the T-Rex had hacked into Sasuke's personal accounts with ease.

Reminiscing about those times while he coded, the dino laboriously shuffled back towards the port he needed to use, lining up his overblown tail with the port using the cameras in the back of his headgear quite easily. A few more shuffling, waddling steps, and a large grunt of exertion from having to shift the natural parts of himself and Gigabyte was hooked in. It wasn't a ceremony or anything dramatic, just a shove, a click, and then the lights on 'warning labels' came alive. Those labels, more of a joke from Sasuke than something truly necessary, were there in case the dinosaur became too fat to function, something which had indeed happened during a few DDOS attacks in the past. They flashed basic information about the dino, as well as being used for simplistic communication as to the situation and planned resolution for it. As such, they were... Well, on his largest free parts; his rear and his back. Gigabyte had been exceedingly annoyed by the screens at first, but now that he had spent a few years adjusting and becoming more and more of a truly fattened lardass, he hardly noticed them. Shame had gone the way of showers for the reptile, leaving him over time as he further and further sank into just being comfortable with fat ruling his life. Fat, and of course, data; all that he could consume, and something that the wolfdragon again supplied in spades.

"Data influx incoming," a robotic, monotone voice called out over the speaker in the room. Gigabyte sighed, tensing up slightly as he fluxed what little natural muscle he had left on his frame; with cybernetics coursing through every aspect of his being, there was, of course, little reason to maintain even a modicum of fitness. The whir of tape drives spinning up, of hard drive coming to life, and the general hum of technology all around Gigabyte began to increase in volume as more and more of the draolf's carefully hidden financials sprang to life. Nothing illegal, nothing overtly shady, but living in a realm for four hundred or more years... Well, that meant that his tax burden was going to be complicated at the very least, not to mention raise eyebrows. As such, Gigabyte had to store those records in himself, every year, until all the data from the previous year could be destroyed and the data re-encoded on physical media without any connection to the outside world. It was a tedious process, but as the whir reached a fever pitch and the stream of data began to flow into the dino... He knew it was worth it. After all, it came with at least a few extra tons, and a week or more of veritable vacation from his job, as he was deemed to fat to work and too valuable to connect to the net... And who could complain about that?


Binge gave a small snort as he shuddered awake, almost instantly followed by a whine as he realized the dream he had been enjoying was over. Frolicking in a field of food, everything from cake anthros to custard lakes, meat houses, and nut brittle...

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"Oof, I think I may have overdone it..." The chair beneath the dragon gave a heavy groan as its rotund occupant shifted their sizable weight. They gave the chair a small scoot back in order to make more room for their packed stomach, the sagging...

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To call Sasuke fat would be to call the sky blue; it was such an understatement. To say that he was obese was to say that the oceans were vast; the word did so little to truly encapsulate the sheer enormity of the beast. To even call him massive felt...

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