Microscope - Chapter 1

He'd heard scientists claim that his kind could fly in prehistoric times, so he imagined soaring over the plaza. he halted his mental train as the applause died down. "we as a nation hope for dependable allies, and neighbours who respect our boundaries.

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Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears

Twenty seconds later, and with thirty-three minutes left before launch, smythe, jenny and the electrician burst through the doors to exhibition hall "e", where a large cardboard poster advertised prehistoric artifacts 40.000 - 1000 b.c.

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Song of the Huntress - Part 2

According to anthropologists, there was a prehistorical version of us that have been nicknamed hobbits, but they are nothing like you.


Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 4

Bogo: we still have processes to obey officer tin tin...they separate us from a prehistoric zoo...just sit and be patient. scene: sunny walks up and slaps tin tin on the shoulder. sunny: hi patient.

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Initial Survey of Quaisholm Cave Paintings, Origin Unknown, presumed Upper Mesolithic

Read the PDF **[here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AlpErGn4jjp4-noHiHnawBzz5_8z3x9g/view?usp=sharing) **or find the story below. The sunset lit the hills behind him. The breeze lifted the trees over him. And the path stretched out before...

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 13

And pursuing paleontology in the prehistoric era sounds like a dream come true! he could learn so many things! especially since every creature could talk! on the other hand though... could he really abandon his old life and start anew here?

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Freedom Fire Chapter 8: Curse of the Undead

You parusans, and also the cerbesans, are the latest generations of the western dragons migrating to the south to escape from the competition in the prehistoric human time, and by blood, we're still one and you're all still westerns."

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Leviathan 03: The Professional Difference

"a very serious crime," hugo says, flashing prehistoric teeth and a cybernetic tongue. "but least nobody got _hurt_, huh?" "leviathan's gonna put a stop to this!" the sheep cries suddenly, lunging in his chair. "the power belongs to the people!

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 10

Especially since he'd slept on the train ever since he arrived in prehistoric times. lately he'd been ignoring his adult side, since it caused him stress to worry about it.

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The Firm Law

I thought you might want a quote for your prehistoric notepad. honestly, detective... papyrus and quills?" "i wouldn't think that you'd prefer i used electronic equipment. these days, they seem capable of recording so very much."

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*Rewrite* The Extraordinary Casebook of Dr. Exeter; Chapters 1 and 2

Instead he proposed that the self-aware human had descended or -in his own words "evolved" from a primitive prehistoric ancestor; he even wrote a book about it.

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