Fur Becomes Us - Prologue

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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A series I am still toying with.

What if one day, you woke up as your fursona? And what if real life rules still applied to you though? I wanted to take a step back and try writing this as best as I could under these rules. I mean, yes, technology and magic can assist in some areas, but only so much.

Fur Becomes Us - Prologue

Author's Note: In all honesty, I feel this is probably the hardest thing I wrote. There are many different ways I could've taken it, how something could've been done or explained, and how something still doesn't make sense. Having said that, I also want to note that any likeness of someone here is only by pure coincidence, as I am trying to avoid using someone else's actual character and "not getting them right". I also want to note, I am trying to not insult nor mock anyone in the fandom. This is a story and should be treated as such from one person's point of view. Don't think I am purposely targeting a certain section of the community, hell, I even hit on stuff I_like. Just keep an open mind._

No one knows exactly how it happened. One instant, the Earth was normal. Same old crap on TV, same boring jobs, same lives, same people. Then, just suddenly, anthropomorphic creatures everywhere. Not everyone, no, that's what made it weirder. It seemed only a select few actually became some kind of animal hybrid walking around.

Yeah, people freaked out. The world freaked out. Panic ensued. This didn't just happen and everyone was okay with it. Friend's, family, hell, even some government officials transformed. There was a definite reason to panic.

But, eventually, at least over a few years, things began to calm down. Its not like they could quarantine millions of people, but they were kept under surveillance and went to testing. The results, other than being half animal (or parts of different animals for others), they were perfectly normal. But there was one thing in common among all of them.

Each had, at one point or another, something called a Fursona. A furry identity.

It seemed like a dream come true for some, always wanting something like this, to become what they fantasized about. Others, realizing they became something they only dipped a toe in and just left, were suddenly thrown into it whether they liked it or not.

It could just end there, life going back to this new norm, but the newly transformed noticed something still wasn't right. Sure, one girl could say yes, she was a bunny, but she was to be a bunny with breasts that no bra could fit. Some leopard was suppose to be 50 feet tall. A random cat fur was only suppose to be three inches tall. Well, some theorize that once these furs started asking about it, they started to receive their wishes, but not just them, everyone.

It didn't happen all at once, no, but that bunny who wanted her impossibly large rack? Her breasts slowly started to grow out day by day. It was great at first, but she hadn't designed the rest of her character to be able to carry that weight, like so many pictures depicted her in doing so. Her lithe frame couldn't uphold that weight, and her back was causing so much pain she eventually couldn't walk. She soon couldn't even sleep on her back, as the massive breasts would squash her flat.

That leopard who was to be 50 feet in height? He slowly did grow, and grow and grow. Unfortunately, his bones couldn't take all that weight, and he began to collapse in on himself if he even tried to walk.

And that cat? Yes, he shrank down to his three inches. But he soon realized that it wasn't as much fun as he role played online. The high metabolism was one thing, but sadly, not everyone knows to watch their step as they walk.

Not all were horrific. Those who had created geniuses began to see things in a new light, make new connections and become better doctors and scientists. Its needless to say that a new age of technology and medicine were starting, a priority being to help those who weren't going to survive the transformations.

Many did die before ways could be developed to save them sadly. There just wasn't enough time. But serums were made to strengthen bones and increase blood flow, the infamous and thought impossible size collars were made to try and stabilize heights, though only working for so much. Those that described themselves as in the mile height knew their death would come much sooner than hoped. The only option they had was to get onto a newly designed space habitat and launched out into the unknown, to hopefully find a suitable planet before they outgrew the habitat and suffocated. At least the lack of gravity would allow them to live longer.

It seemed then that the crisis was averted, things could go on to a new semi normal. But years later, it got worse.

There was one more thing people would add to their fursonas for fun, after describing looks and characteristics, and that was powers. Soon, there were the size shifters, only able to go so tall before being in danger, but still able to cause problems, especially if they weren't paying attention using their abilities. Those that were described as being goo beings began to liquefy, many losing their lives as it would happen in the rain, causing them to spread out everywhere. Others found themselves in the presence of the fabled "magical arts", able to cure some things that science couldn't with magic, if they didn't make it worse at first.

And the worse to come were those who described themselves as gods. There is something when it comes to power. Yes, some are corrupted by it, others use it responsibly. But what happens when those two ideals clash?


The normal inhabitants of earth soon found themselves in the middle of a quarrel between the fur gods who believed that this was their right now, that they were chosen to rule, and those that still at least believed in freedom and everyone should keep themselves in check. There were many different variations between the ideals, but the worse were the ones who were sadistic and cruel, that found delight in testing their new abilities on unsuspecting prey.

This was a bomb waiting to go off, and the normal furs new it. Heck, they saw it happen on message boards all the time in the fandom. So those with the smarts and the magic teamed up, and began to devise emergency plans for that day, making sure to not let the strengthening deities know. They only had a limited time, before either egos clashed or their powers fully manifested, theirs seeming to take the longest at least.

Private employers began to leave once given the chance, taking off into space under the guise of "finding out what else is there." The rest were being shuttled slowly, not to draw attention, and to avoid the gods with mind reading capabilities.

Eventually, that time came. How the bomb was set off, no one but one of those so called gods would know, but was felt around the world.

It wasn't hard to spot. One of those gods had grown to miles tall, his movements causing quakes and fissures, killing millions instantly over the city he erupted from. This massive black wolf had leathery wings, that blocked out the sun, as he sneered down, only his abilities keeping him alive now. It turned worse as he layed himself across the ground, and began to fuck the land.

Of course, other gods flew or materialized in, floating above him to try and not cause anymore damage and to stop him, but then more arrived to join him, having had enough.

The rest of the planet bolted for the shuttles now. Mass panic began as streets were flooded with bodies, many getting trampled to death. There wasn't anyone to try and keep order, it was pointless now as they would just be ignored and pushed aside, or killed. The only calm one's left were already living on the ships, preparing for this day and readying take off.

It can't be said everyone made it on to the ships, no. Whoever was left behind were doomed. And it can't be said that those rockets that took off all made it, as there were many swelling forms, some soon bigger than the Earth itself, with spacecrafts either crashing into them or the gods noticing the specks, and purposely stopping them from leaving.

The rest of us, though, looked out the windows to our dying home world as it faded away, with only one question on our minds.
