Cupcakes 2: The Finale
rarity did quite an amazing job. "thank you rarity, i appreciate it." fluttershy said sincerely.
The Passing Of A Hero
Twilight and rarity come across spike as the storm is letting up a bit, and instantly rarity runs to his side, twilight starting to look away and cry.
My Litte Pony; Friendship is Magic A little help
rarity looked to see a blue mare on her bed. "why is she here?" twilight continued to look for the book. "she is hurt, we need to help her!" rarity blinked and somewhat looked confusingly at her.
MLP hoarding is magic by rosedust
They left as rarity shouted at her cat and moved the dresses around again. twilight smiled nervously, hoping the princess hadn't seen that rarity had gone a little mad.
Gemini – Chapter 8: Arguments
"this is fluttershy, rainbow dash, apple jack, rarity, and pinkie pie." that last name rang in his ears; spike had called that pink over invasive pony the same name.
Equestria Connection 1.0
Spikethedragon: can't talk now, having a convo with rarity, sorry flutter. rainboommaker: back! gots plenty of popcorn too. are you guys fighting?
A Golden Date
I was just told by rarity that she had set up a date for me...without me saying yes or no-- behind my back of all things--and i was not bloody well happy about it. "rarity, what the hell?!"
Then speaking again i said "rarity can i borr-" as she put a mirror in my snout so i could see how it looks. "wow, i feel great" "and you look great to" rarity said. "okay, 2 things: 1, could i borrow your tent? and 2, how much?"
Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 5
With a look to rarity, i figured out how far i was from her and put my hooves on lyra's midsection. with a pull, i toppled us back down to the ground in rarity's direction.
They Came From the Pages
Leave it to someone insulting rarity's work to get under her skin.
And it was such a good day too
rarity was the only pony who seemed to mention aj's dirtiness but rarity complained about everything. and was always much too worried about getting dirty. rarity had an epiphany one day that she could get dirty but quickly lost it.
The Brony Chronicles: Chapter 1
He should stay with me.' interjected rarity. 'well george, it's your decision to make.' said twilight. george looked at applejack, and then to rarity and made up his mind.'