Metamorphosis of Narcissus

It was a night in october, i believe, in which the quarreling became too much for even my golemesque father to bear.

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Chapter 3: Enter the Forest

Instead lucan closed his eyes and focused on what he could hear besides his friends' pointless quarrels. the air was stirring the branches of trees all around them, contributing significantly to the ambient sound level.

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 9

No more quarrels, no more yelling, no more crying, it was time to just sleep. ryan felt so excruciatingly dead, like every limb in his body only had enough energy to move him to a nearby comfort source before collapsing.

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Cold War, Colder Blood

Silver noted that they did not appear at ease; more like a couple that had just quarrelled and had gone for a walk to clear the air. when they got even with the hotel they turned and headed back toward the resort.

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My Three Jewels: The Finding

He never found a suitable mate for himself: not that he had any quarrel about it, but over the years he did find that his seclusion would eventually get the best of him.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 30

"i implore you to put away your quarrels! no matter how this began, we must forget it and go on living in harmony. my word is the will and the way of flame, for i have been chosen! look upon me and know, i am the new messenger of flame.

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Jason's Nightmare - Part 1

I have no quarrel with you, i don't care whether you're top dog or not, your status is none of my concern. i just want to get things done as soon as possible." raiki feel silent, jason's argument was reasonable and raiki's intentions weren't.

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A Change Of Heart CH2

He had a lock in the door, which luckily wasn't broken every time his parents quarreled. he unlocked it as usual, entering and quickly locking it up again.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 9

"gentlemen...your quarrel is and has always been with me...i would much prefer to keep it that way..." as he finished the trio stared blankly before erupting into outrageous laughter.

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The Outside World

She said to her son as she couldn't put off the request for assistance with dealing with the quarreling birds any longer. 'i swear. those three can't go a few months without quarreling about the most petty of things.

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A simple story III : Part I

The two big cats from rival neighborhoods in los angeles who had brought their mutual hostilities before fred put in order, making them understand that the two were going to know worse than neighborhood quarrels if they did not understand that now they had

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Burdens - Chapter 113: Acceptance

Perhaps there was a quarrel. it was the perfect opportunity. however, they saw that he was not mad at the fox, so they went back to their own lives, disappointed. "what are you doing?" roger asked incredulously.

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